3,151 Drop images, weak video card?

by alain48-c

3,152 High CPU Usage with SVP?

by Zachn

3,155 Strange error, can't explain

by Dalmapasqua

3,156 Can i play Blu Rays?

by mckevstah

3,159 Stuttering on specific movements

by marauderxp

3,161 SVP with Slingplayer

by oviano

3,162 Audio stuttering sometimes

by Matrix Leader

3,163 Frame trail/shadow

by pezgui

3,164 Loading Susbtitles crashes MPC-HC

by Matrix Leader

3,166 3:2 pulldown (aka telecine)

by peplegal

3,167 SLI support

by heartog

3,168 Why HAALI instead of LAV Splitter?

by Matrix Leader

3,169 Crash in "kernelbase.dll"

by pezgui

3,170 svpmark scores

by gillecaluim

3,171 Release date of next version?

by Matrix Leader

3,172 Oversampling

by pezgui

3,176 finding a profile that works

by gillecaluim

3,180 svp mark

by gillecaluim