Im used with potplayer to load avisynth/vapoursynth scripts. Also for MPV.
Light alloy is an old videoplayer that also implement avisynth... so you can use scripts. But I have a question if someone here is used to it (the forum of that video player is gone now).

In potplayer I use ffdShow_source() or potplayer_source() at the begining of the script to load the video that have to be processed.

Im not able to use ffdShow_source() in Light alloy.

Anyone know the trick to load the video that have to be used with the script? I cannot find clear documentation to do it.

sorry for the delay MAG79 I was offline.

I usually play under potplayer and using the avisynth tab inside the player.
I also used potplayer, placing the script into the Avisynth-tab/ffdShow RAW filter and playing ok too.

Anyway dont worry so much about this problem since it happens only when using 4K+DePan scripts. It is nothing related SVP wink
Maybe so much memory consumption by the script makes the crash message appear:
"The instruction at "xxxxxxxxx" referenced memory at "xxxxxxxxxx". The memory could not be written"


wow .. very good one!!! A pity that it requires too much CPU for be used along framedoubling.

Btw I was testing but it continue crashing the player with 4K content... 

"The instruction at "xxxxxxxxx" referenced memory at "xxxxxxxxxx". The memory could not be written".

I bet that its something related to depanstablize... Ill try asking in Doom9.

Btw I see that stabilization is a nice combo along framedoubling if you dont abuse of it smile

Hi MAG79!!

At moment I didnt get a clue about why my potplayer is crashing when I use these lines realtime:
i = last
mdata = DePanEstimate(i)
DePanStabilize(i, data=mdata)

Im using SVP avisynth.dll.. I also tried to decrease threads numbersbut no luck.
Its really strange because in using this real time script in all videos and it performs OK.. it only crashes the player in 4K videos.

This one is one of my test videos.
(save the 4K version directly from youtube with any youtube ripper).

I bet that this is a problem of the DePan plugin. Probably it cannt handle a so big screen video in memory... so this is the reason to ask for a replacement or an alternate plugin to to the image stabilize.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

travolter wrote:

if I use the the AVS+ .dll...
what lines I have to add or remove to a classic framedoubling script?
(I cannot make it work)


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

if I use the the AVS+ .dll...
what lines I have to add or remove to a classic framedoubling script?

HI guys.. and sorry for the offtopic:

Anyone here is using framedoubling scripts (realtime) along any image stabilize processing?

Here Im testing with this:

i = last
mdata = DePanEstimate(i)
DePanStabilize(i, data=mdata)

But I have problems when loading 4k videos... the player crashes with a "memory could not be read" crash message.

Anyone using any image stabilize realtime processing can post his script here? or any other advices/alternative to DePan



(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik!!!  New .dlls working amazing!!!! CPU saving noticed!!!!

I really love optimized software...  you can get a bit more from your machine without buy new hardware.!!

Nice job pal!!!


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Oh. Im sorry!! my fault. I missunderstood the setting. I repeated the tests with more calm and I got the same/similar CPU values as ffdshow/potplayer. The next time Ill take more care

Cheers! wink


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

its curious but I dont notice any cpu saving... (?) The real cpu saving in my machine is done when using ffdshow/avisynth/potplayer resizers


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

"Decrease frame size" seems to be applied "after" SVP processing...

I need to resize "before" SVP/avisynth scripts in order to save cpu

Hi guys!!!

Im trying to find out the best/proper way to resize 1080 to 720 before any framedoubling script.
(My CPU&GPU are weak).

Currently I have 3 ways:

- ffdshow
- avisynth resize
- potplayer

My favourite is the potplayer option since it requires less CPU than the others.

Do you know any other alternatives? I dont know if other players or codecs integrates a resize function as Potplayer & ffdshow do.


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

thanks for the replies guys!! very useful info wink anyway I bet for svp in the future (64bits.. less cpu... who knows wink )

I was thinking about framedoubling all PC content (movies/games) using a TV with frameoubling technolgy.

I dont own a TV with framedoubling technology already to test with the PC input.

Does it work?

SVP is fantastinc.. and I use it daily, but I see that each time we need more hardware power and powerful videocards.. (4K approaching) so I was thinking on buy a TV with that framedoubling technique instead expend money in new CPU+GPUs for the next generation of HD videos.

Finally: If TVs can do frameoubling with PC content... what brand uses the best framedoubling technology?. Is there any review  out there comparing all these technologies?. Any suggestions from personal experiences?


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Newer not always mean better. I wonder if people is doing bechmarks with different ffdshow versions.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

The purpose of this post is give advices to optimize the OS and get a few extra performance of our machines.
A little +5% of boost could be enough for people that currently are in the 100% of cpu usage and need a bit more room for SVP.

Today all is possible with money!!! Buy new hardware and you will gain instant boost.... I know...
But sadly not eveyone can replace computers each 2 years or so. this is the scenario where tweaks are necessary.

Question to developer, Chainik and rest of team.
There is more room for increasing performance (save CPU) in future versions?
The boost since early versions(original mvtools2 dlls to current ones are really impressive.. but I wonder if code could be squeezed a bit more.
What about more options into SVP to sacrifice quality in favor of performance?

I dont expect miracles wink My Atom netbook will never be able to run SVP smile but a little performance boost in each release would be welcome, specially for people that dont own high-end computers.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

We need really powerful hardware to run SVP with high settings.. and I wonder what OS tweaks could be applied to our OS to get a bit more performance from our machines.

(I know that you will gain much more with a hardware upgrade rather than tweaking.. but all info I think that is welcome).

-Personally I use XPsp3 with only 4 services enabled (RPC/P&P/eventlog/audio).
-No programs running in background.
-No visual themes, no aminations/FX etc
-All hardware devices that I dont use like onboard audio/bluetooth/CD-rom are disabled in bios
-You can kill explorer.exe and run your videoplayer with the taskmanager

About my player I use potplayer.

-All audio and video processing filters are disabled.
(Im not sure if this is player is lighter compared to MplayerC.. or there are certain mplayer/potplayer versions that consume less CPU than others)

thank you guys for helping me with the syntax. Im newbie yet with avisynth but Im learning for these mistakes and your lessons smile

script Its working now without errors. smile

ouch.. sorry.. missed the quote marks! ;/

anyway its not working yet.
New error message:
"evaluate: operands of + must both be numbers, strings or clips"

Thanks for your patience

Thanks for the help Chainik!

I modified the script with your guide .. but ffdshow continue giving me same warning "value, object, or array expected" and error points to this line

smooth=SVSmoothFps(input, super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads, url="")

maybe the smoothfps_params are not receiving correct syntax

Here the full script im using. I was testing other combos but they dont work.. maybe you can find the solution.

# This script was generated by SmoothVideo Project (SVP) Manager.
# Check for more details.
global svp_scheduler=true
global threads=5
global svp_cache_fwd=threads+2
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\SVP\plugins\svpflow1.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\SVP\plugins\svpflow2.dll")
Framerate<=30 && Framerate>=29 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=24 && Framerate>=23 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=25 && Framerate> 24 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=50 && Framerate> 49 ? Eval("""
""") : NOP
abc = FramerateNumerator(last)*num2
def = FramerateDenominator(last)*den2
global crop_params=""
global resize_string=""
global super_params="{scale:{up:2},gpu:0,rc:true}"
global analyse_params="{block:{w:8,h:8,overlap:0},main:{search:{coarse:{type:2,distance:-6,satd:false,bad:{sad:2000}},type:2,distance:0}},refine:[{thsad:65000}]}"
global smoothfps_params="{rate:{num:+abc+,den:+def+},algo:11,block:true,scene:{blend:true,mode:0}}"
global demo_mode=0

########## BEGIN OF MSMoothFps.avs ##########
# This file is a part of SmoothVideo Project (SVP) 3.1.3
# This is NOT the full AVS script, all used variables are defined via 
# JavaScript code that generates the full script text.
function interpolate(clip src)        
    input = crop_params=="" ? src : eval("src.crop("+crop_params+")")
    input = resize_string=="" ? input : eval("input."+resize_string)
    super=SVSuper(input, super_params)
    vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params, src=input)
    smooth=SVSmoothFps(input, super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads, url="")
    return demo_mode==0 ? smooth : demo(input,smooth)
    stereo_type==0 ? eval(""" interpolate(input)
""") :     stereo_type==1 || stereo_type==3 ? eval("""
        lf = interpolate(input.crop(0,0,input.width/2,0))
        rf = interpolate(input.crop(input.width/2,0,0,0))
        StackHorizontal(lf, rf)
""") :     stereo_type==2 || stereo_type==4  ? Eval("""
        lf = interpolate(input.crop(0,0,0,input.height/2))
        rf = interpolate(input.crop(0,input.height/2,0,0))
        StackVertical(lf, rf)""") : input
########### END OF MSMoothFps.avs ###########

Im currently using this script pasted into ffdshow

# This script was generated by SmoothVideo Project (SVP) Manager.
# Check for more details.
global svp_scheduler=true
global threads=5
global svp_cache_fwd=threads+2
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\SVP\plugins\svpflow1.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\SVP\plugins\svpflow2.dll")
global crop_params=""
global resize_string=""
global super_params="{scale:{up:2},gpu:0,rc:true}"
global analyse_params="{block:{w:8,h:8,overlap:0},main:{search:{coarse:{type:2,distance:-6,satd:false,bad:{sad:2000}},type:2,distance:0}},refine:[{thsad:65000}]}"
global smoothfps_params="{rate:{num:12,den:5},algo:11,block:true,scene:{blend:true,mode:0}}"
global demo_mode=0
########## BEGIN OF MSMoothFps.avs ##########
# This file is a part of SmoothVideo Project (SVP) 3.1.3
# This is NOT the full AVS script, all used variables are defined via 
# JavaScript code that generates the full script text.
function interpolate(clip src)        
    input = crop_params=="" ? src : eval("src.crop("+crop_params+")")
    input = resize_string=="" ? input : eval("input."+resize_string)
    super=SVSuper(input, super_params)
    vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params, src=input)
    smooth=SVSmoothFps(input, super, vectors, smoothfps_params, mt=threads, url="")
    return demo_mode==0 ? smooth : demo(input,smooth)
    stereo_type==0 ? eval(""" interpolate(input)
""") :     stereo_type==1 || stereo_type==3 ? eval("""
        lf = interpolate(input.crop(0,0,input.width/2,0))
        rf = interpolate(input.crop(input.width/2,0,0,0))
        StackHorizontal(lf, rf)
""") :     stereo_type==2 || stereo_type==4  ? Eval("""
        lf = interpolate(input.crop(0,0,0,input.height/2))
        rf = interpolate(input.crop(0,input.height/2,0,0))
        StackVertical(lf, rf)""") : input
########### END OF MSMoothFps.avs ###########

but I need to add some lines to check the fps of the source and change it..
Somethig like:

Framerate<=30 && Framerate>=29 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=24 && Framerate>=23 ? Eval("""
""") : Framerate<=25 && Framerate> 24 ? Eval("""
""") : NOP

and then add these new values to num and den

num=FramerateNumerator(last)*num2, den=FramerateDenominator(last)*den2

How can I do that?

If I write these lines into the first script... something like

global smoothfps_params="{rate:{num:FramerateNumerator(last)*num2,den:FramerateDenominator(last)*den2},algo:11,block:true,scene:{blend:true,mode:0}}"

then SVP gives an error.

There is any other way to add these lines to check original FPS and change num and den values?

Thanks for the help wink


If I disable the ffdshow buffers checkbox the image becomes freezed. How do you disable it? I need to tweak some SVP file for that?

MAG79 wrote:

Nothing strange. Interpolation can not work correctly without frame buffer ahead.
You can only decrease threads number and decrease frames ahead buffer size.

less frames ahead = less cpu usage?
less quality too?
what are the pros and cons about use higher number or lower number of frames ahead?

@MAG79 I want to make a test with SVP and I need your help.

How can I disable the buffer back/ahead of ffdshow?

In 2009/2010 when I started using framedoubling scripts I always got better performance with the ffdshow frame buffer back/ahead checkbox disabled, and also faster seeks when doing forward/backward. It was a default setting in all my frameinterpolation configs.

Now in SVP when  I disable the checkbox while SVP is running the video stops and become freezed.

Im testing to edit SVPMgr.ini to decrease the "extra buffer ahead", but I cannt disable these buffers totally.. minimal value is 1... If I reach to 0 video freezes too.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

My monitor does not support 50hz.. only 60 and 75hz
My monitor is too, but if I make user defined 50Hz mode then it shows 50 Hz picture correctly wink

What video adapter do you have?

The cheapest that I could get. Im not a gamer and never imagined that I could use  the videocard for avisynth processing ;/ … ce_7300_LE

MAG79 wrote:

I just added two new presets for ffdshow triggered by 50fps and 60fps videos that do lower resize than default.
I don't understand you. Please explain more detailed.

I always do ffdshow resize 1920x1080 -> 1280x720 to sve cpu.
When I need extra CPU for high framerate sources, I added new profiles in ffdshow that resize to 800x600 when 50/60fps sources are detected