Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Oh ok...but i think that i will wait your settings without change settings in mpc.

127 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 01-05-2016 20:00:48)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

i think that i will wait your settings without change settings in mpc.

But it won't make a difference specifically for anime because you have your display running at 72Hz already; 99.99% of anime is at 24fps, and the MPC-HC settings I posted has 72Hz being used for 24fps videos.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime what have i to do now?

129 (edited by AndyDragneel 02-05-2016 16:36:42)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

So you won't provide the settings becaouse you won't make so much difference right?
However i have these settings for SVP let me know what you think about this:
Frame interepolation=Uniform
Svp Shader=Standard(Sharp have too much artifacts)
Target frame rate= To screen refresh rate
Motion vectors grd=12px average 2
Decrease grid step=Disabled
Search radius=Average
Motion vecotrs preciosn=Half pixel
Wide search= Strongest
Artifacts masking=Disabled
Processing of scenes changes= default
Decrease frame size=To screen size

Also i have the svp threads to 9,and gpu acceleration. The cpu utilization i about 55% do you think that i can improve my settings??

130 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 03-05-2016 05:28:06)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

So you won't provide the settings becaouse you won't make so much difference right?

I think you're mixing up the MPC-HC settings and the SVP settings.  I wasn't refusing to provide SVP settings, I just hadn't done them yet.  When I said Monday, I forgot to take into account that it'd probably be Tuesday for your timezone (my timezone is -5 hours UTC, but with daylight settings in effect).

For reference I'm testing the SVP settings right now (like I said, it's Monday in my timezone).

Regarding the MPC-HC settings, do you only watch 24fps or 23.976fps video in MPC-HC?  If so, then you will get no benefit from those MPC-HC settings - it's only useful if you watch videos with frame rates other than 24 or 23.976 (such as 30fps or 60fps).

AndyDragneel wrote:

Also i have the svp threads to 9

In total, make sure you have everything set as follows:

1. Processing Threads - 7 or 10 (whichever gives better performance for given SVP settings)

2. [in SVP under "settings"] Show OSD messages - Unchecked (in SVP4 you can leave it checked)

3. Refresh Rate - 72Hz

4. [in MPC-HC; View -> Render Settings -> Presentation] D3D Fullscreen Mode - checked

5. [in MPC-HC; View -> Render Settings -> VSync] Accurate VSync - unchecked

EDIT: Ok, so first off I need to establish a base-line.  For the following 1080p SVP settings, can you tell me how the CPU performance is for film-like content and how the artifacting is for anime content?

If performance is good, then try setting the 'SVP shader' to "Complicated" - this should be too much for film-like content but it might still be fast enough for anime content.

Post's attachments

settings.png, 15.64 kb, 444 x 440
settings.png 15.64 kb, 518 downloads since 2016-05-02 

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Thank you very much for your support. I will try those settings and stop.

132 (edited by AndyDragneel 03-05-2016 06:25:29)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

The anime are in 720p not in 1080p. However whith film content i have a cpu utiliziation about 80 85% withi these settings
Nintendo with the settings that i give you,do i need to set 10 threads???

133 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 03-05-2016 06:26:41)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

The anime are in 720p not in 1080p.

Ohhhhh, that definitely makes a difference - I'll get right on tweaking things accordingly.

In the meantime you might as well still test out those settings to see if artifacts are an issue or not.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Ok but with the settings that i give you,do i need to set 10 threads?

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

Ok but with the settings that i give you,do i need to set 10 threads?

Only set 10 threads if you're not getting good enough performance with 7 threads.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
AndyDragneel wrote:

Ok but with the settings that i give you,do i need to set 10 threads?

Only set 10 threads if you're not getting good enough performance with 7 threads.


Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Quick question - what is the "Resizer" in MPC-HC set to? (View -> Options -> Output)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Bublic A-0.60

139 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 03-05-2016 07:54:31)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

FYI, if you take the SVP settings I posted just above and change the shader to "Complicated", it seems like that may be a good setting for 10bit 720p least performance-wise.

EDIT: For 8bit 720p anime, take those same settings I posted above but with the following changes:

SVP Shader: Complicated
Motion vectors grid: 14 px Average 1
Motion vectors precision: Half pixel

Again, you'll have to determine for yourself whether there is too much artifacting.

140 (edited by AndyDragneel 03-05-2016 08:31:02)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Shader Complicated is too muc for my cpu
And the best settings for threads is 9 for me.Because 7 give me not enought perfomance
And 10 give me strange artifacts thati told you a few days  ago

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

Shader Complicated is too muc for my cpu

Try changing "Global refinement" to "Local refinement" - same goes for 8bit anime if those settings are also too much for your CPU.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

Ok i will try tonight now i have to go to university lol

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

However the anime always are in 8 bit

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

And another question: what is thr advantage of setting Shader Complicated
Inteaf of Deafult??

145 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 03-05-2016 18:38:59)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

And another question: what is thr advantage of setting Shader Complicated
Inteaf of Deafult??

Smoother motion and, for anime content, may have fewer artifacts (for film-like content it can have more artifacts).

AndyDragneel wrote:

Ok i will try tonight now i have to go to university lol

Good, I have to go to sleep. tongue

EDIT: Remember to try to increase the amount of processing threads if your SVP Index is below 1.0x, especially if your CPU utilization is below 90% as well.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

AndyDragneel wrote:

And another question: what is thr advantage of setting Shader Complicated
Inteaf of Deafult??

Far less "Haloing" in both live-action & animated content, fewer cases of SVP causing artifacts on hardsubs.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

It's important to note that it's less CPU-heavy on anime though because characters are usually only animated at 12fps (backgrounds & effects can be 24fps).

In other words, there's simply less interpolation occurring with anime than film-like content.

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

I tried your options and....i think that is good but when there is a motion it is probably that there is an imperfection or a stutter. So i returned to my original settings

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

What do you think of these settings:
Frame interepolation=Uniform
Svp Shader=Complicated
Target frame rate= To screen refresh rate
Motion vectors grd=14px average 1
Decrease grid step=Global
Search radius=Average
Motion vecotrs preciosn=One pixel
Wide search= Strongest
Artifacts masking=Disabled
Processing of scenes changes= default
Decrease frame size=To screen size
Threads 12

150 (edited by AndyDragneel 04-05-2016 06:44:27)

Re: SVP 4 Stuttering problem while watching anime

I think that decreas grid step is a perfomance heating can i disable it?
If i disable decrease grid step then i can set half pixel option