Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

When using the method described in the first post LAV Video disappears from the taskbar.
If I add LAV Video as external and enable it, then there is no TAB, plays normally.

Tried to play around with the preferred when both ffdshow raw and LAV Video are enabled, did not work.
Tried in the next option bar External filters>Priority to select LAV splitter/source, TAB does not play.

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

Having an issue with jagged lines in this 3D TAB setup. Latest madvr, LAV, etc.

In this mode whenever there are straight lines there is a jagged artifact.
Pictures in the link: around the edge of the table, and the letters in the 2nd picture.

These jagged edges are not present in frame packing mode.
Using BD3D2MK3D I've made a TAB version of the file and no artifacts there either. I don't remember seeing any artifacts in any other previous TAB/SBS files.

Tried a few things:
Disabled sharpness from NVCP>Video>Adjust video image settings
Moved projector Sharpness slider.
In madvr:
Disabled all in artifact removal, image enhancements, upscaling refinement - some settings in image enhancements accentuate the problem.
Tried different settings in scaling algorithms.
Tried different dithering.
Nothing clicked in trade quality for performance.

When using this method LAV Video disappears from the taskbar and ffdshow video decoder raw is present. Only AviSynth is enabled.
If I add LAV Video as external and enable it, then there is no TAB, plays 2D image.
Tried to play around with the preferred when both ffdshow raw and LAV Video are enabled, did not work.
Tried in the next option bar External filters>Priority to select LAV splitter/source, TAB does not play.

I assume the artifacts are due to image compression.
What can be done to eliminate this issue?

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

please tell me of 3d capable TV-sets,
they seem very scarce nowadays.

sadly, no plasma, no oled with 3d being released.
please correct me if i am wrong.

here in europe there are very few such items available (4k tv-set with 3D capabilities).

some i found listed here. … _3840x2160

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

I have a cheap old projector that supports 3D, but only in "frame sequential" mode, at 1280*800p120, with each eye getting 60 fps.

Of course, all 3d movies are in other formats.  I have seen online, quoted below, that SVP can take the standard 1080p24 side by side (SBS) 3d movie and convert it to 120 fps frame sequential, while also interpolating it to a true 60 fps per eye.

How do I set svp to do this?

SVP, for example, will take any 3D format input and expand it to any target framerate / refresh rate and display it in frame sequential … h.3020898/

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

SVP takes SBS@24fps and makes from it SBS@60fps. Then you can use Stereoscopic player, for example, to make frame-interleaved video 120 fps (60 fps for each eye).

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

Is there any way to do this without Stereoscopic Player?    I see that there's a free conversion tool, "BD3D2MK3D", can I use SVP to transcode SBS 1080p24 to SBS 1080p60 and then use this conversion tool to turn it to frame sequential 120 FPS?

BTW, if I had a projector that natively supported SBS 3D playback, would it understand SVP's SBS@60FPS?

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

Yes. You can transcode your video with SVP.
1. make SVP profile with settings to 60 fps.
2. use SVP Transcoding tab and select this profile.
3. check you have the same resolution at input and at output video.

After you will get SBS@60fps videofile you can try any other players and tools you want smile

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

I recently bought SVP to read my bluray 3D rips with motion interpolation.

But I can't activate SVP on my bluray 3D rip.
The video is in a mkv file made with MakeMKV, and contains the 3D track.

I can read my bluray 3D rips in 3D with the stereoscopic player 2.51, Media Player Classic, MPC-BE, Potplayer.
But if I enable SVP in those players (by activating ffdshow raw video filter or AviSynth filter), the video is 2D only (although the 3DVision emitter is lighted)
Funny thing using Potplayer with SVP : the video is 2D only but the subtitles are displayed in 3D.

I followed those tutorials :

For information, I successfully read 3D SBS videos in 3D with SVP and the stereoscopic player 2.51 (ffdshow raw video filter) or Potplayer (AviSynth filter).

My nvidia driver is 425.31. My screen is an Asus VG278H nvidia 3D Vision certified.

Please, how can I activate SVP to read my bluray 3D rips in 3D ?

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

last time I watched BD3D in MPC-BE and the steps from the page above worked

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

Thanks for the answer.
However I need more help please ?
Can you confirm you use nvidia 3DVision ? What is your nvidia driver version ?
I tested with MPC-BE again, and I confirm I can not read my BD3D in 3D when SVP is activated.

I re-installed MPC-BE.
Try 1 : By changing only the parameters indicated in the tutorial, and using the "Enhanced Video Renderer (custom presenter)", I got only a black screen. Sound is OK, but screen remains black.

Try 2 : I use renderer madVR instead : same problem : black screen but sound OK.

Try 3 : I add LAV Video Decoder external filter. Image is OK but in 2D only.
At the beginning of the video I can see a double SVP text, just as if I was watching SBS content.
SVP indicates : Auto + 3D SBS

Try 4 : I deactivate AVISynth filter
Video is now played in 3D.

Try 5 : I try again  the "Enhanced Video Renderer (custom presenter)" : Image is 2D only.

Conclusion :
- I need madVR + external filter LAV Video Decoder to read my BD3D in 3D.
- If I activate AviSynth filter, the BD3D is read in 2D only.

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

the thing is you must see a full-sized over-under stereo pair (1920*2160) when 3d mode is off
if you do see it then 3d mode should work exactly as with a plain stereo pair

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

"when 3D mode is off" : Which 3D mode ? You mean when 3D stereo is deactivated in the nvidia control panel ?
When I do that, I only see 1920*1080 image.
Which program or filter should generate the full-sized over-under stereo pair (1920*2160) ?

From what I understood, my BD3D rip contains a full hd track + full hd 3D track (which I think contains only the differences between L and R images). When 3D mode is off, the player just reads the full hd track and ignores the 3D track.
3D Vision is frame sequential. My screen refreshes at 120Hz, displaying successively the Right then the Left image.  So R and L images are displayed successively at 120Hz, which corresponds to the video being displayed in 3D at 60Hz.
I don’t understand where a full-sized over-under stereo pair (1920*2160) would be generated ?

Did you check my screen captures ?  Did you see my mistake ?

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

on your pics "SVP indicates : Auto + 3D SBS" just becasue you have a ".3D." tag in a file name

> Which program or filter should generate the full-sized over-under stereo pair (1920*2160) ?


- Install Intel Media SDK DLLs.
- Open Internal filters -> Video decoders page and mark the H264 (MVC 3D) checkbox.
- Open the video and choose the desired stereo mode in View -> Stereo 3D Mode sub-menu, i.e. "OverUnder"

you should see a 1920*2160 video then

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

>> Install Intel Media SDK DLLs
Already done.  I checked with process explorer : MBC-BE64.exe loads that dll : C:\Program Files (x86)\LAV Filters\x64\libmfxsw64.dll (version

>> Open Internal filters -> Video decoders page and mark the H264 (MVC 3D) checkbox.
Already done

>> Open the video and choose the desired stereo mode in View -> Stereo 3D Mode sub-menu, i.e. "OverUnder"

>> you should see a 1920*2160 video then

Here are my tests results :
Renderer madVR, 3D Vision ON
AVISynth filter activated : Image is 2D 1080p
AVISynth filter desactivated : Image is 3D 1080p

Renderer madVR, 3D Vision OFF
AVISynth filter activated : Image is 2D 1080p
AVISynth filter desactivated : Image is 2D side by side (not over under).
(I checked : Stereo 3D Mode is really set to Over Under in MPC-BE. I don’t understand how I get side by side)

Enhanced video renderer (Custom presenter), 3D Vision OFF
AVISynth filter desactivated : Image is 2D 1080p
AVISynth filter activated : Image is 2D 1080p

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

Hi again,
Since it works on your pc but not on mine, can you help me find the difference please ?
I wish I could watch BD3D with SVP...

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

Thanks but as I said I already tried PotPlayer. Same problem : I can read SBS or TB videos, but not my bluray 3D rips containing full hd track + full hd 3D track.
No problem without SVP.

Herve wrote:

I can read my bluray 3D rips in 3D with the stereoscopic player 2.51, Media Player Classic, MPC-BE, Potplayer.
But if I enable SVP in those players (by activating ffdshow raw video filter or AviSynth filter), the video is 2D only (although the 3DVision emitter is lighted)
Funny thing using Potplayer with SVP : the video is 2D only but the subtitles are displayed in 3D.

42 (edited by Nalleh 04-12-2024 09:35:52)

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

Hi there. Newbie and sorry for bringing up a old thread, but recently got into all of this cool stuff with MPC-HC, Madvr and RIFE HFR. Exellent stuff and my movies have never looked better.

However i could not get it to work with 3D movies, until i discovered this thread.

So now it have the MPC-BE player working on my 3D movies with Madvr AND RIFE HFR.

But as another one noted above here the pictures have jagged lines all over??? The 3D effect is awsome, but those jagged lines messes up the experience.

So i found out using the ffdshow filter the 3D is perfect, no jagged lines but without the vapoursynth filter= no RIFE HFR.

Using the vapoursynth filter instead does make the RIFE HFR kick in, but then the jagged lines are back.

So it is either ffdshow filter= perfect 3D but 24fps only
Vapoursynth filter= working 3D with RIFE HFR(48fps), but with jagged line

Any tips??

Re: Howto: play BD3D with SVP using MPC-BE or Daum PotPlayer

Hi, same here, as soon as you add avisynth in filters - and so svp - it seems that madvr doesn't detect 3d anymore and so doesn't convert mvc in full sbs. Too bad...

Herve wrote:

Thanks but as I said I already tried PotPlayer. Same problem : I can read SBS or TB videos, but not my bluray 3D rips containing full hd track + full hd 3D track.
No problem without SVP.

Herve wrote:

I can read my bluray 3D rips in 3D with the stereoscopic player 2.51, Media Player Classic, MPC-BE, Potplayer.
But if I enable SVP in those players (by activating ffdshow raw video filter or AviSynth filter), the video is 2D only (although the 3DVision emitter is lighted)
Funny thing using Potplayer with SVP : the video is 2D only but the subtitles are displayed in 3D.