Topic: 8k support?


I have recently purchased SVP 4

Will SVP 4 be getting support for 8k?

P.S - Is there any help documents on getting the RIFE interpolation working on Potplayer? as it is a choppy mess and i am using a RTX 4080

Thank You!

Re: 8k support?

Start from fullHD resolution. 1080p must work on your RTX 4080.

RIFE algo demands a lot of GPU power.
4K video needs RTX 4090
8K - no way with modern videocards

Try 8K with usual SVP profiles, not RIFE.

3 (edited by W12c4u 24-10-2023 08:50:16)

Re: 8k support?

Got it to work at 4k 50hz using MADVR, thank you very much.
does everything look ok from my OSD
the image looks bad because it was taken from my phone

Will SVP support 8k now? or in the future? not using rife

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IMG_4297 (2).jpg, 91.04 kb, 640 x 480
IMG_4297 (2).jpg 91.04 kb, 55 downloads since 2023-10-24