Topic: Emby theatre support

Hello guys!

First of all, thanks for this wonderful product that svp is. I love smooth playback ;-)

You support a lot of video players and Plex is included. I don't use Plex but Emby (, a serious competitor.

Would like to know if its planned to support there video player (Emby Theatre) which is based on MPV in it and if yes when we'll have a tutorial like Plex to enable SVP in it.

Re: Emby theatre support

2022 updated instructions: … 532#p80532

Missed this one...

0. Set the very same PATH/PYTHONPATH env variables as for Plex --> run "SVP -> Utilities -> Set environment variables for VLC and libmpv"
1. Replace mpv.exe in %appdata%\Emby-Theater\system\x64\mpv
2. Add emby-pipe into SVP's main.setup.mpv_pipe list, restart SVP
3. Run Emby Theater, open Settings, goto Video section, set Hardware acceleration mode to Auto (copy back)

Post's attachments

emby-pipe.png, 31.62 kb, 719 x 421
emby-pipe.png 31.62 kb, 1496 downloads since 2017-06-03 

Re: Emby theatre support

Thx a lot it works! It's very appreciated!

4 (edited by jscoys 18-11-2017 22:33:13)

Re: Emby theatre support

Nvm it’s working well ;-)

Re: Emby theatre support

Hi coming back,

Recently SVP failed to handle the 60 fps acceleration. It's saying it's playing in the tray icon but not mark appears at the bottom left of the screen when starting the playback and visually we see well it's not doing anything...

Can you help please?

Re: Emby theatre support

probably you updated Emby and it now uses "default" mpv w/o vaporsynth support

Re: Emby theatre support

Ok si concretely what I should change in the config IYO?

Re: Emby theatre support

> 1. Replace mpv.exe in %appdata%\Emby-Theater\system\x64\mpv

Re: Emby theatre support

I am unable to get this to work. I've followed all the instructions and have (I think) the same Emby settings as jscoys, but for me it doesn't work.

Re: Emby theatre support

I confirm the issue. We will look why it stop to work.

Re: Emby theatre support

Set Settings -> Video -> Hardware acceleration mode = Auto (copy back)

Re: Emby theatre support

Oops! Sorry, I miss this setting. I did it.
Now SVP works to me in Emby theater!

Re: Emby theatre support

How do I open or get to the system properties to change the enviroment variables?

Re: Emby theatre support

intelatominside wrote:

How do I open or get to the system properties to change the enviroment variables?

On Windows 7: Start, RC on Computer, Properties, then Find Advanced Properties on the left шт туц opened window. Then Variables button in the bottom right corner.

Re: Emby theatre support

... or just run "SVP -> Utilities -> Set environment variables for VLC and libmpv"

16 (edited by fyutins 16-08-2020 08:56:00)

Re: Emby theatre support

Hi, I'm trying to configure Emby Theater on Linux to work with SVP. I have also started a topic on Emby Community to get some help ( … -on-linux/)

So, I built mpv following these instructions ( … om_sources)
and then I replaced /usr/lib/emby-theater/ with the one I built.
When I start a video from Emby Theater, the video starts well but the logs from MPV and SVP says that it "Could not initialize VapourSynth scripting."
It seems like Vapoursynth support is not available, but at the start of MPV logs, vapoursynth is in the list of enabled features.

Do you have any idea why it's not working ?

PS : If i'm using MPV directly without Emby theater, it works flawlessly !

Post's attachments

mpv-svp.log 49.22 kb, 1036 downloads since 2020-08-16 

Re: Emby theatre support

> "Could not initialize VapourSynth scripting."

it means some problems with Python and/or Vapoursynth's python module, not with mpv itself
for example if Python is unable to find

Re: Emby theatre support

So when I'm using MPV directly it works. So to be sure which file it doesn't find, I removed /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ and rerun MPV. And by doing so, I get the exact same issue as with emby theater. It can't initialize vapoursynth scripting.

That means while I'm using emby theater, Python doesn't find /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
That's strange because /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages is in my sys.path

I'm thinking, maybe while using mpv via emby theater it does run another python version (I also have python 2.7 installed)

Do you know if there is something I can do to make the mpv logs more verbose ?

And by the way, thanks for your help wink

Re: Emby theatre support

Emby may set $PYTHONPATH to something else.

Re: Emby theatre support

So, I've uninstalled Python 2.7 and now Emby doesn't start the video so the issue is that Emby is using Python 2.7 and as far as I'm aware Vapoursynth needs Python 3.7.

I will ask on Emby forums if there is a possibility to change the Python version when running MPV

Re: Emby theatre support

Did exactly what is asked and not working. Emby will attempt for a second, stop, try another time, stop, and try 3rd time without even able to show that 1 second, stop, and show "Playback Error. No compatible streams are currently available. Please try again later or contact your system administrator for details."

22 (edited by m.rickman513 08-04-2021 20:27:30)

Re: Emby theatre support

MAG79 wrote:

I confirm the issue. We will look why it stop to work.

I've noticed that the newer versions of Emby-Theater rename the MPV
executable to "electron.exe" when running.  You can't overwrite the mpv.exe because of
this renaming issue.

Re: Emby theatre support

Just installed the latest version, it's now libmpv-based, but it still reads the default mpv.conf from %APPDATA%\mpv\mpv.conf.

So SVP integration is very simple:

1. Adjust environment variables: SVP menu -> Utilities -> Set environment variables for VLC and libmpv
2. Create %APPDATA%\mpv\mpv.conf with a single line:

And that's it.

If you don't want it to mess with the plain mpv started from SVP/SVPtube/etc, you can replace 'mpvpipe' with 'emby-pipe' as described in the 2nd post here.

24 (edited by InnKeepNY 31-07-2022 03:17:10)

Re: Emby theatre support

NEVERMIND! Silly me forgot that I had Plex-MPV-Shim running and forgot to remove it from the startup folder. Option 2 works like a charm.

Tried following the 2022 directions and the ones in the second post. In regards to the older instructions in  %appdata%\Emby-Theater\system\x64\mpv the mpv folder no longer exists and I was unable to find mpv.exe for emby theater.

In following the 2022 directions for May those didn't work for me either. Log doesn't show anything abnormal. Anyone have suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?

Much thanks in advance!

Re: Emby theatre support

Hello there !

I rly wish to be able to use SVP with Emby Theater on Windows PC.
Not sure what to do, it just works right with Plex.

Step 0 done
Step 1 "Replace mpv.exe in %appdata%\Emby-Theater\system\x64\mpv" I dont have any mpv.exe, and no such folders. (even if, replace with what ?!)

In my emby theater folders, i can see some mpv ddls into system/electronapp/libmpv/x64, wher i dropped the mpv/conf file (then there a mpv-1.dll and a refreshrate.exe)

Step2 done

Step3 No such option into m Emby theater app