1 (edited by kadigan.ksb 25-08-2017 17:33:33)

Topic: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

I'm having performance issues on Windows 7 x64, using SVP4 v4.1.0.114 (registered).

When I was using SVP3, the video looked a lot smoother. For some reason, when I run the video player in a small window (about 1/4th of Full HD size), the video seems smooth and fluid. At full screen / big window, it seems jerky and feels like 24/25fps despite SVP telling me it's going at 59.something FPS.

It worked fine w/ SVP3 w/ big source files. The same source files now produce jerky motion.

I have an AMD FX-8350 CPU, and GTX-1080 for the GPU. I have 3 displays, but usually only use the central one with the other 2 disabled (I use them only for full-on coding sessions, really).

As I look at my Performance Monitor, I can see SVP Index fluctuating between 0.99 and 1.01. Memory is at about 1.5GB, and CPU in Overall mode seems to be varying between 75% and 89%.

Please advise as to what I could do to improve my video fluidity.

Lately I've been doing "Alter video frame size" => "Decrease to HD", and it helps. I'd like to watch 1080p content in 1080p, though.

I'm probably doing something wrong, but I'm not aware what.

Software I use:

  • MPC-HC x86 v1.7.11

  • madVR v0.91.8

  • ReClock v1.8.8.5

Post's attachments

SVP4 Frame Rate Conversion settings (2017-08-25).png, 19.35 kb, 566 x 405
SVP4 Frame Rate Conversion settings (2017-08-25).png 19.35 kb, 589 downloads since 2017-08-25 

SVP4 Performance Monitor (2017-08-25).png, 57.77 kb, 574 x 599
SVP4 Performance Monitor (2017-08-25).png 57.77 kb, 580 downloads since 2017-08-25 

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

> when I run the video player in a small window (about 1/4th of Full HD size), the video seems smooth and fluid

start with switching to EVR-CP instead of madVR

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

MASSIVE improvement.

What's going on? Also, as soon as I first seeked, it crashed with

WARNING: Following frames may be wrong.

Seems to be stable... for now...

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

It crashes fairly often on seek w/ that error dump.

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

So, why is EVR better than madVR? I thought I had enough processing power for madVR. Was I wrong?

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

well... try to reset madVR settings to defaults

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

For now, I will try sticking to EVR-CP. It definitely works good enough, and I don't really see the difference from madVR... Maybe some color change, but I probably wouldn't notice (I'm used to slightly washed-out chroma much more nowadays, much like I'm used to much less compression on sound).

I still don't get why madVR was such an issue, though.

Not today, but in some time I'll try resetting it and changing settings one at a time to see which one is the offender -- assuming it's one, not a combination. We'll see. Will it be okay for me to append to this thread once I do?

Thanks again.

8 (edited by kadigan.ksb 26-08-2017 01:49:31)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

Okay, there's a major issue w/ the EVR-CP setup: in windowed mode everything's fine, but for some reason when in full-screen mode, the video majorly lags behind audio, to the point where every 4s the audio cuts off to allow video to catch up.

This happens more often and is more pronounced the higher the original video fidelity: it'll happen 100% for 1080p, while for 480p it'll just result in the video looking like there's no smoothing at all. Also, there's a lot of tearing (even for 480p), which might be somehow related.

This only happens in full-screen mode.


// edit
As a fun aside, if I happen to pause and exit full-screen while the video is still catching up, it'll continue playback (just the video!) and there's no way to pause it (the player claims to be in pause mode, but alternating between play/pause has no effect). The player needs to be shut down.

9 (edited by dlr5668 26-08-2017 02:10:37)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

kadigan.ksb wrote:

I'm having performance issues on Windows 7 x64, using SVP4 v4.1.0.114 (registered).
I use them only for full-on coding sessions, really).

Time to move to x64 mpv (maybe win 8..win10 ? its really good). Shouldnt be a problem for you. Also dont forget to overclock CPU. One of my machines runs FX6300 @ 4.8 and its enough for smooth 1080p experience.

PS grid 12 + global refiment is too much for your cpu. Try to increase grid

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

for the best results keep CPU load at 70% at maximum

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

"PS grid 12 + global refiment is too much for your cpu. Try to increase grid"

It works perfectly well in windowed mode. Not sure why it wouldn't work well in full-screen.

Fun fact: when EVR-CP works worse in full-screen (for me), madVR actually worked better in full-screen than it did in windowed mode. Go figure.

12 (edited by dlr5668 26-08-2017 16:37:01)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

24 -> 60 strains CPU more than 24-> svp -> 48 -> reclock ->50 (72 hz is also viable)

> better/worse
it doesnt matter if u have more than 20 skipped frames per minute

also try more threads / overclock / x64

13 (edited by kadigan.ksb 10-09-2017 23:47:36)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

dlr5668 wrote:

> better/worse
it doesnt matter if u have more than 20 skipped frames per minute

No, I mean - it generally worked well in full-screen, except when it couldn't keep up... It definitely worked for 480p content, and EVR-CP is clearly struggling w/ 480p content in 1920x1080.

I just don't understand how I can have perfect motion at 1800x1070 (estimated - I have my toolbar on the right side). I mean -- almost full-screen (maximized window) gives me perfectly smooth motion, but entering full-screen makes playback all jerky as if SVP was entirely disabled. <-- that's what I can't figure out - I mean, more resizing should introduce more performance issues, not less?

And even if the final push to 1920x1080 was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, would it collapse entirely on itself? I'd expect gradual degradation.

I'm not entirely sure, but it feels as if the mode change is the culprit.

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

check the "D3D fullscreen" option if it's unchecked now and vise versa

also ensure that all the video enhancement features in the video driver are off

15 (edited by kadigan.ksb 12-09-2017 16:03:50)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

Chainik wrote:

also ensure that all the video enhancement features in the video driver are off

I have the nVidia driver. Could you at least hint ay what I should be looking for?

(for the record, I don't enable any video enhancement if it's labeled as such - these modes typically do too much; I work in video editing/grading, so I'm very used to watching footage "as-is" and in fact prefer it now; so unless these are on by default, I did not specifically enable any)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro


17 (edited by kadigan.ksb 13-10-2017 21:07:43)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

Okay. Enabling D3D Fullscreen does help, though it removes any UI from MPC-HC.

I find it puzzling that SVP4Mac has a much, much better performance on a 7yo CPU w/ a 7yo GPU than SVP4Win on my FX-8350 w/ this year's GPU. sad

Just purchased and set up SVP4Mac with mpv/IINA on a Mac Pro from 2010 -- it has dual Xeon quads, one of which should have slightly worse performance than my FX-8350, and a Radeon HD5770. Yet when I run SVP on that machine, it barely even registers at maximum settings (<2% CPU use), while on my system it's constantly around 70%+ with medium everything. Why is that?

Am I insane at this point?


Yes, tested on the same source material.

18 (edited by dlr5668 13-10-2017 21:27:18)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

smth wrong with your windows. I have fx6300 @ 4800 + amd 7850 PC and its rock solid for 1080p. Nothing fancy just lav + madvr + reclock


19 (edited by kadigan.ksb 15-10-2017 07:02:54)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

Okay, I'm open to suggestions. I also use LAV + madVR (right now using EVR/CP) + ReClock, and the performance for 1080p is bad at medium settings.

20 (edited by dlr5668 15-10-2017 10:38:32)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

kadigan.ksb wrote:

Okay, I'm open to suggestions. I also use LAV + madVR (right now using EVR/CP) + ReClock, and the performance for 1080p is bad at medium settings.

any shit codec pack ? check filter chain. run svp benchmark and compare scores. try other player. reset madvr settings

21 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 30-10-2017 05:14:56)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

Try with a fresh copy of MPC-HC Portable: https://portableapps.com/apps/music_vid … c-portable

Follow the instructions here to configure it for SVP: https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVP:MPC-HC

kadigan.ksb wrote:

Mac Pro from 2010 -- it has dual Xeon quads, one of which should have slightly worse performance than my FX-8350

You sure about that?  An FX-8350 has worse performance per-GHz than a Core 2 Quad from 2007.

That's why Ryzen's 50% per-GHz performance increase over FX was such a big deal.

kadigan.ksb wrote:

when I run SVP on that machine, it barely even registers at maximum settings (<2% CPU use

...that to me really sounds like SVP isn't actually doing anything even though the program is open.  Are you able to see an actual visible difference?  Because with "maximum settings" the difference should be really obvious between SVP disabled and SVP enabled.

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

FX sux with stock settings but with good OC (clock and HT and memory) its alright

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

> An FX-8350 has worse performance per-GHz than a Core 2 Quad from 2007.

and still in absolute numbers in SVP, FX-8350 is equal to or even better than i7-2600k wink
(because SVP is an integer math, so FX's 8 "cores" act like real 8 cores)

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

Chainik wrote:

FX-8350 is equal to or even better than i7-2600k wink

Which is still pretty sad when you consider that a 2600k is only a 4core/8thread CPU.

At least it makes Ryzen a without-a-doubt upgrade over the older FX series - even a lowly Ryzen 3 is competitive. tongue

Re: Performance issues FX8350-GTX1080, MPC-HC-madVR, SVP4Pro

it was just a bad marketing - FX is "4 cores/8 threads CPU" too

and as "4 cores/8 threads" it's just 2 times slower (ok, 2.5 times) than "8 cores/16 threads" Ryzen