Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Hi everyone
Can you tell me how to configure my player (potplayer, mpc-hc,be) for use with 64-bit svp?
I have downloaded potplayer x64, mpc both versions (x64 of course), set ffdshow raw filter but in SVP i have 'No active playback' (32bit versions working ok)
Can you help me?
And thanks for your great work!

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

> I have downloaded potplayer x64, mpc both versions (x64 of course)

"frame interpolation engine (64-bit)" from the SVP's packages is also needed wink

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Frame interpolation engine (64-bit) from SVP installer? I have already installed it

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

well... (boring) ... do you see "ffdshow raw filter" in the filters list while playing video with the 64-bit video player?

30 (edited by pan3o 05-03-2016 22:35:29)

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

sorry, mr Chainik (i know you are bored answering questions for noob users wink). I have managed to make it work in potplayer (i have ffdshow raw video filter in filter priority (overall), i change it to filter priority (preset-specific) and it works now).
Thank you for quick answer

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback


Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

I got everything working with Crimson drivers on my laptop.

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

starks wrote:

I got everything working with Crimson drivers on my laptop.

Completely removed AMD 15.7.1 (last pre-crimson) and cleaned up afterward. Keep in mind that this version worked fine with SVP 4 although it created the following SVP error log warning

FFDShow: can't find system-wide installation

the video played well and GPU acceleration appeared by all events to be working. Have now reinstalled AMD Crimson 16.2.1 from scratch and it's back to no GPU acceleration and it errors out with the

AVS - SVSmoothFps: unable to init GPU-based renderer - code 65536

entry and the two \AppData\Roaming\SVP4\scripts\ errors with line 43 & 64. See attached SVP 4 error log file for details.

On a more positive note the weather underground gadget can now access the internet - no idea what fixed that issue since last AMD 16.2.1 driver install which broke it.

Post's attachments

SVP 4 with win7-Radeon 16-2-1 drivers active.log 3.56 kb, 691 downloads since 2016-03-05 

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

I think I encountered that memory leak using SVP 64-bit. After using it to watch a video, if I then open the Google Chrome browser and then try to open a new tab, my computer freezes and must be restarted. So it goes. A work in progress. I'll try again when SVP 64-bit is updated. Cheers...

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Chainik wrote:

> From my experience GPU acceleration doesn't buy me all that much - GPU load goes up ~5% and CPU load drops slightly.

if you're talking about "auto options selection" this's exactly how it should work - choose the highest options possible for the given hardware performance level

You've told him to choose the highest options possible for his given hardware;

What do you recommend for me?

I have the following setting:

I can decrease "Motion Vector Grid" all the way down to "6 px. Small 2" with no issues, just higher CPU usage (around 50% I think), but do you recommend it?

I use GPU Acceleration with my HD 7970 OC (R9 280X basically). And the CPU is the 4790K overclocked @ 4.7Ghz

Also use Madvr with 90%+ GPU usage with 720P and 70% with 1080P (so the settings are maxed out for my videocard).

I find with these settings there are minimal artifacts (I hate artifacts). Anything I can do to improve quality while maintaining the extremely LOW artifacts count?

Changing "SVP Shader" to "Complicated" increases artifacts significantly, that's why I use "Standard".

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Changing "SVP Shader" to "Complicated" increases artifacts significantly, that's why I use "Standard".

Is this new for SVP4?  My experience with SVP3 is the opposite, I use Complicated for everything because it minimizes artifacts, most importantly the haloing of moving elements.

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Uniform usually means more artifacts.

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

biff wrote:

Fixed! Rolled back my NVIDIA driver to version 361.43  Thanks for the input guys.

I don't know why, but every time after upgrading Windows 10, I got exactly the same error, but reinstall the driver can fix it, no need to roll back.

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Today removed svp4 free and upgraded to svp 4 pro  having no issues with the 64bit build sofar the only thing i cant figure out is i uninstalled free then installed pro
but i dont see that fancy menu anywhere like shown a few posts earlier with Frames interpolation mode, svp shader thought these were for pro only but cant seem to find it anywhere.

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

> i dont see that fancy menu anywhere
add new video profile and uncheck "auto options" button

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Ah yeah thanks alot now i see it.
Anyway great work keep it up.

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

VB_SVP wrote:

Changing "SVP Shader" to "Complicated" increases artifacts significantly, that's why I use "Standard".

Is this new for SVP4?  My experience with SVP3 is the opposite, I use Complicated for everything because it minimizes artifacts, most importantly the haloing of moving elements.

Yes, you are correct with that statement. The thing I noticed when I made the switch, is that "complicated" shows the same artifacts in both SVP 3 & 4 I believe, which was actually good back when I was using SVP 3 (since it was the best option). But things have changed under 4, and "Standard" has become the best option for decreasing artifacts even further. Standard was very different back in SVP 3 days.

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Chainik wrote:


the only thing you could possibly do to break something in the 32-bit chain with the latest update is to (occasionally) install Avisynth+ 32-bit

i tried installing avisynth+ 32 bit, uninstalling completely and reinstall, removed 64 bit frame interpolation components still its not working with with potplayer 32 bit .(worked fine till so there is no way for me now?? i need to reinstall OS and just install 32 bit components to make it work with potplayer 32bit????? THANKS.

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

arghh... do you see ffdshow in the filters list while playing video? if no - try to remove ffdshow from the external filters list and then add it again

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Blackfyre wrote:
VB_SVP wrote:

Changing "SVP Shader" to "Complicated" increases artifacts significantly, that's why I use "Standard".

Is this new for SVP4?  My experience with SVP3 is the opposite, I use Complicated for everything because it minimizes artifacts, most importantly the haloing of moving elements.

Yes, you are correct with that statement. The thing I noticed when I made the switch, is that "complicated" shows the same artifacts in both SVP 3 & 4 I believe, which was actually good back when I was using SVP 3 (since it was the best option). But things have changed under 4, and "Standard" has become the best option for decreasing artifacts even further. Standard was very different back in SVP 3 days.

Complicated is indeed terrible, I've had bad times watching movies with it... it should be removed from the menu!

46 (edited by MistahBonzai 07-03-2016 23:27:34)

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Roberto Rossi wrote:

Complicated was indeed terrible, I've had bad times watching movies with it... it should be removed from the menu!

Was attempting to use SVP 4 x64 with Complicated last night on a video (1080P/25) that used to run without issue on SVP 3.1 (x32 layout) with Complicated and performance was horrible. Jittering and judder, massive frame drops - it appeared that more than simple performance issues were at fault.

To me it appeared that something was 'broke'. Keep in mind I run SVP via AviSynth/ffdshow raw video. I discovered if I dropped the CPU hog settings it would run but was taking a surprisingly high toll on the CPU (i7-3770@3.4GHz). Comparing SVP shader 21 with 23 (complicated) showed that the CPU ran about 30% higher with 23.

But the real issue was that 23 caused sudden CPU spikes (like 95-99%) when the video got busy (like a close pan over leaves in a tree). SVP shader 21 was a lot more stable in that regard. I suppose this is to be expected but I don't recall 23 being so demanding in SVP 3.1.

47 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 07-03-2016 23:15:58)

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Roberto Rossi wrote:

Complicated is indeed terrible, I've had bad times watching movies with it... it should be removed from the menu!

There's a reason that "Complicated" isn't the default setting.

The trick is that the higher the resolution and the higher the source framerate, the less artifacting you get with "Complicated". Also note that content with a lot of thin lines is like kryptonite for "Complicated" and you should very much use "Standard" instead.

In other words, 480p 24fps content at 60Hz is probably one of the worse use-cases for "Complicated".  By comparison, using "Complicated" with 1080p 60fps content at 120Hz works much much better.

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

It appears the 64-bit version of the latest AVISynth plugin does not include SVConvert. SVAnalyse and SVSuper are found and work without issue. Can you please verify this?

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

>  64-bit version of the latest AVISynth plugin does not include SVConvert

why? do you want it to be compatible with what version of 64-bit MVTools? the one listed there?

Re: SVP 64-Bit for Windows Released - Feedback

Chainik wrote:

>  64-bit version of the latest AVISynth plugin does not include SVConvert

why? do you want it to be compatible with what version of 64-bit MVTools? the one listed there?

yes, my goal is to use with 64-bit MVTools. Currently I'm using AVISynth+, which you linked to. I want to do motion compensated degrain, and MCDegrain seems the best for that. Unless there's a better method that's been developed in the last year or two. Thanks.