Topic: SVP 4 more artifact-heavy than SVP 3 on lower-end CPUs?

On lower-end hardware (Core 2 Duo without GPU acceleration nor GPU decoding), my customized settings from SVP 3.1.7 seem to be considerably less artifact-heavy.  The movement in SVP 4 feels faster, but due to all the artifacts things actually feel smoother in SVP 3.1.7.

I have no idea how to share SVP 4 settings since they are automatic, but here my SVP 3.1.7 settings are attached.

Post's attachments

svp3.png, 60.2 kb, 472 x 522
svp3.png 60.2 kb, 2219 downloads since 2015-08-09 

Re: SVP 4 more artifact-heavy than SVP 3 on lower-end CPUs?

Nintendo Maniac 64
You can compare two AVS-script files wink

3 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 29-08-2016 04:43:06)

Re: SVP 4 more artifact-heavy than SVP 3 on lower-end CPUs?

MAG79 wrote:

Nintendo Maniac 64
You can compare two AVS-script files wink

Unfortunately it's 2am now, so I can't access my HTPC and retrieve said AVS-script and attach it...

4 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 11-08-2015 01:37:27)

Re: SVP 4 more artifact-heavy than SVP 3 on lower-end CPUs?

OK I've attached the script.

I've also attached a very short real-world video clip that gives the kind of artifacts I'm talking about.  Now if that was all that occurred in the full video then it'd be fine, but they happen quite frequently and consistently (that corner shown in the video is particularly offensive in that regard).

I was looking closer at the video and I noticed that the actual panning background and the like looks perfectly fine, but that it's on-screen UI and the cars themselves that are artifact-ridden.  It seems to be cases of objects that are moving against a camera-pan that become artifact-ridden.

Oh and BTW, regarding my SVP 3 settings, for heaver videos I may need to set the shader to "Simple", but even "Simple Lite" gives fewer artifacts than SVP4 and only gives me like 65% CPU utilization with the full video that the attached test footage was taken from.

Post's attachments

Real-world test video.mp4 1.89 mb, 712 downloads since 2015-08-10 

SVP4 .avs.txt 1.92 kb, 767 downloads since 2015-08-10 

Re: SVP 4 more artifact-heavy than SVP 3 on lower-end CPUs?

Nintendo Maniac 64
I made SVP31-script by your picture. See file attached.

Difference is present in 7 places:
1. SVP4 uses 3 threads instead of 7. It is not critical but can lead to jerky playback.
2. SVP4 don't use GPU-acceleration (gpu:0). It can give more artifacts at frame borders and overall.
3. SVP4 uses 28px vector grid instead of 16px. It must give less artifatcs but less smothness.
4. SVP4 uses Average wide search (bad.sad:1000 by default) intead of Strongest wide search (bad:{sad:2000}}). It can give less smoothness of small objects.
5. SVP4 uses Sharp shader for anime (algo:2) instead of Standard shader (algo:13). It gives more visible artfacts around moving objects.
6. SVP4 uses Repeat frame on scene changes (blend:false by default) instead of Blend ajacent frames (blend:true). It can give more jerky playback at fast scenes and at scene changes.
7. SVP4 uses adaptive frame interpolation mode (mode:3 by default) indtead of "1m" mode (mode:1). It gives more smoothness but more artifacts.

So, I see 3 causes wich can lead to more visible artifacts: #2, 5 and 7.

BTW, My lower-end CPU (mobile i3-3217U) gives me more smooth playback and less artifacts with SVP4 and with profile settings by default than if I use SVP 3.1 with your settings.

Post's attachments

svp31.avs.txt 2.01 kb, 707 downloads since 2015-08-16 

6 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 09-08-2016 18:20:21)

Re: SVP 4 more artifact-heavy than SVP 3 on lower-end CPUs?

MAG79 wrote:

Nintendo Maniac 64
I made SVP31-script by your picture. See file attached.

Uhhh, so what am I supposed to do with this file?

MAG79 wrote:

2. SVP4 don't use GPU-acceleration (gpu:0). It can give more artifacts at frame borders and overall.

I'm not using GPU-acceleration in SVP 3 either seeing how the PC in question only has a lowly Intel 965GMA iGPU from 2007 which is low-end enough that it can't even smoothly do 60fps at 1080p in MPC-HC unless I enable "D3D Fullscreen".

And for reference, the iGPU also doesn't support h.264 hardware decoding.

MAG79 wrote:

3. SVP4 uses 28px vector grid instead of 16px. It must give less artifatcs but less smothness.

5. SVP4 uses Sharp shader for anime (algo:2) instead of Standard shader (algo:13). It gives more visible artfacts around moving objects.

7. SVP4 uses adaptive frame interpolation mode (mode:3 by default) indtead of "1m" mode (mode:1). It gives more smoothness but more artifacts.

I figured it was something like this.  I noticed while testing various settings in SVP 3 that I can achieve similar settings but that it's definitely more artifact-heavy which I particularly attributed to the low quality shader setting; this is the main reason why I use 1m for my interpolation mode (which also lets me use 16px)

MAG79 wrote:

lower-end CPU (mobile i3-3217U)

Yeah, maybe lower-end than a modern desktop CPU, but that thing is easily still at least twice as fast as my 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo due to considerably better IPC, SMT, and an iGPU that SVP can actually use and has h.264 HW decoding.

Re: SVP 4 more artifact-heavy than SVP 3 on lower-end CPUs?

Nintendo Maniac 64
svp31 file is for compare purposes only.

I'm not using GPU-acceleration
Then Ok. Point #2 is not actual.

Sorry. I don't have Core2Duo for full repeat your case.
And sorry. I see now you point about no GPU-acceleration in the first post.

8 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 16-08-2015 08:46:59)

Re: SVP 4 more artifact-heavy than SVP 3 on lower-end CPUs?

MAG79 wrote:

Sorry. I don't have Core2Duo for full repeat your case.

If you have a desktop CPU you could underclock it and then just set Windows to only using two threads.

Alternatively you could use an Athlon 64 x2 (which is only 20% slower per-GHz than a Core 2 Duo) or use an Athlon II or Phenom II (both of which have IPC similar to the Core 2 Duo).