I guess it's a bad idea from what I read and please correct me if I'm wrong...It seems that my system is trying hard to drop the framerate every second to match my monitor's refresh rate....right? So better to stick it toe the refresh rate of the monitor heh?

Last processed file parameters:
Filename: The Fast and The Furious Tokoy Drift.avi
Frame size and frame rate: 1280x544 pixels, 23.975 fps
Detected screen parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1366x768 pixels, 60.051 Hz
Video smoothing info
Smooth factor: 3:1
Resulting video frame rate: 71.925 fps
Drop 12 frames every sec (without ReClock)
Selected profile: 1366x768@60
Profile settings of video processing
[ExMethod=MSmoothFps_0] Frames interpolation mode: Uniform (max smoothenss)
[ExAlgo=23] SVP shader: 23. Complicated
[Bicubic=0] Motion vectors interpolation mode: Bilinear
[ExMulti=3:1:3] Target frame rate: Source multiplied by 3 (3x)
[ExBlockSize=16x16:1] Motion vectors grid: 14 px. Average 1
[ExRecalc=0:0] Decrease grid step: Disabled (default)
[TypeDist=Exh:-14:SATD] Search radius: Large
[ExPel=0] Motion vectors precision: Two pixels
[Badsad=2000:-24] Wide search: Strongest
[ExSadml=1000] Artifacts masking: Strongest
[ExBlend=false] Processing of scene changes: Repeat frame (default)
[ExDwnResize=MON] Decrease frame size: To screen size
[ExConvertFps=false] Blend frames to screen refresh rate:false
Settings by menu
[svp_libflowgpu=1] GPU-acceleration (OpenCL): true
[ExThreads=0] Processing threads: Auto
[HandCrop=None] Frame crop: Disabled
[Borderlight=None] Black bars lighting: Disabled
[VDelay=0] Video delay: 0 ms
[ExDemo=0] Demonstration mode: false
[ExTearingTest=0] Tearing test: false
[EFrameDoubling=0] Variable frame rate repair: false
[StopSmoothDelayOnRewind=2] Turn off on seek: Turn off by 2 sec