UHD wrote:

This is the first database of its kind where the same scene is recorded by two cameras calibrated to less than one pixel, where:
the first camera records: 25 fps with 18 ms motion blur
the second camera records:  500 fps with 2 ms motion blur.

This achieves the desired data, but is absurdly over complicated when digital cameras and ffmpeg exist.  As long as the camera doesn't have any missing light data (no shutter effect), you can simply blend groups of frames from the high fps video using a filter to get video identical to the low fps sample.


(426 replies, posted in Using SVP)

InnKeepNY wrote:

I'd like to try and get pmp in arch linux to work with svp. Could someone please point me in the right direction on getting the 2 to work together, thank you!

The process is identical to how you make it work on windows, you just need to know the linux paths.  I think mpv.conf goes in something like ~/.config/plexmediaplayer

I made a PR that adds rational framerate multiplication:
With this, SVP could set any fractional interpolation target.

I was able to get the CUDA graph to show up by disabling GPU hardware scheduling, the 3D reporting is very different from when GPU hardware scheduling was turned on but here is my results:
1080p half
1080p full
4k full (thanks for pointing out that it fixes the artifacts)
demo clip full

3080 ti is very close to real time speed with cuda for 1080p
4k runs at 11.6fps which is much faster than the 1.9fps I got without cuda
but unfortunately the interpolated video has striped artifacts outside of a 2048x2048 area
All in all very cool, I will definitely be watching anything 720p with rife, which is only Star Trek in 480p right now.  I have already transcoded some episodes of 1080p shows, perhaps I will watched the rife'd video with the regular SVP filter on top


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I've also got it working on linux.  The location to put mpv.conf is ~/.local/share/jellyfinmediaplayer/


(10 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I have found that GTX 1660 Super works with NVOF which significantly reduces CPU requirements.  The GPU is capable of smooth 4k60 playback on mpv under linux.


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

GTX 1660 also works.

What if you add in the HDR metadata afterwards?  I.E using ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i INPUT_FILE.mkv -c copy -map 0 -color_trc smpte2084 -color_primaries bt2020 -colorspace bt2020nc OUTPUT_FILE.mkv

Where INPUT_FILE.mkv is the transcoded video that's washed out and OUTPUT_FILE.mkv is whatever output filename you'd like with no spaces


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I installed jellyfin mpv shim (pip install, not from AUR) which has its own mpv.conf location, and launching mpv from that app works even though plain mpv does not work.  Hopefully that can narrow down where the problem is originating from.


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Yeah, I just successfully installed SVP onto my laptop also running Manjaro and it works fine using mpv-full.  Something is mucked up on my desktop and jucer's configuration and I don't have the expertise to debug and find out what it is.  Maybe I should install random packages onto my laptop until it breaks...


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm using Manjaro.  SVP worked great when I first installed it, I'm trying to look through my package install history and uninstall whatever unneeded packages I can find between when it was working and stopped working to try to make this work again


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Could it have something to do with python version?

Are you using this to build mpv?
That was my go-to when I was using Windows, suggested by an SVP developer


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I am having this same issue except my use case is mpv playback and the script name is 50d0701.py.  Exact same line numbers and errors.


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SVP likes it better when your whole CPU isn't used just for decoding the video so yeah it's good for SVP, if you plan on watching 10 bit AV1 videos.

How can I build this so that the mpv-1.dll works with Plex Media Player?


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Very cool!  I'm compiling it now.  Is this not the x265 you are looking for? https://github.com/shinchiro/mpv-winbui … x265.cmake


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Can the mpv build packaged with SVP 4 be compiled with dav1d?  I always end up using chrome to play my AV1 encodings when mpv is too slow, but chrome doesn't work with mkv files.  I began looking into cross compiling my own mpv, but I struggled to even get libdvdnav and libdvdread working, so I doubt that I will be able to add in vapoursynth and python.  Would love to see this added,  thanks!


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I found the problem.  Something had just changed the display adapter properties and the monitor was set to 60fps.  Oops!


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm trying out SVP on a 240fps monitor, but I can't find how to get it to go to 240fps.  SVP automatically detected my 144fps monitor and that works great, but why does it default to 60fps on the 240fps monitor?

After freshly installing SVP, I tried with Plex Media Player first and then tried MPC-HC.  The content I'm trying to watch is 24fps.  I found a setting to force it to 120fps but did not see how I could force it to 240fps.

There's probably a setting or limiter somewhere that I can change or disable, but I don't know where it is.

I tried playing your demo videos in different situations.

Jellyfish on mpv with SVP was stuttery
without SVP it played fine

Jellyfish on MPC with SVP was smooth

Interestingly, the chess video did not work properly on MPC, with or without SVP!  The video played too slowly, which caused the audio to pause intermittently.   However, mpv played the video fine (but did not play smoothly with SVP) though the colors looked weird.

I have not been able to get mpv to work smoothly, so I cannot help there, but a quick google search for "mpc hc 10 bit" showed some results, such as one using MadVR.  Did they not work for you, or they are not truly 10 bit?  I was also under the impression that true 10 bit monitors were rare, expensive, and hard to find outside of things like professional color work.  However, I only have noticed 8 bit color rearing its ugly head on images with obvious gradients, such as this
so I have not concerned myself with it thus far.  The display I'm using for my 4k content is a cheapo LG 27UD58-B.  If I could get my hands on a true 10 bit display on the cheap that would be neat.

I have 4k 60fps video working excellently on my computer.  My CPU is an i7-7700k and I have a dedicated GPU.  I found that no player I tested other than MPC-HC would work without stuttering.  I think that it has the best hardware decoding of any player I have tested.  The bootleg update found here https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=175209 has better support for HEVC playback, particularly bluray remuxes.  My cpu usage sits around 77% with the SVP settings maximized.  I am interested to see how ryzen can or cannot handle this task, post your cpu usage if it works!

MadVR was not installed.  Installing MadVR appears to have fixed the problem.  Thank you for your help!

I saw that the DirectShow Video option was on MadVR while the problem was still happening, and I didn't have it installed.  I installed it right away, and it fixed the issue.  After installing it, I tried changing the DirectShow Video to "Enhanced Media Presenter (custom renderer)" as you suggested.  When using this option, the video plays at regular speed, but does not appear completely smooth without noticeable artifacts.  After changing the option back to MadVR and restarting the player, the video shows at normal speed and plays smoothly.  Again, thanks for your help!