(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

black bars _detection_ doesn't work for transcoding
cause it _detects_ bars in a run time

this log is with an old helpers.py

> "force_fp16=True" won't work with v2, should be replaced with "fp16=True"

this is the only error I see
replace rife/helpers.py

regarding cache path - I really have no idea what's wrong and why
can't reproduce on any of my test environments

I can only think that you run both SVP and video player as admin, so C:\Program Files (x86) is writable in which case vsmlrt.py put cache here.
DO NOT run SVP as admin! big_smile

> only the folder issue is still present

no idea, it's still
> os.path.expandvars("%APPDATA%\\SVP4\\cache\\")
in vsmlrt.py


(15 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

вообще не надо встроенным в потплеер пользоваться
надо фильтр Vapoursynth Filter добавить

what's the movie?

turn off video frame -> detect and cut off black bars

why it reads cache from c:\program files\..., it should be the temp dir path here

SVP updated, there're a few changes regarding RIFE/trt:
- added 'akarin' plugin, which should improve seeking performance with v1 models up to v2 level
- put any models (including future ones) into SVP 4\rife\models\rife (for V1 models) and SVP 4\rife\models\rife_v2 (for V2 models) and restart SVP - they all will be listed in the video profile; "ensemble' models are supported too.
- a quick fix for DolbyVision playback (color blinking issue)
- "opt shapes" were not set with latest vsmlrt.py which resulted in engine rebuilding for every video resolution regardless of "perf. boost" option
- included model 4.9

downloading via yt-dlp works for me

however it doesn't work in SVPtube because there's no valid URL provided for niconico videos
yt-dlp gives something like "niconico_dmc:sm34706723/archive_h264_720p/archive_aac_128kbps" instead of HTTP URL, and downloads it via its own downloader/niconico.py


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Crunchyroll was always fighting against downloaders like youtube-dl... it's perfectly normal that they broke something and youtube-dl have to catch up again. There's an unresolved issue in the bug tracker: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/7442

вон у человека проблемы были из-за Windows 11, починилось само после обновления
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 089#p83089

maybe worth waiting for 4.10 and 4.11? big_smile

>  it never did this before as before it always just played back in real time without this showing up

it always did it like this
if not then you used RIFE/Vulkan instead of RIFE/TensorRT

> Oh same here

in your log above, RIFE profile was selected by default

ага, а за вранье еще и банят


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It's a very sad story, especially considering that _nothing_ changed in RIFE "is the last update". In fact, since January.
Also SVP doesn't do _anything_ with any codecs, not x256, not any other one.

There're absolutely no details in your post... we aren't fortune tellers here.

там, может, наоборот, крутилка "скорость - качество" реально ничего не делает, надо по логу смотреть, что-то кроме 1го профиля вообще выбирается или нет
60 фпс а не 120 ставить - сильнее всего греет GPU, который сильно страдает при 120 фпс

что за айфон, что за айпад? если старее чем айфон 11, то оно просто очень медленное.

there's no errors and no useful info on your screenshot... start playback, see the errors if any, select and copy as a text

see the log for errors...

please try again now

probably this isn't the right place to ask
ask google for x265 / ffmpeg encoding guides...



(15 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

прямо по-русски написано
> RIFE для TensorRT работает только через Vapoursynth!

а RIFE для Vulkan требует Avisynth+ 3.7, а не вот эта фигня которая у вас из ПотПлеера поттягивается


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

1. Run
2. Wait for 6+ minutes
3. Watch

so? hmm