1 (edited by vulcan78 18-04-2024 06:25:48)

Topic: MPC-BE RIFE AI "Unable to initialize VapourSynth API 4.0"

I've followed the instructions here for MPC-HC, Avisynth is unchecked, VapourSynth refuses to run and presents the error in title. VapourSynth and Python are installed as RIFE RT works in MPV but I prefer MPC-BE because MPV is completely void of an interface and I don't have the time or patience to remap keys for basic functions that MPC-BE has. I vaguely remember a potential culprit with this issue being the Python path, however, I've selected "Environment Variables for VapourSynth" and it is not fixing the issue and I cannot remember if I did this with the initial installation.

I've done all of this:


TensorRT is a neural network engine heavily optimized for NVidia GPUs. It can be up to 100% faster than ncnn/Vulkan implementation, but there're a few cons, for example a very long optimization passes.

To give it a try install an additional package called "TensorRT" via SVP menu -> Utilities -> Additional programs and features, then choose the TensorRT engine in the RIFE video profile.

Only for Vapoursynth, so you have to switch to Vapoursynth Filter in MPC-HC (or any other DirectShow video player) first:

close MPC-HC
SVP menu -> Utilities -> Set environment variables for Vapoursynth -> Continue
run MPC-HC, View -> Options -> External filters, uncheck "Avisynth Filter", add "Vapoursynth Filter", check it and set to "Prefer"

Thanks in advance.

Re: MPC-BE RIFE AI "Unable to initialize VapourSynth API 4.0"

Check if you have other Vapoursynth and/or Python installations somewhere. If so , deleted and use the one in the svp installer.