Topic: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

I am desperately trying to figure out how to get Dolby Vision working with RIFE, and I cannot for the life of me get it figured out. Between all the different video renderers, filters, formats, codecs, and different decoders I am losing my mind. Can anyone help? I have seen all of the explanation posts in SVP showing DV or Rife but not using the two together. Apologies if I'm missing something obvious, this stuff is so confusing.

Re: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

renderer: MPC Video Renderer
filter: Vapoursynth Filter

Re: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

Ahhh, ok. Does the MPC video renderer use the internal LAV filter? when I use MPC and Vapoursynth it doesn't show any hardware acceleration for the internal video renderer (Unless I shouldn't see DXVA2-Copy-Back being used in the internal video decoder). It doesn't seem to enable the internal LAV filter by default for some reason. Thank you for the reply.

Re: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

not sure what you mean

Post's attachments

dv-rife.jpg 358.24 kb, 10 downloads since 2024-01-31 

5 (edited by SHTH34D 31-01-2024 18:08:22)

Re: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

I think I figured out my issue. On mine, the active decoder shows <inactive> and I have to select the LAV Video Decoder in the list you showed every time I start up MPC-HC. I'm guessing there is a setting I need to change somewhere so it defaults to the LAV Video Decoder.

Post's attachments

Screenshot 2024-01-31 125633.png, 97.06 kb, 961 x 849
Screenshot 2024-01-31 125633.png 97.06 kb, 39 downloads since 2024-01-31 

Re: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

You need to start playback video in MPC-HC player to make LAV Video decoder active.

Re: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

I did before I screenshotted that pic. It will not auto activate without me going in and selecting it for every video, even if I select it then close MPC-HC.

8 (edited by SHTH34D 03-02-2024 13:57:54)

Re: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

Vapoursynth is also not in the list of filters for some reason, despite being installed and set as preferred in the external filters list.

Re: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

because for the Vapoursynth Filter to work in 3rd-party video players you have to
- run SVP menu -> Utilities -> Set env. variables for Vapoursynth;
- or install and manage system-wide Python and Vapoursynth, if you know what you're doing

10 (edited by SHTH34D 04-02-2024 04:20:52)

Re: MPC-HC + SVP + Dolby Vision + RIFE

I ended up uninstalling both, then letting svp install mpc-hc through it's installer. I then updated mpc-hc and it appears the issue has been solved. Thank you for your time, and this amazing program. I can't wait to upgrade my cpu so I can get 60fps on all my movies. I'll put a good word out about SVP any chance I get!