Hey um, I just realized that the post with slew of mpv+vapoursynth compile options doesn't list dav1d - so what would be the corresponding "ffmpeg_options" argument for dav1d?
Chainik wrote:I personally think than inexperienced users should not run Linux at the first place, Windows is good enough for everyone 
Ehhh... I'm a PC hardware enthusiast through-and-through but software is actually quite a weak point for me (I cannot code worth a darn, and I have major trouble remembering terminal commands).
A big reason I switched to Linux is because I was becoming dissatisfied with the... "software BS" associated with post-7 versions of Windows that seems to become worse and worse with each subsequent version - "software BS" that, in my mind, gets in the way of just letting me using my hardware as I deem fit.
To give some perspective, I'm also a user of Pale Moon rather than Firefox or Chrome, and much prefer the "function-over-form" web design of the mid to late 2000s as is used by places like romhacking.net or vndb.org rather than the "modern" design seen on the likes of the websites for the Framework laptop or Linux Mint.
Speaking of which, keep in mind that I use Linux Mint which is quite the "baby's first Linux", and I would argue that it's better for beginners than Windows nowadays, in large part to its "no BS"-ness (which is amusing considering they've gone with a "modern" design for their website, but it's my understanding that they largely did it #1 for sort of marketing to "normies" and #2 they purchased a pre-existing site design since they didn't have anyone around to write one from scratch)