I currently have the problem (again [1]), that RocM with Radeonsi and LLVM causes a LLVM CommandLine plugin error like the following, if mpv is started with SVP using OpenCL. The GPU based performance test runs just fine and SVP also works without OpenCL usage.
mesa: CommandLine Error: Option 'dwarf-extended-loc' registered more than once!
LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options
This started to happen after an update of mpv to 0.34.1, but downgrading did not fix it. I also backtracked (downgraded) updates of all other linked libraries (LLVM, Clang, Mesa) to see, if that helps, but the only change was made by mesa downgrade from 22 to 21, which changed the message to the one, I reported originally here in [1] 2 years ago. I can’t recall any working fix attempts for that original issue. It just went away some day, maybe by a SVP update.
mesa: CommandLine Error: Option 'help-list' registered more than once!
LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options
This error is a result of LLVM plugins being loaded multiple times and caused by bad linking (and the crappy CommandLine plugin (and glibc, mesa, LLVM) implementation(s) [2]). Nowadays this usually happens, if multiple LLVM versions are installed and linked against [3], however I just have LLVM/Clang 13 installed, so this can’t be the case. Usually the linkage in the binary itself has to be fixed, for instance SVP could (indirectly) link against LLVM 12. Other programs using OpenCL Image support like darktable-cltest work just fine.
So my question for the community is: Has anyone with the following library major versions and a RocM supported AMD card has the same issue with mpv, if OpenCL is activated (and OpenCL does work everywhere else)?
Mesa: 22.0.3
RocM: 5.0.2
LLVM/Clang: 13.0.1
mpv: 0.34.1
I’d also kindly ask the SVP developers, if they could check their build with these versions and if they could provide a working build for them in case of problem reproduction. I’m aware, that this build might not work for LLVM 12 systems, but for the transition phase it would be nice to have a working one. Note, that this is not really an urgent issue for me, because I have the necessary CPU power for max settings.
[1]: https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 773#p75773
[2]: https://bugs.gentoo.org/617154#c8
[3]: https://bugs.gentoo.org/651658
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