Topic: SVP wants to update removed components

At some point in time I installed "SVPTube 2", then figured I didn't need it and removed it. Problem is, SVP keeps asking to update "youtube_dl" which I think is part of "SVPTube 2". How do I make it stop?

Post's attachments

Annotazione 2020-04-04 105258.png, 34.82 kb, 648 x 231
Annotazione 2020-04-04 105258.png 34.82 kb, 205 downloads since 2020-04-04 

Re: SVP wants to update removed components

> How do I make it stop?

only by manually removing the "" section from the components.xml file (use the plain text editor)

Re: SVP wants to update removed components

Chainik wrote:

> How do I make it stop?

only by manually removing the "" section from the components.xml file (use the plain text editor)

Thank you that worked