FloppyDisk wrote:plex media player integration
Oh, I've never used plex...so my original idea might not actually work.
FloppyDisk wrote:Using the program Monitor Profile Switcher i am able to switch 48/50 and 60hz on the fly for all my needs.
I tend to use MPC-HC, partially because of its automatic resolution changer which can automatically change the refresh rate based on the video frame rate to whatever you've configured it to, therefore the user doesn't have to manually change the display refresh rate.
MadVR also has a similar setting, but it's much more automatic and you cannot specify actual frame rate ranges and are reliant on madVR's own judgment of what it thinks is the best refresh rate for a given frame rate.
Nevertheless, bitstreaming audio is actually not a requirement for lossless since you're connected directly to your receiver, so you should then be able to have your PC decode the audio via WASAPI exclusive into uncompressed multi-channel PCM (I think ReClock can do this?) and output that to your receiver.
From there you should then still be able to use ReClock to slightly speed up the video to 25fps if you'd like to try that out. However, just keep in mind that doing this will make your audio no longer be lossless due to resampling, especially if you use the optional pitch correction function (which some audio purists find to have unsatisfactory quality anyway).
Alternatively, the Sony A8F does support 1080p and 1440p @ 120Hz if you make a custom resolution, and that would have the benefit of being an exact multiple of both 24fps and 30fps (using exact multiples with SVP not only improves motion resolution but reduces artifacting as well).
Technically you might even be able to do 4k @ 120Hz via a custom resolution if you first set the chroma sub-sampling to 4:2:0 (which 99.99% of all digital video uses anyway, and if you're doing at least 200% DPI upscaling then the difference will be minimal even for computer-generated graphics that are natively 4:4:4), but this would also require you to set a bit depth of 8bit which would make HDR a sub-par experience (if you can even get it working at 8bit).
FloppyDisk wrote:BTW : feel free to recommend some settings for SVP :-) i'm still testing.
I don't think I would be able to recommend much since I'm somebody that has SVP's interpolation settings absolutely cranked to the point that someone like yourself would probably want to gauge out your own eyes.
I will say though that, in general, you might be able to get away with having nearly everything cranked if you set SVP to an interpolation mode of "2m", but note that this setting is only useful for refresh rates greater than 2x the source frame rate (so ideally 3x at minimum).