Topic: Reclock yellow icon

Hello dear SVP Team,

in this scenario: movie 23,976 fps and TV set to 60Hz reclock adjusts automatically the video to 24 fps (icon stays yellow) and SVP interpolat3s movie by a 5/4 factor, is it how it's supposed to be?

Wouldn't be better if reclock could detect the video infos AFTER SVP in order to properly work in a range close to the TV refresh rate with the icon going green?

What happens if I manually set reclock to 59.94?

Re: Reclock yellow icon

Can you attach ReClock's screenshot when icon is yellow?

Re: Reclock yellow icon

Here you go:

Post's attachments

Screenshot1.PNG, 114.69 kb, 411 x 339
Screenshot1.PNG 114.69 kb, 451 downloads since 2017-02-16 

Screenshot2.PNG, 76.42 kb, 493 x 484
Screenshot2.PNG 76.42 kb, 437 downloads since 2017-02-16 

Re: Reclock yellow icon

Anyone? smile

Re: Reclock yellow icon

Looks like ReClock is working: Audio clock is 48002 Hz (not at 48000). So video and audio run with ReClock slower a bit.
Yellow icon in your case means all is good. wink