Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

Ok good!

One more thing before we get to the MadVR part - do think you can make a custom resolution for 72.000Hz as well?  Also you might want to check and see if you've got resolutions for both 59.94Hz and 60.000Hz (if not, add whichever is missing).

Lastly, what is the actual screen resolution of your display, or at least what resolution (not refresh rate!) do you use for all of your video watching?

I have already made custom resolution for 72.928 if that's what you mean. Also I already have 59.94 and 60.000Hz as you mentioned. My monitor resolution is 1920x1080,  but I use 1080p, 720p, 480p and even 360p sometimes if the anime doesn't exist in higher resolution.

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

TayyabKhalid wrote:

I have already made custom resolution for 72.928 if that's what you mean.

No I actually mean 72.000Hz.  The thing is that 24.000fps content does actually exist, not just 23.976fps content.

TayyabKhalid wrote:

720p, 480p and even 360p sometimes if the anime doesn't exist in higher resolution.

Uhhh, considering that your display is natively 1080p, doesn't this kind of defeat the purpose of using MadVR?  I mean, the main purpose of MadVR is to do high-quality upscaling...

Beware, I'm going to be away from my PC for the next hour, so I won't be able to respond until maybe then, but after that I won't be around for like 2-3 hours.

28 (edited by TayyabKhalid 18-06-2016 21:29:57)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
TayyabKhalid wrote:

I have already made custom resolution for 72.928 if that's what you mean.

No I actually mean 72.000Hz.  The thing is that 24.000fps content does actually exist, not just 23.976fps content.

TayyabKhalid wrote:

720p, 480p and even 360p sometimes if the anime doesn't exist in higher resolution.

Uhhh, considering that your display is natively 1080p, doesn't this kind of defeat the purpose of using MadVR?  I mean, the main purpose of MadVR is to do high-quality upscaling...

Beware, I'm going to be away from my PC for the next hour, so I won't be able to respond until maybe then, but after that I won't be around for like 2-3 hours.

Okay, just like you said I made another custom resolution 72.000Hz I had 60.000HZ from before.

Also I am only using madVR because I got recommended to it, and even then it looks like I might need it to setup for other frame rates. Also I do notice some different but, other than that. Was that all? So how do I setup?
Thank you! smile

So I did a little research myself and actually tried to use EVR custom Preset instead of madVR and what do you know. My FPS is stuck on 72fps and dosen't rise higher. So in other words it wasn't SVP that was making my SVP rise but madVR lol.

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

EVR Custom is good choice. You can stay with EVR if you have weak GPU or you don't see difference.

30 (edited by TayyabKhalid 19-06-2016 01:47:14)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

MAG79 wrote:

EVR Custom is good choice. You can stay with EVR if you have weak GPU or you don't see difference.

For now I am going to use EVR, but my PC should be able to handle madVR, the only thing that won't let me use it to the fullest, is that stupid issue. Which makes my FPS rise higher than what I have set it on. And therefore my video start lagging and stuttering, I still experience some stutter now and then while using EVR. Any tips? smile

31 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 19-06-2016 05:00:43)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

3 hours later than I hoped, I'm back!

The issue is, I don't believe PotPlayer has a built-in resolution changer like MadVR does, so using EVR would prevent the use of MadVR's automatic resolution changer.

Anyway, about MadVR's upscaling, unless you're using a CRT monitor or an HDTV, 99% of the time the upscaling done by MadVR will look quite a bit better even if you use lower-end settings like Lanczos.  Try that with a 720p or lower resolution video and see how the quality compares vs actually setting your screen resolution to 720p or whatever.

Setting your scaling algorithm is easy - just go into the MadVR settings and, under "scaling algorithms", set the scaling to whatever you want (start with something more basic like lanczos) for every single sub selection where it's an available option (should be in "chroma upscaling", "image downscaling", and "image upscaling".

Oh, and while comparing scaling algorithms and the like. it might be wise to disable SVP if the frame rate issue gets in the way.

Post's attachments

chroma upscaling.png, 17.31 kb, 766 x 473
chroma upscaling.png 17.31 kb, 466 downloads since 2016-06-19 

image downscaling.png, 17.13 kb, 766 x 473
image downscaling.png 17.13 kb, 444 downloads since 2016-06-19 

image upscaling.png, 17.12 kb, 766 x 473
image upscaling.png 17.12 kb, 529 downloads since 2016-06-19 

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

still experience some stutter now and then while using EVR. Any tips?
Use EVR D3D Fullscreen option to get no stutter in Fullscreen mode.

Post's attachments

EVR_D3D_Fullscreen.png, 24.01 kb, 646 x 488
EVR_D3D_Fullscreen.png 24.01 kb, 484 downloads since 2016-06-19 

33 (edited by TayyabKhalid 19-06-2016 10:19:51)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

3 hours later than I hoped, I'm back!

The issue is, I don't believe PotPlayer has a built-in resolution changer like MadVR does, so using EVR would prevent the use of MadVR's automatic resolution changer.

Anyway, about MadVR's upscaling, unless you're using a CRT monitor or an HDTV, 99% of the time the upscaling done by MadVR will look quite a bit better even if you use lower-end settings like Lanczos.  Try that with a 720p or lower resolution video and see how the quality compares vs actually setting your screen resolution to 720p or whatever.

Setting your scaling algorithm is easy - just go into the MadVR settings and, under "scaling algorithms", set the scaling to whatever you want (start with something more basic like lanczos) for every single sub selection where it's an available option (should be in "chroma upscaling", "image downscaling", and "image upscaling".

Oh, and while comparing scaling algorithms and the like. it might be wise to disable SVP if the frame rate issue gets in the way.

Thanks for the tips, but the problem is that madVR is greedy and won't hold the frame rate I wish it for, and therefore it decide to goes crazy mode with fps. DO you have any solution to how I could make madVR only interpolate 72Hz?

Post's attachments

Capture.PNG 411.59 kb, 165 downloads since 2016-06-19 

34 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 19-06-2016 22:43:13)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

TayyabKhalid wrote:

madVR is greedy and won't hold the frame rate I wish it for, and therefore it decide to goes crazy mode with fps.

Wait, what?  MadVR, not SVP?  Are you sure about this?

If you haven't done it already, try closing SVP by right-clicking on its icon in the bottom right in the tray area and then selecting "Close" (or "exit" or "quit" or similar, I don't quite remember 100% what it says and I can't check).

Then try playing a video and see if your framerate goes crazy.  Yes it'll only be a 24fps or similar, but we need to make sure that it is in fact SVP and not MadVR.

35 (edited by TayyabKhalid 19-06-2016 20:40:25)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

Chainlink, does PotPlayer even have an EVR and Direct3D Fullscreen option?

TayyabKhalid wrote:

madVR is greedy and won't hold the frame rate I wish it for, and therefore it decide to goes crazy mode with fps.

Wait, what?  MadVR, not SVP?  Are you sure about this?

If you haven't done it already, try closing SVP by right-clicking on its icon in the bottom right in the tray area and then selecting "Close" (or "exit" or "quit" or similar, I don't quite remember 100% what it says and I can't check).

Then try playing a video and see if your framerate goes crazy.  Yes it'll only be a 24fps or similar, but we need to make sure that it is in fact SVP and not MadVR.

I just tried exiting SVP as you mentioned. And just like I taught, when I had my renderer on madVR. My fps kept rising after a minute or so. and when I paused the video it went full retard mode. Then I changed to EVR and it kept on the video frame rate like it should, and no sign of rise either. Really hope madVR creator fixes this issue, I really like using it a lot.

36 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 19-06-2016 22:48:58)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

Oh snap, the issue is caused by MadVR?  Well then, forget the stuff I mentioned about MadVR - use EVR instead!

I'm not familiar with your setup, so you'll need to bear with me for a few more questions:

1. Are you using EVR in PotPlayer rather than MPC-HC?

2. Does the issue still not occur if you set your resizer (found on the same screen as the setting for EVR) to one of the bicubic options (0.60 is softest; 1.00 is sharpest)?  I say this because bicubic is better in nearly all situations unless you're using like 10 year old PC hardware (I'm not exaggerating either).

3. Are you able to find an option screen that looks something like this?

37 (edited by TayyabKhalid 20-06-2016 13:54:44)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

Oh snap, the issue is caused by MadVR?  Well then, forget the stuff I mentioned about MadVR - use EVR instead!

I'm not familiar with your setup, so you'll need to bear with me for a few more questions:

1. Are you using EVR in PotPlayer rather than MPC-HC?

2. Does the issue still not occur if you set your resizer (found on the same screen as the setting for EVR) to one of the bicubic options (0.60 is softest; 1.00 is sharpest)?  I say this because bicubic is better in nearly all situations unless you're using like 10 year old PC hardware (I'm not exaggerating either).

3. Are you able to find an option screen that looks something like this?

Sorry I was sleeping, that's why my response was late.

Anyway. I am using EVR in Potplayer, and I don't want to change player if possible, since I really love the functionality of Potplayer and all the feature I can use.

My GPU is R9 390 8GB so i should be able to max it but then again, i am always up for opinions. I will try it.

Potplayer dosen't have that kind of option, which is sad, considering madVR is the culprit behind my problem and I can't do anything about it, until the creator decide to release a new version which fixes this issue and other bugs it may have.

Do you have any solution to fix the rising FPS. There might be something in madVR causing it, but then again. You dont use madVR. Do you?

38 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 20-06-2016 19:47:28)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

Quick question - what's your CPU?

TayyabKhalid wrote:

You dont use madVR. Do you?

I have MadVR, but I don't use it for performance reasons (I only use integrated Intel graphics).

Anyway, have you tried enabling "use direct3d 11 for presentation" in MadVR?

Post's attachments

image.png, 144.31 kb, 798 x 500
image.png 144.31 kb, 461 downloads since 2016-06-20 

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:

Quick question - what's your CPU?

Anyway, have you tried enabling "use direct3d 11 for presentation" in MadVR?

my CPU is i5-6600 non-k Skylake.

Yes I have tried to enable it, same result, unfortunately sad

40 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 20-06-2016 20:09:24)

Re: My FPS while using SVP 4 keep rising higher than 72fps. Please HELP!!

TayyabKhalid wrote:

my CPU is i5-6600 non-k Skylake.

Awww, that combined with your discrete Radeon GPU would be perfect for MadVR + SVP as well! (you can have SVP use the integrated Intel GPU while MadVR uses the discrete Radeon GPU)

TayyabKhalid wrote:

Yes I have tried to enable it, same result, unfortunately sad

Well at the very least you know that it's something related to MadVR.  Perhaps if you're feeling bored some day, try going through the settings and seeing if any of them make a difference?

Also, since the issue is actually completely unrelated to SVP and is purely something with MadVR, it may be a good idea to ask for help somewhere like on Doom9 in the MadVR thread.