I cannot simply give you a link; but you try any of the following movies I tested lately and you can see for yourself that there is much more haloing with SVP 4 than with SVP 3.1.7 in general, and then try my settings as well. I have created a list, the specific movies I have watched and tested multiple times.
Movies extensively tested (Blu Ray):
1. Gravity
2. Interstellar
3. Inception
4. Prometheus
5. Ant-Man
6. Tron Legacy
7. Man of Steel
8. John Wick
9. The Matrix
10. The Matrix Reloaded
11. The Matrix Revolutions
12. Batman Begins
13. Dark Knight
14. Dark Knight Rises
15. Avengers Age of Ultron
16. The Avengers
17. Star Wars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
18. LoTR 1, 2, 3
19. Star Trek
20. Star Trek Into Darkness
The most problematic ones are The Matrix fighting scenes (e.g. first training scene), Ant-Man in general (e.g. in the begging, when we first see the laboratory and the product is advertised, Darren Cross's head haloes a lot as he walks across the room), and Tron Legacy in general (mostly on fast scenes, like the car arriving in the arena). I have extensively tested with multiple settings combinations in the above movies, so you can use SVP 4's highest quality setting in conjunction with film optimization and no artifact masking to enhance the effect. When you target a highly artifacting scene, start lowering / adjusting the settings and compare with SVP 3. Afterwards, duplicate my SVP 3 settings to SVP 4 and check the difference - SVP 4 will produce much more artifacts. Finally, switch SVP 4's settings as seen in the image above, so you will get video quality closer to what my SVP 3's settings produce, but will still have significantly more artifacting.
You will not be able to get the same amount of smoothness and artifact elimination with SVP 4 as you can with SVP 3 by just configuring the panel, and when you manage to adjust the settings for each individual movies and eliminate all artifacts, you will not be able to eliminate haloing completely. In contrast, my settings in SVP 3 work for all of these movies and have no artifacts & haloing, or if they do it is extremely minor and nothing compared to SVP 4.