Fanty1972 wrote:Because, those convertions are in ESSENCE ALL (and i do mean every 1 and single of emm) KNOCK OFFS from the original version (the REAL THING .. yes DVD or BD that you declare wAr!!) both Quality wise as Feature wise !!
DVD is NOT the "real" thing. DVD use MPEG-2, wich already trades quality for file size. the real thing (compression that doesnt trade quality with size) would be about 10times the size of a DVD. It was celebrated as a miracle to have such tiny video files with almost no (visible) loss of quality.... back then, in the stone age, when MPEG-2 was invented... 
For todays standarts, that compression algorithm is totaly ancient, outdated, weak compared to modern algorithms basing on MPEG-4 or others who all are able to create identical quality in much, much smaller size.
The only problem that exists is, that the source material (a DVD for example) is already compressed by a quality losing algorithm, so that a ripp of that makes it worse, but its impossible to get a hand to the raw material.
Not to start an debate which is the better of the two..
Ofcourse by "The real thing" i dont mean to say that the content of dvd disk is actually the captured master piece lol !!! The same goes with Bluray discs imo..
Futhermore, i know that raw → UNCOMPRESSED ← video material can be 10X or more times the size of even Blu-ray disc capicity ... Single, double, or even Quad layered Blu-ray discs..
And iam not even talking about an specific resolution the video is captured at either ....
Else, that woud ADD another few hundreds gigabytes to this Discussion trolol.
Iam very well aware of the fact that uNCompressed video material can be very taxing on both the system in terms of speed and storage !!!!
And i know , mpeg2 is inferiour to mp4, xvid perhaps... that is if you woud use that to compress uncompressed video material perhaps..!
But the truth is , that nearly every movie, episode or what ever is found on the WWW is converted to digital files (ie.. mp4, avi, xvid, flv etc etc...) and by doing that Y"ALL COMPROMISES the ORIGINAL VIDEO MATERIAL from the ORIGINAL SOURCE regardless of what Codec you might use.
Lets not forget... if DVD or bluray woudnt exist you would not be able to use those fancy codecs that exist today... just and because they are solely used on homemade cams (Homebrew in general), and oh yeah .. DVD/bluray material which are the STANDARDS for stand alones ATM .. wheiter you like it or not
Perhaps if mp4 or other codec woud have been used as an standard for dvd disk it woud look better... JUST MAYBE !! But thats something entirely different from what iam trying to say here!!
In my humble opinion... no matter how big the file size is from divx, xvid or other codec/containers files are ... (not talking about h264x = HD stuff), when i compared an DVD to Xvid or divx RE-compressed movie file with the video material of the original source disk regardless of the bitrate they have chosen to encode the material.
I cant help but notice how blurred and washed out that movie is and is NO WAY AS SHARP anymore compared to the DVD source !!!
And then there are those other cosmetic flaws like Green frames (xvid), Rainbow collor flaws etc.... because of the conversion !!!
Even when i compared that converted file to an shrinked DVD9 > DVD5 movie ... = watching divx/xvid files is like watching CGI stuff .. you know... its like ALL DETAILS of the original source is removed by converting them in media files !!!... small details like dots.. or cracks in tables/walls ... sort of speak... not sure how to explain it...
And then theres the backwards compatibility... those files are only ment to be played on desktops..Laptops... or other computer device...
What if you have just 1 tv set that has no support for codecs other then the standard Mpeg2/Vob or H264/mt2s layout structure that retail discs have !!!
Your all left alone with that media file that resides on ur usb driver or stick, that serves only 1 purpose .. !! And that is to bE EATEN ALIVE roar chortles hahaha..
Again, by the REAL thing ofcourse i wos refering to DVD or Bluray RETAIL DISCS ... since NONE of us ...or maybe an VERY VERY few select group of poeple will likely have the master copy in hands to play arround with it !!
On topic again....
Disable SVP to gain acces to menu navigation works... but MpC-hc tends to crash often doing that !!!!
Also... arround the edge of the characters in the movie i noticed almost like ghosting border you KNow.. like static noise arround them when they move especialy !!
Is there some setting to completely elliminate this... ?
I have noticed that EXACT same thing in Windvd tooo .. but only when using All2hd + DNM feature !!!
Here you are ↓ let me show ya an pictar...
This ↓ is an captured frame from the movie Elysium (dvd9)

... Any idea how that works !?
And lets not forget Chainsaw ...
Hahahahatjes.... merry X → miss ← (cuz ill NEVAARrr will give up my precious dvd/bd collection
Also , and you need to see this for yourself ... its maybe because of my superious eyes lol but..
Iam DEAD serious .. when i talking DVD+QUALITY in 1 single sentence syntax
Furthermore, i find the quality of Bluray inferiour to the quality of DVD using → enhanced features ← in software players such as ... → smooth / DNM video playback and sharpen filters ← ...
SERIOUSLY... when playing BD in windvd all those neat enhancement features are disabled by default .. no way to enable it... and maybe just because of those enhancements DVD looks very very NEAT and to me better then Bluray ..
Iam sorry but thats the way it is.....
Bluray and → 3D ← bluray ESPECIALY 3D
is al an marketing gimick to ripp of peoples money and to counter piracy ... if you ask me...
Let us be honest ... bluray is like 40+GB BD discs and STILL my DVD5 of proximately 46xx MB looks almost better then that (thanks those enhancements .. i admit but still!) !! FTW SERIOUSLY !????
Maybe when 4K becomes standard... and again that is if you have an HDTV that can pull that monster resolution and not need to → DOWNSCALE the resolution ←!!!
Like it wos with the so called HDREADY tv (1080i.... instead of 1080p
1 mistake i wont make that easily anymore when buying an tv in the future !!!