Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

By chance I solved my problem ....
Now I can watch movies SD, HD and FHD at 60FPS with SVP set to maximum and with madVR set to "High".

Obviously you want to know how I solved it. Well, in reality it was not me, but my dog not kidding hahahaha.

Basically I was trying various things and I put madVR set to "High" and SVP with a 1080p movie and I had to set up to control the machine load and the video card, suddenly my dog I salt in my arms and I care the mouse. I run after him like "butcher to which the dog has stolen the sausages" and take it back when I realize that the movie runs perfectly and there are no dropped frames!

In practice, the setting of SVP "Decrease frame size" is changed from "disable (default)" to "to 50% of original frame." This alone anything else

Doing the evidence, therefore, to see everything with SVP set to the maximum with my hardware just by changing the parameter, and then:

FHD 1080p Movies: To 50% of original frame.
720P HD Movie: To 75% of original frame.
SD movies: Disabled (Default).

Months of pissed off and it was just this ....

Now someone explains to me in detail what it is for that function?

Per caso ho risolto il mio problema....
Adesso posso vedere filmati SD, HD e FHD a 60FPS con SVP settato al massimo e con MadVR settato su "High".

Ovviamente vorrete sapere come ho risolto. Be, in realtá non sono stato io, ma il mio cane  Non scherzo hahahaha.

In pratica stavo provando varie cose e ho messo MadVR settato su "High" e SVP con un filmato 1080p e lo avevo settato al massimo per controllare il carico della cpu e scheda video, all'improvviso il mio cane mi sale in braccio e mi frega  il mouse. Lo rincorro tipo "macellaio a cui il dog ha rubato le salsicce" e quando lo riprendo mi accorgo che il filmato gira alla perfezione e non ci sono dropped frame!

In pratica, il settaggio di SVP "Decrease frame size" è passato da "disable (default)" a "To 50% of original frame". Solo questo niente altro

Facendo due prove, quindi, per vedere tutto con SVP settato al massimo con il mio hardware basta solo cambiare quel parametro e quindi:

Filmati FHD 1080p: To 50% of original frame.
Filmati HD 720P: To 75% of original frame.
Filmati SD: Disabled (Default).

Mesi di incazzatura ed era solo questo....

Qualcuno ora mi spiega nel dettaglio a cosa serve quella funzione?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

In practice, the setting of SVP "Decrease frame size" is changed from "disable (default)" to "to 50% of original frame."

this is very bad bad idea

SVP set to maximum

what it means - maximum? 5G? or similar all setings set to marginal values?

madVR set to "High"

what it means?


anyway: best settings for current system setup installer/SVP itself
madVR need: disable its internal decoder and set upsize=bicubic. downsize=lanczos

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Why is it a bad idea? It is the only way that allows me to watch movies without dropped frames.

The SVP settings are:
Uniform (max smoothness)
23. Complicated
To screen refresh rate
6 px. Small 2
By two with global refiniment
Half pixels
Repeat frame
To 75% of original size (for 720p or 50% for 1080p)
Vlend frames to screen refresh rate

MadVR has these settings

Chroma upscaling: Bicubic (Sharpness: 100)
Image upscaling: Lanczos (3 taps)

Perchè è una cattiva idea? È l'unico modo che mi permette di vedere i filmati senza dropped frame.

I settaggi di SVP sono:
Uniform (max smoothness)
23. Complicated
To screen refresh rate
6 px. Small 2
By two with global refiniment
Half pixel
Repeat frame
To 75% of original size (for 720p or 50% for 1080p)
Vlend frames to screen refresh rate

MadVR ha questi settaggi

Chroma upscaling:  Bicubic (Sharpness: 100)
Image upscaling: Lanczos (3 taps)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Why is it a bad idea? It is the only way that allows me to watch movies without dropped frames.

The SVP settings are:
Uniform (max smoothness)
23. Complicated
To screen refresh rate
6 px. Small 2
By two with global refiniment
Half pixels
Repeat frame
To 75% of original size (for 720p or 50% for 1080p)
Vlend frames to screen refresh rate

all your settings is bad idea

extreme/marginal settings is only overload CPU/memory and worse picture
its for debug/testing purpose

so reset it to default settings, SVP automatically choose profiles set based on autotest

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I can not put 5G because it worsens the situation. If the active acceleration of the GPU, I have lots of dropped frames in all situations, including through SPV and madVR to a minimum of potentials. All Movies SD, HD and FHD, have frame loss. Do I have to put 5C.

I do not understand why do you say that I have to put everything on "Default" as my processor can handle it all very quietly.

I want to use madVR + SVP with JINC all movies with SD, HD, and FHD, how can I do? I'm forced to change the video card? If yes, which?

Non posso mettere 5G perchè peggiora la situazione. Se attivo l'accellerazione della GPU, ho tantissimi dropped frame in tutte le situazioni, anche mettendo SPV e MadVR al minimo delle potenzialitá. Tutti i filmati SD, HD e FHD, hanno perdita di frame. Devo per forza mettere 5C.

Non capisco perchè dici che devo mettere tutto su "Default" visto che il mio processore riesce molto tranquillamente a gestire tutto.

Vorrei usare Madvr + SVP con JINC con tutti i filmati SD, HD,e FHD, come posso fare? devo per forza cambiare scheda video? Se si, quale?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

If the active acceleration of the GPU

dont use madvr, use EVR CP or upgrade to GT640 or higher
HD4000 is very weak

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

My video card is an nVidia GeForce GT 640.
Use madVR because it has the best scaler.
Use madVR + SVP does not allow me to use Jinc with any type of movie.
Using only SVP, I can use ONLY with Jinc SD movies.

La mia scheda video è una nVidia GeForce GT 640.
Uso MadVR perché ha il migliore scaler .
Usare MadVR+SVP  non mi permette di usare Jinc con nessun tipo di filmato.
Usando solo SVP, posso usare Jinc SOLO con filmati SD.

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

without Jinc with lanczos/bicubic video play smoothly?
GT640 with 384 or 144 CUDA cores?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Only if I use Jinc display problems using SVP + madVR and are Droped Frame on all kinds of movies.
Unfortunately, with movies hd I have to put 75% and decrease frame with movies FHD 50%. If I do not set so SVP, movies are jerky, freezes, are impossible to see. why?

What is "SPs" when talking about video cards?

Solo se uso Jinc ho problemi di visualizzazione usando SVP+MadVR e si presentano Droped Frame  on tutti i tipi di filmati.
Purtroppo, però, con i filmati hd devo mettere decrease frame 75% e con i filmati FHD a 50%. Se non imposto così SVP, i filmati vanno a scatti, si bloccano, sono impossibili da vedere. perchè?

Cos'è "SPs" quando si parla delle schede video?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

What is "SPs" when talking about video cards?

show GPU-Z screen

with EVR CP problem has to?

61 (edited by Michael 26-08-2013 06:27:15)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

What do you mean if you give me problems?
What should I check?

Cosa intendi se mi da problemi?
Cosa devo controllare?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system


show me GPU-Z printscreen, please

2. Change render to EVR Custom Present and check you problem

3. Show Additional information (SVP - Information - additionla information)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I had already responded Mag79. I forgot about that ....

Mi aveva gia risposto Mag79. me ne ero dimenticato...

MAG79 wrote:

I did not know what you are so hard man. wink

I checked GPU load when play video with SVP at my TV via HDMI with mode 1920x1080 @ 60 Hz.
My GTX 660 Ti with madVR on default setting FullHD shows GPU load at 20%. And 24% with sharpen complex 2 shader enabled.
720p shows 16% / 17% (without/with sharen complex 2).
GTX 660 Ti has 1344 SPs, GT 640 has 384 SPs. So GT 640 is slower in 1344/384 = 3.5 times. It must be enough for madVR at default settings.

Default settings you can get by launching madVR\restore default settings.bat from SVP folder.

I checked GPU load at your's maniacal madVR settings (Jinc 4 taps / spline 4 taps / spline 4 taps).
FullHD shows 43% / 49 % (without/with sharen complex 2).
720p shows 27% / 30 % (without/with sharen complex 2).

GTX 650 Ti (768 SPs) is minimum for such settings. If you don't want more complicated GPU processing hmm

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I had already responded Mag79. I forgot about that ....

o yes
He is right and I'am led to this

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

With EVR (cp), I can not control the dropped frames.
What else should I check?
With GPU-Z, I do the screenshot while watching a video specifically any ouo (SD, HD, FHD)?

Con EVR (cp), non posso controllare i dropped frames.
Che altro devo controllare?
Con GPU-Z , devo fare lo screenshot mentre guardo un video qualsiasi o u o specifico (SD, HD, FHD)?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

What is "SPs" when talking about video cards?


Shaders 384

With EVR (cp), I can not control the dropped frames.

пропущено кадров = dropped frames, MPC mix rus/eng interface hmm

Post's attachments

Безымянный.png, 623.14 kb, 920 x 673
Безымянный.png 623.14 kb, 557 downloads since 2013-08-26 

67 (edited by Michael 26-08-2013 07:26:57)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

With EVR (cp) you can not see any movie because it has deopped frame, the sound skips, SVP and said to lower the profile because there's do it!

With EVR, with all types of movies, there are no dropped frame and Svp works correctly.

Con EVR(cp) non è possibile vedere nessun filmato perche ha deopped frame, l'audio salta, e SVP dice di abbassare il profilo perchè non c'è la fa!
Con EVR, con tutti i tipi di filmati non ci sono dropped frame e Svp funziona correttamente.

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

With EVR, with all types of movies, there are no dropped frame and Svp works correctly.

1. check foreground process for GPU load: in GPU-Z - Sensors check GPU Load / Video Engine load in idle, MADVR, EVRCP and EVR.
2. show screen dpclat … download=1 in idle, MADVR, EVR.

69 (edited by destiny82 26-08-2013 13:41:35)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I've tried what Michael suggest on decrease frame size to 50% of original size on 1080p video and with that setting my system (i5 3570, gt 220) is able to play video with madvr (chroma ups on bicubic, 75, AR; image ups on lanczos, 3 taps, AR; image down on catmull-rom, AR -> those are "high" profile in madvr guide setting) with no problem.

If I choose decrease frame size to screen size, with that madvr setting, the video is lagging pretty bad.

Is decrease frame size to 50% of original size a bad thing?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

After I tested some video again, it turns out the smoothness seems reduced with "high" profile madvr even I set to uniform.

So I changed the madvr (chroma ups, image ups, image down) setting all to bilinear and decrease frame size to screen size.

I like the smoothness in uniform so for the moment I like this setting for my system:
24 px. Large 2
To screen size

I guess I must accepted those artifacts for a while  big_smile

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Is decrease frame size to 50% of original size a bad thing?

becouse original frames show at original size while interlpolated frames at 50% size => flicker thin lines, edges, blurring picture

I like this setting for my system:

As for me I prefer 1.5m
And you dont need to print all settings by hands, you may copy it from SVP menu - information - additional information

72 (edited by destiny82 27-08-2013 13:31:31)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

I also change = 0 in override.js file which tested by MAG79 in this topic: which increase smoothness and less artifacts (as MAG79 mentioned) even in 24px in my setting  big_smile

Once again, I want to say THANK YOU to svp team for this AMAZING software  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Once again, I want to say THANK YOU to svp team for this AMAZING software 

you are welcome!

74 (edited by Michael 31-08-2013 05:58:38)

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

Sorry for the delay in answering, because you're helping me.
To do the tests you told me that I have to use video (SD, HD, FHD)?
when I use madVR, which settings should I use (Jin or other)?
Where is the file override.js to make the change?

Are you a member of staff is SVP?

Scusa per il ritardo nel risponderti, visto che mi stai aiutando.
Per fare le prove che mi hai detto, che video devo usare (SD, HD, FHD)?
quando uso MadVR, che impostazioni devo usare (Jin o altro)?
Dove si trova il file override.js per fare la modifica?

Sei un membro dello staff si SVP?

Re: Best configuration SVP for my system

To do the tests you told me that I have to use video (SD, HD, FHD)?

SD 720*576 or above
HD 1280*720 or above
FHD 1920*1080 or above

when I use madVR, which settings should I use (Jin or other)?

Where is the file override.js to make the change?

in the SVP install folder
If you want to fine tune settings you have to understand what they means!

Are you a member of staff is SVP?

I made installer and write some manuals in the rus-wiki