1 (edited by heyer 06-04-2012 01:08:21)

Topic: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

Hey there, I hope I'm not bothering you people too much with my endless amount of questions. I've mostly been asking for help to fix a specific issue I've been having, but since I haven't been able to find a solution myself yet, I'd thought I would bring it up.
I really enjoy watching anime and I only use frame-interpolation for the paning and zooming scenes, the rest doesn't really matter for me. However, artifacts like the ones I've linked to are killing me. Is there a way to fix them, or is frame-interpolation simply not meant for anime?


2 (edited by heyer 06-04-2012 10:24:07)

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

This issue can be solved by simply adjusting the parameters for when to enable frame-interpolation under the "adaptive" setting, I have attached a my override file. If this is placed in the SVP-folder, then SVP will only activate in scenes with panning motion. It's a little crude since I haven't fine-tuned it yet, but it works.

Post's attachments

override.js 2.6 kb, 882 downloads since 2012-04-06 

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

Thank you for screenshots. Here is animation of frame fragment to best compare and understand.


This kind of artifacts is called waves-artifacts.
To avoid waves-artifacts especially for anime you can make some tuning in profile window.


SVP-shader: 2.Sharp. It makes interpolated frames from only one source frame. Choose it to avoid blended frames and double contours.
Motion vector grid: 24 px. Large 2. It means block size 32x32 with overlap 8 px. Big size of blocks is sensitive enough to detect global pan and zoom and not detect little motions. It helps to avoid small waves on contours.
Decrease grid step: Disabled. It is not necessary to decrease grid step for anime.
Search raduis: Small and fast. It is best choice to detect global motions only.
Motion vectors precision: Two pixels. This value of setting disable search at finest level. It is best choice to decrease wave artifacts for FullHD-video.

Post's attachments

Profile_QualityAnime.png, 16.85 kb, 448 x 508
Profile_QualityAnime.png 16.85 kb, 918 downloads since 2012-04-05 

SVP_amine_artifacts_ani.gif, 119.23 kb, 459 x 370
SVP_amine_artifacts_ani.gif 119.23 kb, 1477 downloads since 2012-04-05 

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

Well, this seems simpler and better than what I suggested. Is this gonna become some kind of preset, or should I make a little section in the wiki?

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

May be it will be "anime-preset" in future versions of SVP.
But now it will be nice to write short instructions.

If you found best settings for anime please write about it smile

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

Hey there, I wrote a little tutorial about it. But since the wiki is locked, I can't really format and upload it.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12485963/Frame% … 0anime.doc

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

Thank you for this tutorial. We'll add it to the wiki. We will discuss in our team about your write-access to wiki.
I will inform you about results.

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

Here is the article wink

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

For testing purposes I use this video that I got from the doom9 motion interpolation (or was it from other page?) some time ago. I uploaded from my hd since I don't remember the original link big_smile

But I don't know if there's a setting to get perfect geometry (tested but perfect perfect no way  neutral, but latest SVP seem better  big_smile  ) and if this video is good for reference as quality you'll get for "real" videos/movies.  I think so but maybe there are other situations not present in this short video.

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

I think so but maybe there are other situations not present in this short video.

yeah, you should add some

background to make it worse  big_smile

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

Chainik wrote:

I think so but maybe there are other situations not present in this short video.

yeah, you should add some

background to make it worse  big_smile

Don't give ideas or people will ask if SVP team can do a similar test video with all situations so it can be visually fast to detect the differences between each interpolation method  big_smile

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

Hey there, thanks for adding it to the wiki. I've been kinda busy with studies lately, that's why I haven't really edited anything. I'm kinda wondering, why do the wave artifacts only happen in anime? Is it because of too many detected motion vectors that don't fit with the directon of the motion? If so, is this because alot of block in anime contours remind of each other, leading to false motion vectors? Or maybe wave artifacts happen with real movies aswell?

Re: [Solved]Frame interpolation and anime artifacts

They happen everywhere where we've got thin contrast lines. Like plane wings in the sky, for example.