Topic: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Hello Guys!

I have a problem with SVP. I hv downloaded the latest version to give it a try, but 1080p video playback "stutters" it seems that the hardware is not enough.

My rig is: Core I7-960 (no OC), ATI HD 6970, W7 64bit, Catalyst 11.9.

Settings in the profile section did not help. 720p videos are just fine, but 1080p videos are not.

Any idea?

A bit more info:
I used the default installation of SVP 3.0.5. No other player and/or codecs were installed on the 32 bit side (I already have an MPC-HC in the 64 bit side, with it's own settings, but without any codecs). 64 bit and 32 bit settings are independent from each other as far as I can see.
So it was an SVP 3.0.5 installation to a clean machine.

Thank You all!

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Hello again smile

It should work fine on your hardware, so post here some extended info:
1. "Show" -> "Additional information" text log and
2. screenshot of "Show" -> "Performance graph" while playing 1080p video

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Hello, dsgnethu

Continue of questions: wink
3. What player did you use with SVP?
4. What 1080p file? We need details about framerate and interlacing flag.

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Chainik wrote:

Hello again smile

It should work fine on your hardware, so post here some extended info:
1. "Show" -> "Additional information" text log and
2. screenshot of "Show" -> "Performance graph" while playing 1080p video

Thanks Chainik!

I'll post that information later today, when I'll be at home:)

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5


Now I installed Catalyst 11.10 and SVP 3.0.5 again, and the situation a bit changed:

- I don't know why, but I couldn't get SVP work together with madVR. If at the installation section I choose use madVR by default, the SVP not working and cannot get working with any settings (Waiting for ffdshow video...). Even if I change the output to EVR custom, SVP not working. If at the installation I just select register madVR but leave the other option at default, SVP works (arrow changes to green when starting a video). If I change to madVR, SVP cease functioning, even if I set ffdshow video decoder at external filters with merit "prefer".
- Now, I saw at least one movie which works perfectly with SVP so thank You. Every movement are fluid and great to see the movie like this. Only a few artifacts with default settings.

But. Othert movies are still suffering from stuttering effect and SVP claims about high CPU load. I'm wondering how it could possible. I set number of threads according to Core I7 setting and OpenCL setting has a tick by default (so it uses the videocard, right?). Is my rig not enough to play all 1080p movies with all SVP options default?!

Please help what to change:)

Here are 2 text logs and 2 screenshots of 2 movies. One which is working (The Day After Tomorrow) and one which not (Crimson River).

Last processed file parameters:
Filename: The Day After Tomorrow 1080p dxva dual -Sadu.mkv
Frame size and frame rate: 1920x816 pixels, 23.976 fps

Detected monitor parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 59.997 Hz

Video smoothing info
Smooth factor: 5:2
Resulting video frame rate: 59.94 fps

Current detected profile: 1920x1080@24

Profile settings of video processing
[ExMethod=MSmoothFps_ByPixel]    Smoothness improvement: Normal
[ExAlgo=13]            SVP-shader: 13. Standard
[ExMulti=MON]            Framerate change: To screen refresh rate
[ExMiniCount=1:1]        Interpolated frames size: Full size
[ExRad=4p]            Search radius: 4 pixels
[ExSearch=4]            Search type: Hexagon
[ExPel=2]            Motion estimation accuracy: To half-pixel
[ExRecalc=0]            Recalculation of vectors: Do not recalculate
[ExBlockSize=16x16]        Blocks size: 16x16 pixels
[ExOverlap=4]            Blocks overlapping: 0.25 of block
[ExSadml=0]            Bad areas artifacts suppression: Nothing
[ExSadgamma=1]            Bad areas artifacts mask: Normal
[ExBlend=true]            Processing of scene change: Frame blending
[ExDwnResize=0]            Reduce resolution: Do not reduce
[ExConvertFps=false]        Frame blending to screen refresh-rate:false

Settings by menu
[svp_libflowgpu=1]        GPU-acceleration (OpenCL): true
[ExTreads=9]            Number of threads: 9 (Core i7)
[Borderlight=0]            Light at black borders: false
[ExStretch=0]            Frame stretch: Do not stretch
[ExCrop=-1]            Cropping: Do not crop
[VDelay=0]            Video delay: 0 ms
[ExDemo=0]            Demonstration mode: false
[ExTearingTest=0]        Tearing test: false
[EFrameDoubling=0]        Emergency framedoubling: false
[StopSmoothDelayOnRewind=1]    Smooth on rewind: Turn off by 1 sec

Last processed file parameters:
Filename: Crimson River 1080p triple (hun-eng-french).avi
Frame size and frame rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 23.976 fps

Detected monitor parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 59.997 Hz

Video smoothing info
Smooth factor: 5:2
Resulting video frame rate: 59.94 fps

Current detected profile: 1920x1080@24

Profile settings of video processing
[ExMethod=MSmoothFps_ByPixel]    Smoothness improvement: Normal
[ExAlgo=13]            SVP-shader: 13. Standard
[ExMulti=MON]            Framerate change: To screen refresh rate
[ExMiniCount=1:1]        Interpolated frames size: Full size
[ExRad=4p]            Search radius: 4 pixels
[ExSearch=4]            Search type: Hexagon
[ExPel=2]            Motion estimation accuracy: To half-pixel
[ExRecalc=0]            Recalculation of vectors: Do not recalculate
[ExBlockSize=16x16]        Blocks size: 16x16 pixels
[ExOverlap=4]            Blocks overlapping: 0.25 of block
[ExSadml=0]            Bad areas artifacts suppression: Nothing
[ExSadgamma=1]            Bad areas artifacts mask: Normal
[ExBlend=true]            Processing of scene change: Frame blending
[ExDwnResize=0]            Reduce resolution: Do not reduce
[ExConvertFps=false]        Frame blending to screen refresh-rate:false

Settings by menu
[svp_libflowgpu=1]        GPU-acceleration (OpenCL): true
[ExTreads=9]            Number of threads: 9 (Core i7)
[Borderlight=0]            Light at black borders: false
[ExStretch=0]            Frame stretch: Do not stretch
[ExCrop=-1]            Cropping: Do not crop
[VDelay=0]            Video delay: 0 ms
[ExDemo=0]            Demonstration mode: false
[ExTearingTest=0]        Tearing test: false
[EFrameDoubling=0]        Emergency framedoubling: false
[StopSmoothDelayOnRewind=1]    Smooth on rewind: Turn off by 1 sec

The performance graphs may vary, because I stopped the videos few times. On the first screenshot, I made it AFTER playing the video but it still shows what You may want to know.
The 2nd screenshot made during playing the video.

I hope You may find out what the problem is. According to the forums, some other users could experience fluid movement even with lower hardware.


Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Which splitter do you use?
And which decoder?

I recommend to use Haali (with checked "avi" option) and any hardware decoding:
- potplayer (DXVA2);
- Cyberlink (HAM).

or fast software decoding:
- ffdShow;
- CoreAVC.

7 (edited by dsgnethu 08-11-2011 11:48:48)

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

MAG79 wrote:

Which splitter do you use?
And which decoder?

I recommend to use Haali (with checked "avi" option) and any hardware decoding:
- potplayer (DXVA2);
- Cyberlink (HAM).

or fast software decoding:
- ffdShow;
- CoreAVC.

Like I said, I use default SVP 3.0.5 installation.

SVP + Avisynth 2.5 + ffdshow + MPC-HC + Haali Media Splitter

All settings default. I did not try to modify anything, I suppose it should work without any settings on my hardware.

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5


I did not try to modify anything, I suppose it should work without any settings on my hardware.

Then I have nothing to say. I suppose You should try. wink

What happend with pictures from

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5


I know it's not easy, to find problem in someone else's system, but then ask, or tell me what sould I do.

The W7 is well installed, all drivers are current and all software components are up to date. I do not see anything which could interfere with this thing. No other codecs and or players are installed. 'coz I hate codec packs, I always use MPC-HC which is default for SVP.

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Splitter for avi by default is not Haali. Your second video is avi. To use Haali You need to reinstall Haali (Matroska) splitter and check avi option. Decoders by default is too slow. But tunning for faster speed is individual for different systems. I said what to do with Your case:

I recommend to use Haali (with checked "avi" option) and any hardware decoding:
- potplayer (DXVA2);
- Cyberlink (HAM).

or fast software decoding:
- ffdShow;
- CoreAVC.

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5


Tricky;) The second video is MKV just renamed to AVI. Reason: that damn Cyberlink PowerDVD cannot play MKV files by default, even with Haali installed. Renaming the MKV to AVI solves the problem smile

On this computer (where I want to use SVP) the is no PowerDVD installed, so I'll just rename the file back, and try it again. Thanks.

But... even on the other file (which has MKV extension) the CPU usage is between 75%-99%. Is this normal with this hardware? 6970 not capable of doing this? I don't think so.

There's a problem somewhere, I just don't know where. According to forums here and other sites, if someone installs SVP on adequate hardware and do no modify default install options (like madVR or use ffdshow with DXVA), the SVP just runs fine, even with lower hardware.

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

SVP settings for Core i7 is tuned on Core i7 920 and works fine with 75% load when playing 1920x1080@24 -> 60.
You CPU is faster, but works slower. It is abnormal. hmm

13 (edited by dsgnethu 08-11-2011 14:08:45)

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Could be the reason that, the film is not 24 fps but 23.976?

According to any other measurements, my system just works fine. Experience index, games, everything. I cannot see any bottlenecks on my system.

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

23.974 is the same as 24 for SVP, because smooth coefficients the same: 5:2.

Try to check:
1. Throttling on Your CPU (for example with AIDA64).
2. CPU- and GPU-score in SVPmark (compare with MAG79 results).
3. Results of dpclat must be in green zone.
4. CPU load must be 0 when stop/pause video.

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5


I'll do the first three later today. Thanks for the tips.

About the 4th: CPU load is 0 when I'm doing nothing. No any software runs constantly which "eats" CPU power. The system sits on a SSD so really no bottlenecks:) I'll do the measurements and post the results.

16 (edited by dsgnethu 08-11-2011 22:13:47)

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5


I did the 4 required tests.

1. It's a lot of data, I did a CPU and memory speed test, all results are as just expected, according to other systems. If You really need the HTML report, maybe I can upload it to somewhere.
2. Tests are done. I modified the thread number to 9, to be same as my setting in SVP. Results are posted, You may check them. I did it a few minutes ago.
3. Printscreen:
4. Not tested yet... because...
Maybe the problem is somewhere else, not in the pure power of my system. I have no idea.

Could it be, that Avisynth is not 64 bits?

STRANGE! Yesterday, SVP worked, but with the issue I told You (I know I did NOT restart the computer after install). Today, SVP simply not working. Since Yesterday, nothing has changed in the system, just a restart.

Now I try it again. I'm removing SVP now completely. Delete all remaining files and directories. Restart. Install, test. If works I do restart. I'll post the results in a few minutes.

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

4. CPU load is 0 when pausing the video.

Also I can confirm. Right after installation, SVP works, but high CPU load is in effect.
After system restart, SVP cease functioning, and I could never get it working again.

What could cause this? Maybe some of the scripts doesn't know that it's a 64 bit system, and therefore directories are in "Program Files (x86)" instead of "Program Files"?

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Now I know why SVP is not working after install. SVP manager has to be run as administrator!!!! Strange, because my user is already an admin but still UAC is enabled.
So, after restart, if I run SVP manager as admin, it works. But high CPU load is still in effect  sad

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

I ask about CPU Throttling. You did not say anything about it. Ok. See at the picture.

Did you pass this test and what about CPU Throttling value?
Normally it should be 0.

Post's attachments

AIDA64_CPU_Throttling.jpg, 53.13 kb, 600 x 354
AIDA64_CPU_Throttling.jpg 53.13 kb, 703 downloads since 2011-11-08 

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Yeah, normally it's 0. Do You want me to run it?

21 (edited by dsgnethu 09-11-2011 01:11:04)

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Only for 2 min, but I run the stability test. I think, no issue. I not experienced any stability issue, using the computer. Only SVP has some problems.
Maybe it could help to some others out there, that if they experience SVP not working just "waiting for ffdshow video...", try to re-run SVP manager as administrator (even if the current user is an administrator).
But this still not solved my problem. Maybe GPU assist simply not working somehow?

What did You read about my posted results from the SVPMark?

CPU Throttling results



Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

About SVPmark. Your results are very low. sad
Exactly half of the normal values: 859 vs 1768 (uNk).
Why number of threads is only 4? It should be 8.
HyperThreading enabled?

Just look at the tables.

Tables shows all results with Core i7 9xx CPU at "FHD" resolution (GPU is on). Sorted by "CPU only" score.

Post's attachments

dsgnethu_SVPmarks1.png, 12.75 kb, 604 x 201
dsgnethu_SVPmarks1.png 12.75 kb, 636 downloads since 2011-11-09 

dsgnethu_SVPmarks2.png, 15.25 kb, 743 x 201
dsgnethu_SVPmarks2.png 15.25 kb, 663 downloads since 2011-11-09 

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

Lets analyze results we have got.
1. CPU Throttling is absent - good
2. SVPmark results is low - bad
3. dpclat in green zone - good
4. CPU load in idle is 0 - good

So, we need detailed information about SVPmark results ("Run" at default settings, "Save to file" and put it here) and about your hardware (for example show AIDA64 HTML report).
First, fill your profile.

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

dsgnethu wrote:

I know why SVP is not working after install. SVP manager has to be run as administrator!!!!

Can you start SVP normally by click and after fail put here SVP start log: %appdata%\SVP\Logs\Log.txt ?
What happen with SVP after that: is process still running?

Re: Problem with SVP 3.0.5

please, run full tests in 3dmark vantage and 3dmark11, also superPi 1M
post results here, 3dmark results CPU + GPU separately