Now I installed Catalyst 11.10 and SVP 3.0.5 again, and the situation a bit changed:
- I don't know why, but I couldn't get SVP work together with madVR. If at the installation section I choose use madVR by default, the SVP not working and cannot get working with any settings (Waiting for ffdshow video...). Even if I change the output to EVR custom, SVP not working. If at the installation I just select register madVR but leave the other option at default, SVP works (arrow changes to green when starting a video). If I change to madVR, SVP cease functioning, even if I set ffdshow video decoder at external filters with merit "prefer".
- Now, I saw at least one movie which works perfectly with SVP so thank You. Every movement are fluid and great to see the movie like this. Only a few artifacts with default settings.
But. Othert movies are still suffering from stuttering effect and SVP claims about high CPU load. I'm wondering how it could possible. I set number of threads according to Core I7 setting and OpenCL setting has a tick by default (so it uses the videocard, right?). Is my rig not enough to play all 1080p movies with all SVP options default?!
Please help what to change:)
Here are 2 text logs and 2 screenshots of 2 movies. One which is working (The Day After Tomorrow) and one which not (Crimson River).
Last processed file parameters:
Filename: The Day After Tomorrow 1080p dxva dual -Sadu.mkv
Frame size and frame rate: 1920x816 pixels, 23.976 fps
Detected monitor parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 59.997 Hz
Video smoothing info
Smooth factor: 5:2
Resulting video frame rate: 59.94 fps
Current detected profile: 1920x1080@24
Profile settings of video processing
[ExMethod=MSmoothFps_ByPixel] Smoothness improvement: Normal
[ExAlgo=13] SVP-shader: 13. Standard
[ExMulti=MON] Framerate change: To screen refresh rate
[ExMiniCount=1:1] Interpolated frames size: Full size
[ExRad=4p] Search radius: 4 pixels
[ExSearch=4] Search type: Hexagon
[ExPel=2] Motion estimation accuracy: To half-pixel
[ExRecalc=0] Recalculation of vectors: Do not recalculate
[ExBlockSize=16x16] Blocks size: 16x16 pixels
[ExOverlap=4] Blocks overlapping: 0.25 of block
[ExSadml=0] Bad areas artifacts suppression: Nothing
[ExSadgamma=1] Bad areas artifacts mask: Normal
[ExBlend=true] Processing of scene change: Frame blending
[ExDwnResize=0] Reduce resolution: Do not reduce
[ExConvertFps=false] Frame blending to screen refresh-rate:false
Settings by menu
[svp_libflowgpu=1] GPU-acceleration (OpenCL): true
[ExTreads=9] Number of threads: 9 (Core i7)
[Borderlight=0] Light at black borders: false
[ExStretch=0] Frame stretch: Do not stretch
[ExCrop=-1] Cropping: Do not crop
[VDelay=0] Video delay: 0 ms
[ExDemo=0] Demonstration mode: false
[ExTearingTest=0] Tearing test: false
[EFrameDoubling=0] Emergency framedoubling: false
[StopSmoothDelayOnRewind=1] Smooth on rewind: Turn off by 1 sec

Last processed file parameters:
Filename: Crimson River 1080p triple (hun-eng-french).avi
Frame size and frame rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 23.976 fps
Detected monitor parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 59.997 Hz
Video smoothing info
Smooth factor: 5:2
Resulting video frame rate: 59.94 fps
Current detected profile: 1920x1080@24
Profile settings of video processing
[ExMethod=MSmoothFps_ByPixel] Smoothness improvement: Normal
[ExAlgo=13] SVP-shader: 13. Standard
[ExMulti=MON] Framerate change: To screen refresh rate
[ExMiniCount=1:1] Interpolated frames size: Full size
[ExRad=4p] Search radius: 4 pixels
[ExSearch=4] Search type: Hexagon
[ExPel=2] Motion estimation accuracy: To half-pixel
[ExRecalc=0] Recalculation of vectors: Do not recalculate
[ExBlockSize=16x16] Blocks size: 16x16 pixels
[ExOverlap=4] Blocks overlapping: 0.25 of block
[ExSadml=0] Bad areas artifacts suppression: Nothing
[ExSadgamma=1] Bad areas artifacts mask: Normal
[ExBlend=true] Processing of scene change: Frame blending
[ExDwnResize=0] Reduce resolution: Do not reduce
[ExConvertFps=false] Frame blending to screen refresh-rate:false
Settings by menu
[svp_libflowgpu=1] GPU-acceleration (OpenCL): true
[ExTreads=9] Number of threads: 9 (Core i7)
[Borderlight=0] Light at black borders: false
[ExStretch=0] Frame stretch: Do not stretch
[ExCrop=-1] Cropping: Do not crop
[VDelay=0] Video delay: 0 ms
[ExDemo=0] Demonstration mode: false
[ExTearingTest=0] Tearing test: false
[EFrameDoubling=0] Emergency framedoubling: false
[StopSmoothDelayOnRewind=1] Smooth on rewind: Turn off by 1 sec

The performance graphs may vary, because I stopped the videos few times. On the first screenshot, I made it AFTER playing the video but it still shows what You may want to know.
The 2nd screenshot made during playing the video.
I hope You may find out what the problem is. According to the forums, some other users could experience fluid movement even with lower hardware.