1 (edited by extraeye 14-02-2012 08:15:52)

Topic: my personal guide for svp usage

Hi all.
I've only just discovered this great tool today and it's really great!
I think you've made great work with SVP except I didn't completely understand how it works. Now that I've played around a little I think I can save other people some time with my knowledge.

Best results:
The stronger processor the better.
New dedicated video cards with DXVA/Nvidia.

SVP will adjust it's settings according to your processor. Better hardware will enable better settings which in turn will reward you with better interpolation quality, video quality (less artifacts), and performance.

This should let you run almost any video file with MPC and with SVP:


Download and install SVP from here: http://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Download
It's best to use the package since it includes all the additional software you'll need.

2) Make ffdshow run:

Run MPC HC and click "O" for Options>External Filters>Add Filter....
Now if you have an integrated video card or an old video card double click ffdshow video decoder. If you have a new video card, choose ffdshow raw decoder filter and move to part 3.

You need ffdshow to work in order to use SVP since what it does is use ffdshow's avisynth filter to add a script that does all the interpolation work. So you need to either decode your videos with ffdshow or add the raw ffdshow decoder to the chain of filters so that it passes through it after the decoding is done.
In short: If you have an old video card or an integrated card, it's best to use ffdshow video decoder and you're done. The decoding and the interpolation will both be done by your processor. If you have a video card from recent years read (3).

Optional steps:

3)Make Lav Decoder run

For the best performance with recent video cards:
(1)Install Lav filters from here: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=156191
(2)Press "o" for options in MPC HC, then go to Internal Filters and disable all checkboxes. (3)Go to External Filters>Add filters and double click Lav Video Decoder to make MPC HC use Lav filters' video decoder. Do this step once more and this time double click Lav Splitter.
(4)Mark Lav Video Decoder from the list under External Filters and set it to Prefer.
(5)Double click Lav Video Decoder on the list and under Hardware Decoder to use choose DXVA2 copy-back or Nvidia Cuvid (If you have an nvidia card).

If you have a video card from recent years (about three I think) you should be able to use it to decode the video, which will improve performance  big_smile . This is called "DXVA"/"CUDA" and is not available in ffdshow. So we will be using Lav video decoder which can use your video card to decode together with "ffdshow raw" which is there just for SVP to work.
This will enable your video card to decode the video and leave the processor to focus entirely on SVP's interpolation.

4)Make MadVR run

For the best video quality use the MadVR renderer: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=146228 Add it in Options>Playback>Output and under directshow video choose Madvr. This also requires having a video card from recent years. It will add some strain to your video card but it's worth it. cool

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

Thanks wink

under "Hardware Decoder to use" choose "Nvidia Cuvid"

"DXVA2 copy-back" mode is preferred cause it works with almost any video card (LAV version 0.45+)

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

cool smile I learned something new.
Is it as good as CUDA?

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

CUVID is just an another interface to the same video decoding blocks.

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

When I put LAV Decoder as preferred ffdshow disapears and SVP don't use the smoothness. Any tips on it?

Re: my personal guide for svp usage


Run MPC HC and click "O" for options>"External Filters">"Add Filter..." and double click "ffdshow raw decoder filter".
See steps 6-9 from that guide

7 (edited by Umberlee 14-02-2012 11:08:53)

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

Ok if I do that I get the same GPU ussage than If I leave all external filters in blank and I use normal ffdshow (comparing it when SVP is not working), so is really DXVA from LAV Filter working? I'm using for testing a Radeon HD 6670 12.2 drivers. Or maybe it should not increase GPU usage at all like this and still using DXVA?

I'm trying it on media player classic, cause on Pot player I have many crashes, this system has 2 Xeons based on i7 a total of 16 threads, maybe it's using too many memory, I need to disable HT in order to have less threads and fix svp to a fewer threads or it increases memory ussage too much.

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

I'm not an expert in this but in my experience heat goes up for my video card when I use CUDA but it doesn't show up on GPU usage. Just see if your CPU is under use or not in task manager.

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

PotPlayer and LAV decoder are both very like "to eat" memory more than other players and decoders.
You can check it in Performance graph from SVP.

And of course more threads takes more memory.

About GPU load. I recommend to use GPU-Z with 3 indexes of different graphic blocks load (GPU, Memory controller, Video engine).

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

So is Coreavc prefered? Last time I checked I remember LavCodec was considered the best decoder. Especially considering support for 10bit but I guess that's a seperate issue.

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

LAV codec is the best in many nominations. Best codec used much memory too. wink

So is Coreavc prefered?
Yes. If you have NVidia card. I use CoreAVC when I need more free memory to my SVP-script.

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

I'm still twisted, i think this LAV thing is not working at all, DXVA is not active at all when having ffdshow raw as preferred merit. I've exactly same CPU usage, same GPU usage and same memory usage.

Or you have ffdshow or you have DXVA from LAV, not both.

If I put the LAV video Decoder as prefer ffdshow not working, If I put ffdshow raw as prefer I'm getting same results as if I leave external filters in blank.

On internal filters I've all checkboxes disabled.

DXVA + SVP might be a myth then, but if it works, will not impact on SVP performance with GPU acceleration if we have GPU with the DXVA task too?

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

You're doing something wrong  hmm

My results with 1-core SandyBridge with HT off (avg CPU load in %)

ffdshow QuickSync: 40%
ffdshow software: >100% and freezing
LAV DXVA + ffdshow raw: 40%
LAV QickSync + ffdshow raw: 50%
LAV software + ffdshow raw: >100 and freezing
PotPlayer DXVA + ffdshow raw: 20%

And when it comes to all 2+2 HT cores on i5-2430M:

ffdshow software: 70%, up to 95% sometimes
Any HW decoder including LAV DXVA + ffdshow raw: 10-15%

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

Aja ok you need to have FFDShow Raw as prefer and LAV Video Decoding also as Prefer, then LAV Spliter without Prefer, I just realized it.

With that and 1 core yes I can see the diference 60% CPU usage normal play vs 100% and freezes, this works good as a normal playing but...

The bad thing is that when I use SVP I got little stops with this configuration with LAV DXVA, a thing I don't have when I remove all the external filters and I use exclusevely ffdshow. Then SVP runs smooth like always.

So maybe on weak VGA cards it's not that good to use SVP + LAV DXVA, at least in my case I get less performance, almost no smoothing cause of lagging. Dunno if the Radeon HD 6670 is weak or no, but maybe is weaker than GTX 560 for example.

I'll try the same with my home system (Core i7 2600k@4300Mhz + GTX 570), and see if SVP runs better with LAV DXVA than without and report back.

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

The bad thing is that when I use SVP I got little stops with this configuration with LAV DXVA, a thing I don't have when I remove all the external filters and I use exclusevely ffdshow. Then SVP runs smooth like always.

Yep, that's the problem with weak ATI/AMD cards. I've got the same on both i5-2430 + 6450 and Phenom II X6 + 5670.
BUT this's only for full 1080p. Cropped BD-rips 1920*800 are played smoothly with DXVA too.
I don't know what about low-end NV cards  hmm

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

I don't know what about low-end NV cards

try to ask MAG79

17 (edited by travolter 14-02-2012 19:14:56)

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

MAG79 wrote:

PotPlayer and LAV decoder are both very like "to eat" memory more than other players and decoders.

I use Pot + LAV... but I want to get the max of my computer (Im decoding with CPU not GPU)

What videoplayer and decoder do you recommend?

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

I have a 560TI + core 2 duo E8400 and it works for most videos. However some files just don't allow acceleration for some reason. Did you try different files?
BTW 1080p barely works for me. I guess when I get a new processor things will be better smile oh poor student life  roll

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

when I use SVP I got little stops with this configuration with LAV DXVA
Yes. It is framerate's hell. hmm
I use LAV CUVID or CoreAVC with None acceleration. Only these two decoders work perfect to me. With smoothness.
I check by EVR Custom Statistic by Ctrl-J. The grapic must be parallel to other lines. See picture from this post.

maybe on weak VGA cards it's not that good to use SVP + LAV DXVA
Yes. I have Quadro 600 on my work computer with i5-2300 processor. And I can play video smoothly only with software decoding if this video is FullHD. It is hard to this videocard to do hardware FullHD-decoding and SVP's GPU-acceleration together.

Fast measurements results:
LAV None + MPC-HC = 778 MB
ffdShow + MPC-HC = 771 MB
CoreAVC CUDA + MPC-HC = 734 MB
CoreAVC None + MPC-HC = 726 MB
CoreAVC None, Low latency + MPC-HC = 709 MB


Total savings: 865 - 709 = 155 MB smile

Core i5-2300, Quadro 600, HD-Clip: hd_other_philips_the_hong_kong_connection.mkv, EVR Custom renderer, ReClock, SVP default profile 1920x1080@24.

You can do it for another decoders and players.

Post's attachments

Player_memory_use.png, 6.86 kb, 492 x 233
Player_memory_use.png 6.86 kb, 760 downloads since 2012-02-15 

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

У меня с настройками из первого сообщения уплавление не работает, но если и на ffd show raw поставить prefer то работает, однока при этом некоторые форматы идут без изображения с черным экраном

Это английский форум. Либо пишите по-английски, либо в русский форум, а не сюда.
This is English-speaking forum. Please write in English or go to the Russian forum.


Re: my personal guide for svp usage


Thanks for the stats smile . Ill be using coreavc and ffdshow now.. meanwhile Ill test different players. I like Pot because it contains great built in splitters but I have to check what amount of memory I  can save Vs MPC-HC

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

I have to check what amount of memory I  can save Vs MPC-HC

this comparision wiil be usefull for our project

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

I use x86 AVX: http://www.mediafire.com/?ceodtrhjc20qb1d this build of MPHC,LAV,DXVA2 COPY on FX-4100,ATI 6570 1MB
and works good.  Thread is at Doom 9 MPHC tester build.

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

in next SVP 3.1 full package include MPC 1.6 with probably  LAV0.46 DXVA2 copyback videodecoder

Due to LAV splitter our tests has shown haali is a bit faster than lav splitter

Re: my personal guide for svp usage

Thanks. After download package from you link I can't find LAV there. How to enable it?
As I can see LAV is not included to this package hmm Am I right?