1 (edited by therob 17-12-2017 10:59:56)

Topic: unable to find mpvs pid


I've got mpv.conf setup w/ input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket and SVPManager running, and I've got lsof installed version 4.89.

It doesnt matter if I open the video files w/ svpmanager or mpv, I *still* get the unable to find mpv's pid message in the log,
and, obviously, no motion smoothing. This is starting to drive me nuts, I've got no clue what I should try next.

I've got everything setup the way it should, mpv compiled w/ vapoursynth etc. I'm happy to provide any output or whatever,
just, no other relevant error message then the unable to find mpv's pid.

I'm using archlinux and svp4linux latest version ( and mpv 0.27.0.

Re: unable to find mpvs pid

the command is

lsof -Fp /tmp/mpvsocket

it should return mpv's PID
if it doesn't work for any reason - you'll get the message

Re: unable to find mpvs pid

> lsof -Fp /tmp/mpvsocket

works as expected, still, unable to find mpvs pid.

Re: unable to find mpvs pid

I'm out of ideas hmm
Just checked with a newly installed Arch (Manjaro) - all works as expected.

Re: unable to find mpvs pid

Same, I had it working and for the longest time it was smooth sailing and smiles all the way.

Then all of the sudden the AUR svp package doesnt wanna install https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/svp/
thats my comment the top one.

Everything is just the same as it was when it was working, only thing that is different is I used
the official installer from the svp site.

If I somehow get it working and actually find out what the problem was I'll post the solution here,
but chances are it'll just get fixed somehow and I'll be none the wiser.

Thanks for genuinely trying to help tho! Appreciated.