1 (edited by Portioli 03-11-2011 18:18:35)

Topic: Questions about sVP options

1)Frame Rate Change:

what's the difference in each setting?

24-->60 2m (1,5) means that svp kit interpolates frames from 24-->30 with 2:2 pulldown?
double frame rate is the  simple 24p-->48fps?
24-->60 1m (2,5x) means 24-->60fps 1:1
and which is the difference between this and 24-->60 (x2.5)?

if the desktop refresh rate is set to 60hz and we choose : to screen refresh rate which of the three interpolation methods occurs?

2)Recalculation of vector:

whats the difference between do not recaclulate & recalculate with blocks diving

this is one of the most cpu dependant feature but i cannot see what it really does cause of the GPU load

3)Processing of scene change:

whats the difference between frame repeating vs frame blending

i actually dont understand how  does this script work.

let`s say we have a 23,976 movie.

we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 .... 23 frames

when the screen is set at 60hz we have 3:2 pulldown
frames        : 1 1 1 2 2 | 3 3 3  4 4  | 5   5  5   6    6   | 7  7   8    8    8  | ...
desktop HZ : 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 10| 11 12 13 14  15| 16 17 18  19  20| ...

when we interpolate the frames what exactly happens? (where the interpolate frames occur)?

frames                      : 1 1 * 2 2 | 3 3 * 4 4  | 5   5    *   6  6   |  7    7     *    8    8  |...
refresh rate @ 60HZ : 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 10|11 12  13 14 15 | 16   17 18    19  20|...

Or all frames are fake/interpolated frames ???

1 * * * * | * * * * *| * * * * * |

( * are interpolated frames)

At the bottom of the settings there is a box:
frame blending to screen refresh-rate

if we check that box does this reset all other settings to have 100% interpolated frames to screen resolution?

I also would like to make one more Question.

For us who live in PAL countries (with 50hz TVs)
is there any way to set the frame rate to 50hz?
for example 24-->50 ?
or is it better to set it to double frame rate @48hz with 4% speed up?

Thanks in Advance

Re: Questions about sVP options

You're really got a lot of good questions smile It's our fault that the answers're still missing in English.
So just to start:

Frame Rate Change: what's the difference in each setting?

It's a complicated question but in general options different from "to screen refresh rate" are almost meaningless if you're using GPU acceleration.

scene change - whats the difference between frame repeating vs frame blending

"scene change" is the moment between two different scenes - the image in two frame changes completely. So "frame repeating" just repeat last frame (from "scene 1") in all interpolated frames between "scene 1" and "scene 2", and "frame blending" do time-based blending between them.

whats the difference between do not recaclulate & recalculate with blocks diving

Are you familiar with mvtools/avisynth scripts? If not and you see no difference then leave it by default wink

For us who live in PAL countries (with 50hz TVs) is there any way to set the frame rate to 50hz?

We're all live in PAL zone but I see no problems to set my TV to something like "PC 60 Hz mode". Anyway, "to screen refresh rate" mode will interpolate frames to screen Hzs - 50, 60, 75 or 120 Hz or even more.

Re: Questions about sVP options

Frame Rate Change: what's the difference in each setting?
See the picture. Difference in smoothness and in speed in CPU mode.


2m - each source frame shows twice.
1m - each source frame shows once.
2.5x - not each source frame shows.

At the bottom of the settings there is a box:
frame blending to screen refresh-rate
if we check that box does this reset all other settings to have 100% interpolated frames to screen resolution?

All settings are stayed and processed. But after that framerate can be a little differ from refresh rate.
You have 2 ways: to speedup/slowdown framerate to refresh rate by ReClock or use frame blending.
This setting adds frame blending. For details see Avisynth's function ConvertFps()

Post's attachments

Framerate_change.png, 11.39 kb, 778 x 102
Framerate_change.png 11.39 kb, 758 downloads since 2011-11-04 

Re: Questions about sVP options

MAG79 wrote:

Deference in speed and in smoothness

... in speed in CPU mode wink

Re: Questions about sVP options

Yes. You are right. I fix the message.

Re: Questions about sVP options

First of all, THANK YOU for your replies.

i am very glad i am talking with the developers of SVp:)

i also would like to ask you a few more questions about your project,

which works of svp kit are cpu intensive & which are gpu intensive
and how the program knows *where to work*

(maybe when choosing cpu profile during installation????)

2. if we have a weak cpu and we just care about judder free image ,
is it correct to choose screen refresh rate/2 and then play with 2:2 pulldown?

if yes ,how does this work?

after reading Mag79 post, i would like to clarify how frame interpolation
works in this case.

when choosing screen refresh rate /2 (30hz) is it (1,5x), 2m or 1, mode?


1 2 3 4 * | 5 6 7 8 * | 9 10 11 12 *| 13 14 15 16 * | 17 18 19 20 *|21 22 23 24 *| (x2) =

1 1 2 2 3 | 3 4 4 * * | *  *  5  5 6|..... (2:2 pulldown)

1m mode:

1 * * 4*|5 * * 6 *|7 * * 8 * |... (x2)

(x1,5) mode:

1 * * * * | 5 * * * * | 9 * * * *| 13 * * * * | 17 * * * *|21 * * * *| (x2)

and my last question.

3. Are there any minimum recommended settings?

i have tried most of the commercial players like splash pro,simHD in TMT, (cyberlink never worked for me)
but i could not change anything in their settings and i think most of them reduce resolution when the cpu loads.

i found many profiles from users , but i would like your *subjective* opinion about minimum settings 

thanks in advance

Re: Questions about sVP options

if we have a weak cpu and we just care about judder free image
Judder-free video - is a video with equable portions of motion in each frame (or group of frames).
First of all you can get judder free video when see it on display with the same refresh rate, or multiple refresh rate.
e.g. 30 fps on 30 Hz or on 60 Hz.

when choosing screen refresh rate /2 (30hz) is it (1,5x), 2m or 1, mode?
In SVP 3.0 it is 1,5x (Your last sequence).


Creation of interpolated frames first. After that just shows every frame twice.

Are there any minimum recommended settings?
My own minimum recommended settings see in SVP folder, file Profile.rar, Profile\1_core_22 folder.

Post's attachments

Framerate_change_2.png, 3.37 kb, 666 x 42
Framerate_change_2.png 3.37 kb, 687 downloads since 2011-11-05 

Re: Questions about sVP options

Ok,  this was very clear.

I think that this is propably not the best choice  cause of 2:2 pulldown.

1 1 * * * * * * * * | 2 2  * * * * * * * * |

8 continous interpolated frames means 12,8 ms " fake" image and double artifacts than 24->60 (x2,5)

Re: Questions about sVP options

You are right. The less interpolated frames the better quality. wink
Hense 2m mode (and framedoubling mode) has the better quality. cool

Your question was about judder free. It is different things.

"To screen refresh rate / 2" mode is primarily for deintarlacing before interpolation: 25i - deint -> 50p - this mode -> 60p

10 (edited by Portioli 07-11-2011 07:56:49)

Re: Questions about sVP options

could you tell me which processes are GPU and which are CPu intensive?