Just a small update for anybody remotely interested - got this working quite nicely now.
One PC is setup as a Slingplayer PC, ie devoted purely to displaying the stream from my Slingbox via the SlingFront software. Unfortunately it's hardcoded to use the MS DVD decoder and I've tried various workarounds to make it use ffdshow without success.
Hence setting up another PC and a usb3 capture device to grab the uncompressed output from PC1, capture it into MPC-HC and thus giving me access to SVP.
SVP set to use 2 threads, otherwise latency becomes annoying. Actually, I'd like to try one thread as it still adds a little more delay than I would like (half a second maybe) but it only goes down to 2? Would a faster machine reduce the latency still keeping with 2 threads?
My main problem was when PC 1 changes to a stream with a different framerate and thus switched screen refreshrate there was no way I could see of PC 2 knowing that it needs to restart the capture with a different framerate. So I first modified MPC-HC adding some commands/functions for starting a capture in full screen with the different frame rates I need then set it up to listen on a UDP socket for instructions. Then I modified SlingFront to send a small packet over UDP when the frame rate changes (such as connecting to a Slingbox with a different source) instructing MPC-HC to restart the capture at an appropriate framerate.
It all works pretty smoothly, although my SVP machine is a little under-specced as mentioned earlier, one of the new Intel NUCs. If I have PC1 outputting 1080p and PC2 capturing (and outputting) 1080p it struggles to cope. CPU goes high but even when it isn't it still judders. Reducing both down to 720p solves it and let's me use all the default SVP settings. Strangely, I can go even better than the defaults and not overload the CPU but then I still get stutter? Is that to be expected?
Other observations, not all SVP-related but still:
- I couldn't use MPC's auto resolution/frame rate switching, it simply didn't appear to take any notice of the capture framerate. Perhaps it only works for files or streams, and not directshow captures?
- I found best performance on my setup by using the Overlay Mixer Renderer in MPC. If I used EVR custom, or VMR9 then I got stutter even when CPU use was pretty low. This went away using Overlay Mixer Renderer.
- Audio was garbled when Audio Renderer in MPC was set to 'System Default' but when I chose 'Intel Display Audio' it was fine.
- Leaving threads at Auto led to the audio being badly out of sync. I had to explicitly choose 4 threads or less to make this problem go away.
- I had to set the hidden SVP setting ChkDeltaFPS to a high value to stop the popup which otherwise appears when changing desktop resolution and capture frame rate at the same time - sometimes you'd briefly end up with an invalid scenario and the popup would appear.
- If the capture framerate is set to a value higher than the actual capture source (let's say PC1 is sending 50fps, but the capture is set to 60fps) then SVP gives a warning about the SVP index. I can sort of see why, but it was confusing at first as it implied the SVP settings were too intensive, when it's actually related to the discrepancy between capture source framerate and capture framerate.
Overall though, I'm pretty enthused with SVP as a whole, so thankyou for making it. I've donated to the project.
My next plan is to get a faster mini PC and see how far I can push the settings, hopefully get it working at 1080p. I'm thinking of the new Zotac ZBOX IQ01. This has Intel hd graphics 4600 (actually a step down from the Intel NUC PC I am using) but I think a much faster processor, quad core I7 4770T vs the dual core I5 4250U mobile one on the NUC.
Of course, I could just a get new TV instead with decent motion interpolation, but where's the fun in that!
By the way, how does SVP with 'maximum' settings compare to the best available TV-tech out there? I've tried LG Trumotion and it's not bad, lower latency than my SVP setup but I don't think it is as good when it comes to fast-moving objects like a football. SVP seems better at that, but not perfect either, and I've not been able to turn up the settings to see how good I can make it.
Finally, is there a roadmap of future changes?
Keep up the good work, anyway.
PS jeez, did I say small update...hope you're still awake whoever got this far