So I finally gave up on MPC+madVR not dropping at least 1 frame per second now that I know it's not a hw limitation. I'm using the same settings as I do in MPC+madVR but when I load ffdshow raw video filter I get the error message "failed to connect filter to graph." Your guide is a little outdated and I'm using the x64 version of everything so is the problem that MPDN doesn't agree with ffdshow x64 or Avisynth+ or just SVP4? I have Avisynth 2.6 and I've tried disabling Avisynth in ffdshow raw video filter and running with SVP4 not on with the same error still.


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

This guide was very helpful to me for fine tuning SVP but I don't see the point in using madVR if you're dropping so many frames and still using such low end settings. Until there's better integration of the two, I think I'm sticking with EVR.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Meaning SVP-on-GPU is theoretically possible but would require extremely high end graphics cards. Good to know, thanks.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

So I finally got a chance to ask the madVR developers about frame server integration and possible benefits to performance with SVP: … ost1772653

Their response got me wondering how well SVP could perform if it was entirely handled by a dedicated GPU. I can't find much on GPU frame interpolation and nothing on GPU frame servers. Dmitrirender which is DirectX 11 based is the only one I could find, and it's been discussed here that it performs significantly worse than SVP but it is fast. It's more or less the same as the smooth motion option in madVR already I've heard.

I know rewriting SVP for DirectX 11 or Vulkan is out of the question, but would that be the only way? Would there be any point?


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I asked madshi about this: … ost1773438

Downloaded from the website receiving a network connection error (301) when I copy a youtube url, and after a few second some formats are available but they fail to render. Is it my firewall? Will try downloading from maintenance tools. Working now! The version on the wiki is different. I'd like to configure a separate profile for when using svptube, would that be possible?

Old thread but I think I found the solution, and it probably applies to a lot of users. … ing-nvidia

The problem is caused by Nvidia Optimus, a feature unique to laptops which allows GPU load to be distributed between the iGPU and dGPU for power and heat efficiency. Because the display is directly connected to the iGPU you can't just bypass in your BIOS unfortunately. Using Nvidia Inspector I was able to assign mpc to the dGPU so madVR (rendering) and presentation (mpc) should both be handled by my GTX 860m. The question is should I set SVP to use the iGPU now?


(72 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Metagondria wrote:

Hey First class Lieutenant.welkin aye...  big_smile

I am maybe the answer to your prayers  wink

I have SOLVED my issue that is somewhat similar to yours.. ie. dropped frames... and SVP keep turning on / off inlike berserker mode ON/OFF  yikes  !!!!

I knew the settings had to be screwed up , because and i said it in my previous post... I have watched whole movies without an hickkup using SVP the first time i started to use IT...
But i might have shot myself in the BIGfoot by experimenting with different settings in mpc-hc and other external apps !!

Now... these are the steps and settings i currently use

First settup MPC-HC ← , that wos the cullprit in my case !!!

Check the filter section and check if you have the following in the exact order...  Yep the order in which you enable those external filters too (have learned it the hardway)... even though you cannot prioritize the order in mpc !! unless u delete it all again !!!!

now... check this out..

1.LAV Audio decoder
2.Lav Video Decoder ← This one... for SURE  hmm
3.FFdshow Video Decoder
4.FFDshow raw Video Filter

Done and done  big_smile

I've been trying to get this to work and no matter what I do ffdshow raw Video Filter is in the same position in the filters list. I'm using them both as external filters and if I set them both to prefer and in this order, ffdshow still displays above and I get dropped frames in fullscreen. I've tried setting the merit lower but that just causes ffdshow raw video filter to not be used. Does anyone know more about controlling load order for filters? Also it doesn't make much sense to me. The order should be File->LAV Splitter->LAV Video Decoder->ffdshow raw Video Filter->(Avisynth->SVPflow->)madVR.

In the first place it doesn't explain why this would only cause problems in full screen. I've noticed that when I have SVP4 handle frame size it improves the performance even though it should be more CPU intensive interpolating a larger frame. Does this mean madVR and SVP are competing for CPU resources? As I understood it madVR was mostly GPU based and it's not even reaching full utilization. SVP is using a completely separate device for hw acceleration and it's usage is nothing.

I'm on Windows 7 using an i5-4430,16 GB DDR3; 2 GTX 760s, one handling madVR, the other SVP. I shouldn't be having dropped frames on SD videos. Again it's unique to fullscreen even though both modes use the same filters, so the resource demand should be the same. There must be something about madVRs fullscreen mode that conflicts with how SVP4 configures the Avisynth script. Looking at the OSD you can clearly see that the render queue is where problems start. I tried d3d9, windowed overlay mode, fullscreen exclusive mode with the same results. I just registered with Doom9, so in a few days I can ask the developer of madVR, madshi, about it. I'll also see if he's made any progress on adding frame server integration.

UPDATE: I'm dumb, disabling image doubling resolved the issues. It's not SVP, it's not AVS+; it's not the video files. I began to think it's simply the fact that interpolating before upscaling is multiplying the workload for my GPU, but then all high frame rate videos would cause problems not just interpolated ones. I asked the madVR developers about frame server integration possibly improving things, but they're saying that the biggest performance drop is due to the inherent lag of copying frames to system memory and then sending them back to the GPU after interpolation. Even if the GPU has the resources to do the upscaling, this bottleneck is slowing it down regardless. I'll be building a PC with DDR4 next month which should theoretically reduce the bottleneck.


(19 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Then it must be working perfectly. This has been very productive.


(19 replies, posted in Using SVP)

So in your case it would be in the svp64.avs file? I'm still not getting any display messages. Do I have to enable subtitles in ffdshow raw? There's also an OSD feature in ffdshow raw. I at least know that when it failed to run before on earlier versions of AVS I clearly saw yellow error info on the top of the screen when I was using svpflow x86.


(19 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Much obliged. Now I just have to figure out how to tell if it's actually running without the OSD. smile


(19 replies, posted in Using SVP)

mashingan wrote:

Hmm, I've been using AVS+ x64 together with SVPFlow x64 and find the memory leak doesn't that severe. (on the contrary, I subjectively found it's quite stable smile )
Above graph is about 4 episode, each ~23 minute, the dip in middle happened when I press "Page down" to load next episode.
It ate quite big for each video load and then tried to dispose/reclaim the unused memory allocation.

The ffdshow version:
ffdshow tryouts rev4534 Aug 12 2015 21:30:00 (MSVC 2010, x64, unicode, r)

From my logs, it's about ~1000-1500 mb every time I watch video 720p.

Can you share the script?

So far I have this build of AVS+ MT x64: … ent_branch

This build of SVPflow x64: … tcount=266

And for now I'm using this script: … 100#p51100


(19 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

Has there been any updates on whether this will be introduced?

We can't release it to the public cause there's no stable Avisynth 64-bit available.

Ah that makes sense then. It looks like there are a lot of discontinuted 64-bit branches on Github.

These seem to be the most popular currently:

Neither has been updated in over a year but they're suppose to be compatible with 32-bit extensions as well.


(19 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Has there been any updates on whether this will be introduced? MadVR finally has 64-bit releases, and that gave a huge boost in performance on quadruple and octatuple image scaling. I was hoping to make the switch but I can't go back to 24 fps now.