(451 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Apparently I'm blind/ignorant and completely missed the whole section detailing how to set it up on VLC.  Sorry to bother you guys.  Turns out 3x isn't enough for me anyways.  Not using the full potential of my monitor so I might as well just switch to SMPlayer anyways.  Some days I feel completely incompetent...

Yeah I got it working in MPV.  I wonder if there's any way I could forward anything opened in MPV to be opened in SMPlayer anyways since they're basically the same thing.  Oh well, MPV is good enough for me anyways.  So glad to see all of the progress you have made!  Thanks so much for the port!  I really appreciate it, and making it free was an amazing touch.  Thanks!


(451 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Arch Linux, up to date system.  All required dependencies met, plus proprietary video and OpenCL as well as VLC. 

My issue is twofold:

One: VLC is not being detected as an active playback source.  Reinstalling VLC nor SVP doesn't make a difference.  Not sure where to go with this.

Two: RESOLVED.  I figured I'd include this anyways since I already typed it up and in case anyone else is having issues as well.  Reinstalling the package opencl-nvidia and then restarting my system completely fixed the following paragraph's issue.

My GPU (NVIDIA MSI 780 Ti with proprietary drivers and OpenCL) is not detected as a rendering device.  I'm thinking this is related to how Steam is unable to check for updates as well, though it does recognize my system correctly when the hardware survey comes around.  Might be an issue related to the fact that I have both 32 and 64 bit drivers installed, as Steam on Linux is pretty stupid like that.  I also noticed that SVP doesn't notice that I have OpenCL installed. 

I can post whatever is relevant.  All I see so far is the following.

19:17:39.644 [i]: Main: starting up SVP 4 Linux []... 
19:17:39.644 [i]: Main: args: none
19:17:39.644 [i]: Main: working dir is /home/bugattikid2012/SVP 4/
19:17:39.644 [i]: Main: data dir set to /home/bugattikid2012/.local/share/SVP4/
19:17:39.653 [i]: Settings: loading reg.cfg OK
19:17:39.654 [i]: Settings: loading main.cfg OK
19:17:39.660 [i]: Settings: loading ui.cfg OK
19:17:39.660 [i]: Settings: loading frc.cfg OK
19:17:39.669 [i]: Settings: loading profiles.cfg OK
19:17:39.677 [i]: Settings: loading custom.cfg OK
19:17:39.686 [i]: Settings: loading lights.cfg OK
19:17:39.686 [i]: Main: using Qt 5.6.0 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 6.1.1 20160501)
19:17:39.686 [i]: Main: device scale is 1, user defined scale is 0
19:17:39.686 [i]: Main: system locale is [en]
19:17:39.693 [i]: Main: setting language file to en.qm...
19:17:39.722 [i]: Main: module 'plugins/libsvpflow1_vs64.so':
19:17:39.727 [i]: Main: module 'plugins/libsvpflow2_vs64.so':
19:17:39.735 [i]: Main: VLC filter:
19:17:39.736 [i]: Main: running OpenCL info...
19:17:39.736 [i]: Main: collecting system information...
19:17:39.737 [i]: OS: Linux 4.5.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 11 22:21:28 CEST 2016 x86_64
19:17:39.749 [i]: Display manager: /usr/bin/sddm / /usr/share/xsessions/plasma
19:17:39.749 [i]: CPU: Intel Core i7-4770K [base frequency 3899 MHz, 8 threads]
19:17:39.775 [i]: Video: 1 GPU OpenCL device(s) on NVIDIA CUDA [OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 8.0.0] (NVIDIA Corporation)
19:17:39.775 [i]: Video 1: device name 'GeForce GTX 780 Ti' (NVIDIA Corporation, ver.364.19) [gpuID=11]: OK
19:17:39.775 [i]: Memory:  15993  MB total,  14518 MB free
19:17:39.775 [i]: System: initializing network...
19:17:39.792 [i]: Screens: updating information, 1 screen(s) found
19:17:39.792 [i]: Screens: screen 0 (DVI-I-1) - 1920x1080 @144.000 Hz, x0.9 [91 DPI]
19:17:39.792 [i]: Screens: primary screen is 0
19:17:39.792 [i]: Power: AC is ON [1]
19:17:40.184 [i]: Main: preparing FRC profiles...
19:17:40.225 [i]: Main: preparing performance graphs...
19:17:40.259 [i]: Main: preparing mpv...
19:17:40.294 [i]: Main: preparing remote control...
19:17:40.294 [i]: RemoteControl: started
19:17:40.294 [i]: Main: preparing main menu...
19:17:40.302 [i]: Main: loading extensions...
19:17:40.305 [i]: Main: initialization completed in 569 ms
19:17:40.311 [i]: Updates: checking now...
19:17:42.756 [i]: Performance: quick estimation = 665 (previous value was 678)
19:20:11.395 [i]: Report: collecting information...

I'm sure I've done something stupid or overlooked something obvious, but as of now I don't see it.  Let me know what I need to post/run.  Thanks all for your help!


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

beta version on the next week wink

Sounds good to me, where can I find a link to download this when the beta version becomes available for download?  I'm on Arch, so I guess you'll provide a tarball or something so it works on multiple distros?  So excited to hear this!


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Is MPV the only player Linux will support? 

Also, I hate to be that guy but could you at least provide a small update for the status of Linux?  I understand you've already stated in another thread that you don't want to give a release date as you don't want to lie (despite the initial date already being off : P), but a small description/estimate of how much work is left to be done would be extremely appreciated.  Thanks.


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I am able to press esc or F11 to exit fullscreen, however I really need to be able to alt tab instantly sometimes. 

I enabled the Alternative V-Sync option... that seems to have fixed it for now.  Thanks for your help, I wouldn't have known what to try without your help.  Hopefully it'll stay fixed this time. 

I plan on setting up my Linux OS again and using QEMU to emulate Winderp$ for games and applications such as SVP, so I won't have to dual boot.  I hope that doesn't cause anymore issues. 

Thanks for your help everyone!


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I tried the D3D Fullscreen option, and while it does seem to get it up to 144 FPS, it prevents me from alt tabbing at all... 

Is there any reason the SVP Core was removed from the SVP site?  What exactly does it do?


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Weird that I didn't get notifications regarding these two posts... Anywho thank you for the other responses.  They unfortunately confirmed what I thought. 

However I am back to report an issue with the MadVR renderer.  It only renders to a maximum of 100 frames.  I can view this by pressing ctrl + 7.  The EVR-CP renderer will go up to 144, but only when I am viewing the debug info on screen (original issue).  It doesn't make sense to me why MadVR caps out at 100 when the EVR-CP renderer will go up to 144, so I'm sure there's probably some way to fix this. 

I've looked through the MadVR settings but I can't find any relevant settings... I think it might be easier to just fix the original issue instead of using the MadVR work around.  MadVR has too many settings, and the UI isn't the best. 

Thanks again for all of your help.

Edit: Standard EVR (NOT EVR-CP) seems to render at only 60 FPS...

16:39:01.284; Start: SVPMgr 3.1.6 (1041) starts...
16:39:01.284; AppDataPath: C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming (ANSI)
16:39:01.285; Start: read settings file settings.ini
16:39:01.285; Start: load language file - English. Duration: 22 ms
16:39:01.307; Start: check launched instance of SVP-manager
16:39:01.308; Start: check Avisynth installed
16:39:01.309; Start: clear Logs folder
16:39:01.310; Start: CPU and threads count detection
CPU: Intel Core i7-4770K @ 3.50GHz [8 threads] (1840)
16:39:01.310; Start: SVPMgr folders prepare
16:39:01.313; Start: read settings file SVPMgr.ini
16:39:01.314; Start: GPUs settings detection
GPU_21: GeForce GTX 780 Ti (3732)
16:39:01.331; Start: monitors settings detection
Display#00010001: 1920 x 1080 @ 144
16:39:01.331; Start: disable LNG-file write when UAC enabled
16:39:01.332; Start: change SVP-manager priority
16:39:01.332; Start: register hotkeys
16:39:01.335; Start: get versions of modules used
ffdshow.ax/avisynth.dll: 1.3.4530.0/
16:39:01.335; Start: refresh autostart state in registry
16:39:01.336; Start: some more work with registry
16:39:01.337; Start: create menu
16:39:01.341; Start: update settings file settings.ini. Duration: 10 ms
16:39:01.351; Start: prepare "About the program" window. Duration: 19 ms
16:39:01.370; Start: enable ffdShow waiting mode
16:39:01.370; Start: prepare to work is complete
16:39:01.371; RefreshSVP
16:39:01.373; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:39:06.443; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe PID: 1728
16:39:06.445; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 173 ms
16:39:06.618; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD result: 1920x1080 23.975 1/1
16:39:06.620; T1T: begin. Duration: 343 ms
16:39:06.963; screen settings refinement: Display#00010001: 1920 x 1080 @ 144
16:39:06.963; T1T: GetAllMediaParams
16:39:06.964; ### CorrectStereoModeByAppAndFilename: MLP.FiM.S01E02.Friendship.is.Magic.part.2.mp4
16:39:06.965; T1T: SettingsPrepare
16:39:06.968; T1T: Preparing smooth playback...
16:39:06.968; T1T: WriteAllMediaParamsToIni
16:39:06.969; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.975 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 130 ms
16:39:07.099; ===== Playback
23.975 * (6 : 1) = 143.85 fps
16:39:07.099; SetPriorityPlayer: 3. Duration: 494 ms
16:39:07.593; frame #4 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
16:39:07.780; frame #5 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
16:39:07.874; frame #6 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
16:39:07.967; frame #7 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
16:39:07.967; frame #8 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
16:39:08.061; frame #9 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
16:39:08.061; frame #10 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
16:39:08.062; frame #11 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
16:39:08.154; frame #12 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
16:39:08.156; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.975 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 132 ms
16:39:08.288; ===== Playback
23.975 * (6 : 1) = 143.85 fps
Auto crop: [0:0:0:0] 
16:39:39.261; ===== rewind backward 00:00:52 / 00:22:00
16:58:40.268; ===== rewind backward 00:02:20 / 00:22:00
17:02:23.226; RefreshSVP. Duration: 2652 ms
17:02:25.878; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 383 ms
17:02:26.261; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD result: 1920x1080 23.975 1/1
17:02:26.262; T1T: begin
17:02:26.263; T1T: GetAllMediaParams
17:02:26.264; T1T: SettingsPrepare
17:02:26.266; T1T: Preparing smooth playback...
17:02:26.267; T1T: WriteAllMediaParamsToIni
17:02:26.267; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.975 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 216 ms
17:02:26.483; ===== Playback
23.975 * (6 : 1) = 143.85 fps
Auto crop: [0:0:0:0] 
17:02:26.483; SetPriorityPlayer: 3
17:02:58.840; RefreshSVP. Duration: 1530 ms
17:03:00.370; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 48 ms
17:03:00.418; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD result: 1920x1080 23.975 1/1
17:03:00.420; T1T: begin. Duration: 7 ms
17:03:00.427; T1T: GetAllMediaParams
17:03:00.429; T1T: SettingsPrepare. Duration: 32 ms
17:03:00.461; T1T: Preparing smooth playback...
17:03:00.462; T1T: WriteAllMediaParamsToIni
17:03:00.463; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.975 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 257 ms
17:03:00.720; ===== Playback
23.975 * (6 : 1) = 143.85 fps
Auto crop: [0:0:0:0] 
17:03:00.720; SetPriorityPlayer: 3
17:14:24.754; Screen mode change detected
Display#00010001: 1920 x 1080 @ 144
17:14:24.757; RefreshSVP. Duration: 7599 ms
17:14:32.356; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe PID: 6892
17:14:32.357; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 21 ms
17:14:32.378; RefreshSVP
17:14:32.379; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

17:14:54.283; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe PID: 3116
17:15:23.870; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe PID: 1068
17:15:23.871; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 501 ms
17:15:24.372; ===== The player is in pause state

17:15:51.251; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe PID: 1068
17:15:51.252; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 222 ms
17:15:51.474; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD result: 1920x1080 23.975 1/1
17:15:51.476; T1T: begin. Duration: 423 ms
17:15:51.899; screen settings refinement: Display#00010001: 1920 x 1080 @ 144.066
17:15:51.899; T1T: GetAllMediaParams
17:15:51.900; ### CorrectStereoModeByAppAndFilename: MLP.FiM.S01E02.Friendship.is.Magic.part.2.mp4
17:15:51.900; T1T: SettingsPrepare
17:15:51.903; T1T: Preparing smooth playback...
17:15:51.903; T1T: WriteAllMediaParamsToIni
17:15:51.904; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.975 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 132 ms
17:15:52.036; ===== Playback
23.975 * (6 : 1) = 143.85 fps
17:15:52.037; SetPriorityPlayer: 3. Duration: 506 ms
17:15:52.543; frame #5 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:15:52.543; frame #6 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:15:52.543; frame #7 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:15:52.636; frame #8 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:15:52.636; frame #9 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:15:52.730; frame #10 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:15:52.730; frame #11 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:15:52.730; frame #12 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:15:52.823; frame #13 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:15:52.826; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.975 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 151 ms
17:15:52.977; ===== Playback
23.975 * (6 : 1) = 143.85 fps
Auto crop: [0:0:0:0] . Duration: 4480 ms
17:15:57.457; FalseVFR ffdShow-framerate: -Dwn-> 18.53 -Dwn-> 17.768 -Up-> 22.754 -Up-> 23.86 -Up-> 23.975 fps
17:15:57.457; express clear interval
17:15:57.458; stabilized ffdShow-framerate: 23.975 fps. SVP Index: 0.85/0.85
17:23:21.436; RefreshSVP
17:23:21.438; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

17:23:26.027; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe PID: 5096
17:23:26.027; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 262 ms
17:23:26.289; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD result: 1920x1080 23.975 1/1
17:23:26.291; T1T: begin
17:23:26.292; T1T: GetAllMediaParams
17:23:26.293; ### CorrectStereoModeByAppAndFilename: MLP.FiM.S01E02.Friendship.is.Magic.part.2.mp4
17:23:26.294; T1T: SettingsPrepare. Duration: 9 ms
17:23:26.303; T1T: Preparing smooth playback...
17:23:26.304; T1T: WriteAllMediaParamsToIni
17:23:26.304; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.975 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 182 ms
17:23:26.486; ===== Playback
23.975 * (6 : 1) = 143.85 fps
17:23:26.486; SetPriorityPlayer: 3
17:25:06.845; frame #4 crop detected: 0 0 5 0
17:25:07.033; frame #5 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:25:07.220; frame #6 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:25:07.313; frame #7 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:25:07.313; frame #8 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:25:07.314; frame #9 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:25:07.407; frame #10 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:25:07.407; frame #11 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:25:07.500; frame #12 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
17:25:07.502; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.975 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 165 ms
17:25:07.667; ===== Playback
23.975 * (6 : 1) = 143.85 fps
Auto crop: [0:0:0:0] 
17:25:50.792; ===== rewind backward 00:06:18 / 00:22:00
17:25:56.377; ===== rewind forward 00:06:28 / 00:22:00
17:25:57.125; ===== rewind forward 00:06:35 / 00:22:00
17:25:57.498; ===== rewind forward 00:06:39 / 00:22:00
17:25:57.873; ===== rewind forward 00:06:46 / 00:22:00
17:25:58.249; ===== rewind forward 00:06:52 / 00:22:00
17:25:58.719; ===== rewind forward 00:06:56 / 00:22:00
17:25:58.997; ===== rewind forward 00:07:01 / 00:22:00
17:25:59.653; ===== rewind forward 00:07:07 / 00:22:00
17:26:00.309; ===== rewind backward 00:07:03 / 00:22:00
17:26:01.994; stabilized ffdShow-framerate: 23.975 fps. SVP Index: 0.07/0.23
18:06:31.180; Error: Avisynth processing was unexpectedly turned off 
in ffdshow while playing smooth video
and was turned back on by SVP Manager.
18:07:06.464; FalseVFR ffdShow-framerate: -Dwn-> 18.091 -Up-> 18.699 -Up-> 22.937 -Up-> 23.904 fps
18:07:06.464; RefreshSVP
18:07:06.466; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

18:07:11.555; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe PID: 248
18:07:11.556; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 342 ms
18:07:11.898; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD result: 1920x1080 23.975 1/1
18:07:11.900; T1T: begin
18:07:11.900; T1T: GetAllMediaParams
18:07:11.901; ### CorrectStereoModeByAppAndFilename: MLP.FiM.S01E02.Friendship.is.Magic.part.2.mp4
18:07:11.901; T1T: SettingsPrepare
18:07:11.904; T1T: Preparing smooth playback...
18:07:11.904; T1T: WriteAllMediaParamsToIni
18:07:11.905; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.975 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 281 ms
18:07:12.186; ===== Playback
23.975 * (6 : 1) = 143.85 fps
18:07:12.186; SetPriorityPlayer: 3. Duration: 394 ms
18:07:12.580; frame #4 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
18:07:12.767; frame #5 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
18:07:12.956; frame #6 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
18:07:12.956; frame #7 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
18:07:13.048; frame #8 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
18:07:13.048; frame #9 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
18:07:13.141; frame #10 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
18:07:13.142; frame #11 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
18:07:13.235; frame #12 crop detected: 0 0 0 0
18:07:13.238; SVPMgr: main "C:\Users\Casey\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 11.357 1920 1080 6 1. Duration: 156 ms
18:07:13.394; ===== Playback
11.357 * (6 : 1) = 68.145 fps
Auto crop: [0:0:0:0] . Duration: 3444 ms
18:07:16.838; FalseVFR ffdShow-framerate: -Dwn-> 12.547 -Up-> 16.672 -Up-> 22.538 -Up-> 23.807 -Up-> 23.975 fps
18:07:16.838; express clear interval
18:07:16.839; stabilized ffdShow-framerate: 23.975 fps. SVP Index: 1.02/1.01
18:09:33.496; RefreshSVP
18:09:33.497; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

My APC was turned off because it was beeping, and my dad ignored my PC being on.  Obviously Winderp$ crashed, and SVP shot me an error report next boot.  Result above. 

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, this is where SVP linked me to.


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

That did it, alt tab is working again.  So why exactly isn't madVR the default filter?  It seems to give off better performance than the other method does while at the same time having less issues.  It seems to be recommended a lot in other threads as well. 

Also, does madVR still use ffdshow or not?  It's a bit confusing because they are both showing up in the taskbar still, as well as under the filter settings.  If it's not using ffdshow, does this mean that SVP is no longer requiring directshow to be used?  Wouldn't that mean native Linux compatibility could be used? 

Thanks a lot for your help everyone!


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

And what renderer was set before you changed it?  hmm
Cause it's supposed to be EVR-CP right after SVP installation.

That's a good question... I thought it was set to use ffdshow, but that's not even an option...  I remember changing it right after I installed it, I was following some guide on the install wiki or something... 

Here it is:  I followed the guide on how to set it up, that's all I changed.  http://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVP:MPC-HC

Oddly enough, I can't get it back the way it was now... 

Also, on the how does it work part, I was referring to the madVR part, as in what exactly it changed over what I was using before. 

When pressing ctrl + J I used to get three menus, and every time I pressed it one would go away.  The first setting was a bunch of red text and a graph.  Second was less red text and graph, and third toggle was just a little bit of red text regarding rendering settings.  Now I have a black/grayish rectangle with more info than the red text, however it doesn't display the actual framerate that I'm rendering. 

Still can't figure out why alt tab doesn't work now, or how to revert the changes.  : /

Edit:  I figured out how to get the old one back...  I'm running the EVR-CP, and went to the External Filters tab.  Then double clicked on ffdshow filter, and checked Avisynth.


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Running EVR-CP and madVR seems to work fine, I'm really suprised the fix was that easy.  Does this mean it's not using ffdshow at all anymore?  How exactly does this work? 

Also it presents another problem that may not be fixable... when it's in fullscreen mode I can't alt tab out of it... Is there an option for this somewhere?  I've looked and I can't find anything.  Thanks again.


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Don't know why I didn't see these replies sooner...  Thanks for the quick responses.  I'll google a bit and figure out how to do this.


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

First off, I'm going to put a disclaimer here.  I've never used MPC-HC or SVP before about 3 or so days ago.  I used to use VLC, however the lead developer of VLC seems to be a total condescending jerk who won't even consider allowing external filters to be used on VLC. 

Intel i7 4770k, recently Overclocked to 4.0Ghz (to see if it would make a notable performance difference with SVP)
MSI 780 Ti
16 GB System RAM
144hz monitor
I don't think the other specs are relevant at all to SVP, but if they are needed I can provide them. 

SVP and MPC-HC versions are what came bundled with the SVP downloader that contains all the packages.  When watching video using SVP, the ffdshow filter icon pops up in my system tray as well, though I haven't changed any settings in it. 

DPC Latency tester thingy says this machine should be able to handle video playback without drops or whatever

Long story short, I was having some issues with frame rate playback on my system.  I would turn the preset down as low as the settings would allow (but keeping GPU rendering enabled obviously), and I would still get performance issues.  I did some messing with the SVP settings and it seems to me the biggest factor on the SVP settings performance wise is the Motion Vectors Grid option.  If I turn that down I noticed using ctrl + j that my frames would idle around 120ish (despite the 144hz monitor, and the SVP frame rate option being set to the refresh rate of the monitor).  After a while of testing, it seems that I can get consistently good frame rates, and my CPU usage remains at about half. 

I was just about to watch some videos when I noticed I would be getting video delay while using SVP.  I would turn on ctrl + J to see my frame rate, and everything would be normal.  Turn off ctrl + J and I start getting stuttering and lag again.  It seems REALLY strange to me.  I'm sure there's probably something I can do to fix this, however I'm not quite sure what that something is.  Google hasn't helped much either, so I have turned here for an answer. 

I don't have the slightest idea why this is happening, or how to fix it, so any help is appreciated.  I haven't changed any settings (to my knowledge) other than the SVP manager render settings, so I'm assuming it's something regarding the ffdshow filter settings, or MPC-HC itself.  Thank you for your help.  I truly appreciate it.