Re: SVP 4 Linux

>  VLC is not being detected as an active playback source.  Reinstalling VLC nor SVP doesn't make a difference.

do you see "vapoursynth' filter in the VLC's video filters list?

52 (edited by Bugattikid2012 31-05-2016 05:50:08)

Re: SVP 4 Linux

Apparently I'm blind/ignorant and completely missed the whole section detailing how to set it up on VLC.  Sorry to bother you guys.  Turns out 3x isn't enough for me anyways.  Not using the full potential of my monitor so I might as well just switch to SMPlayer anyways.  Some days I feel completely incompetent...

Yeah I got it working in MPV.  I wonder if there's any way I could forward anything opened in MPV to be opened in SMPlayer anyways since they're basically the same thing.  Oh well, MPV is good enough for me anyways.  So glad to see all of the progress you have made!  Thanks so much for the port!  I really appreciate it, and making it free was an amazing touch.  Thanks!

53 (edited by eignar17 02-06-2016 13:23:35)

Re: SVP 4 Linux

is bug in ubuntu mate 16.04 is icons and text big ultra big

Post's attachments

Screenshot at 2016-06-02 08:22:06.png 120.15 kb, 331 downloads since 2016-06-02 

54 (edited by dec05eba 02-06-2016 18:49:51)

Re: SVP 4 Linux

I got SVP to work flawlessly on windows at 1080p and all settings set to max, but when I tried it on linux I got some video/sound desync even at 720p which I thought was because of linux gpu drivers or something like that.. And it turns out I was able to fix it by passing

--fps=23.976 --no-correct-pts

argument to mpv.. It seems like videos that has fps like ~23.810 will desync after a while when using SVP, and rounding up the video source fps to 23.976 fixes the issue.

Hope this helps for anybody else that is experiencing this issue.

Re: SVP 4 Linux

eignar17 wrote:

is bug in ubuntu mate 16.04 is icons and text big ultra big

please post the log
It could be a bug in Qt's HighDPI support subsystem

56 (edited by eignar17 02-06-2016 22:16:48)

Re: SVP 4 Linux

ok is my log

is not install full QT5 or bug in mate hmm

Post's attachments

active.log 5.04 kb, 1240 downloads since 2016-06-02 

Re: SVP 4 Linux

Smplayer crashes when playing .flac files and SVP is running.

I think that music files should be excluded as at most they contain a cover art picture.

Re: SVP 4 Linux

I'm probably doing something wrong somewhere. But I have been trying to get re-encoding working on Windows and I don't think I have ever succeeded.
Now I'm wondering how to do it in Linux.
Could someone post a full tutorial on how to do this?

Thanks in advance!

Re: SVP 4 Linux

>  ubuntu mate 16.04 is icons and text big ultra big

Try to edit "ui-scale.txt", change 0 to 1
I've no idea now why it detects your display as "957 dpi"

> crashes when playing .flac files

Fixed in .81

60 (edited by C0rn3j 18-07-2016 20:17:19)

Re: SVP 4 Linux

For some reason on one of my installs SVP manager just turned into this mess and I cannot downsize it. I can't even see the whole thing, something is hidden in the bottom of the screen. Updating(which took a lot of TAB guessing) did not help.

Am on Linux with Catalyst drivers.

Btw Chrome reports your wiki as insecure because of the certificate, look into Let's Encrypt.

Re: SVP 4 Linux

Last SVP update now made SVP unlaunchable on that machine.

SVPManager doesn't run because is missing, installing qt5-3d package fixed that. The form is still gigantic though.

Re: SVP 4 Linux

> SVPManager doesn't run because is missing, installing qt5-3d package fixed that

Yeah, right, we've moved from the deprecated QtScript API to QtQml...

> The form is still gigantic though.

Have you tried

"ui-scale.txt", change 0 to 1


Re: SVP 4 Linux

Hello, when using svp on ubuntu 16.04 it looks like this:

and in my SVP 4 folder, I do not have a ui-scale.txt. If I created said txt and wrote in '1' , it behaves the same.

Re: SVP 4 Linux

> If I created said txt and wrote in '1' , it behaves the same.

yeah, sorry, it won't work in the current build

Re: SVP 4 Linux

try this

[removed, fixed in rev.90]

Re: SVP 4 Linux

Chainik wrote:

try this

Works great! Thank you! smile

Re: SVP 4 Linux

I wonder what is the cause of incorrect UI scaling on 16.04 o_O
It'd be great if you could check this with Qt 5.6.1 and 5.7.0

68 (edited by threedog2 10-08-2016 22:34:19)

Re: SVP 4 Linux

Chainik wrote:

It'd be great if you could check this with Qt 5.6.1 and 5.7.0

I'll try tomorrow on my setup, when I get home.

What's strange though, I just set up another pc with a fresh install of ubuntu 16.04.1, also with the qt5-default package (which really is 5.5)  from the standard repo, that i too have on my pc, and the current svp build ran just fine.

Re: SVP 4 Linux

SVPtube2 not work in ubuntu 16.04 not add new SVPtube2 help!!!

Re: SVP 4 Linux

App. settings -> options -> extensions -> svptube

Re: SVP 4 Linux

Updated to .90 and now mpv(smplayer) is crashing whenever I open a file for the first time, I can work around this by disabling SVP, launching the file and then enabling SVP again.

Re: SVP 4 Linux

C0rn3j wrote:

Updated to .90 and now mpv(smplayer) is crashing whenever I open a file for the first time, I can work around this by disabling SVP, launching the file and then enabling SVP again.

Here is old working version: … .0.81.tbz2

73 (edited by laichiaheng 22-08-2016 06:05:46)

Re: SVP 4 Linux

Will it be able to decode with vaapi? It drops too many frames when decoding the video with my intel i5-4460.
Can it use more GPU just like AMD Fluid Motion does in the future?

Re: SVP 4 Linux

> Will it be able to decode with vaapi?

it's a question to mpv devs

Re: SVP 4 Linux

Cannot install on neither fresh (no additional PPAs, only up-to-date installation) Ubuntu 16.04.1 64bit nor Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon 64bit on my Intel NUC5PGYB,
running ./ only shows error:

floating point exception

last line of dmesg:

[ 4121.323510] traps: svp4-linux-64.r[7429] trap divide error ip:cfd616 sp:7fffde5948e0 error:0 in[400000+16e8000]

and gdb tells me:

Thread 1 "svp4-linux-64.r" received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
0x0000000000cfd616 in QXcbScreen::logicalDpi() const ()

after looking at logicalDPI() in qxcbscreen.c I found an environment variable called QT_FONT_DPI, so I tried
export QT_FONT_DPI=96
which gave me

[94] Warning: A style sheet file is specified, but it does not exist.
floating point exception


[ 4598.574888] traps: svp4-linux-64.r[7538] trap divide error ip:ce03a3 sp:7ffd0b910210 error:0 in[400000+16e8000]


Thread 1 "svp4-linux-64.r" received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
0x0000000000ce03a3 in QXcbWindow::create() ()

Am I missing a library or is my intel GPU giving Qt some strange parameters? What can I do?

A similar problem happened someone else with owncloud-client, they fixed it in their code, see and the related commit: … 4b46474bde, maybe this helps?