(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm wondering the same thing but for Windows...

Oh, interesting... I didn't see that SVSmoothFps() had a gpuid parameter.  I'll test that to see if my Intel CPU will work.

However, SVSuper and SVAnalyse do not have a gpuid so I'm assuming it will always use the first GPU?  If I do not enable GPU for those two functions will that affect quality?

Thanks very much Chainik.  Do you know if anybody has solved the issue on Windows 10 and NVidia cards?

Unlike the others, I'm using FFmpeg and AviSynth to try and convert videos offline but FFmpeg/AviSynth/SVPFlow freeze when I use gpu=true. sad

I've also tried the free version of SVP 4 (I've also donated and am waiting for the full version release in November) and it has the same issue with the NVidia drivers.

Thanks.  I'm not concerned about speed because I'm doing an offline conversion and it is not real-time.

Just to confirm ... you are telling me that the "GPU=TRUE" and "GPU=FALSE" makes no difference in quality?

I've asked before if GPU conversion is higher quality than CPU and I was told that it was.

However, CUVID is broken in Windows 10 and I'm only performing offline conversion (using FFmpeg).

Can I use SVPFlow with GPU=FALSE and still have the same quality as GPU encoding provides?

Does the current (free) version of SVP 4 allow for offline conversion using FFmpeg + avisynth?  If so, is there a manual yet on the API calls?

I've paid/supported for the final version of SVP 4, but I'd hoping to get started on converting my videos ASAP smile

Thanks!  Should I use 21 then?  The FAQ says that the default settings are already set for the best quality?

I'm manually using SVPFlow with FFmpeg to convert my videos (offline) but I'm wondering what the best settings are.  I've tried to inspect SVPManager's AVS script and InterFrame and here is what I have:

SVSuper_string =   "{scale:{up:0},gpu:0,rc:false}"
SVAnalyse_string = "{block:{w:8,overlap:2},main:{search:{distance:0,coarse:{distance:-10,bad:{sad:2000}}}},refine:[{thsad:250}]}"
smooth_string =    "{rate:{num:2,den:1},algo:23,mask:{area:150,area_sharp:1.2},scene:{mode:0}}"

Should I change anything?  I'm looking for max smoothness, I think.  (I want the motion to look "real" and home-video recorded if that makes sense)

Thanks for the information!

Why the roll-eyes? smile

I've read that CPU encoding of x264 is far superior (but takes much longer) than hardware accelerated encoding.  I thought SVP might be the same.

Are those advantages of CPU rendering or advantages of GPU rendering?  (i.e. which has better quality?)

I'm using InterFrame with FFmpeg (which uses the SVPFlow scripts/dlls) and I'm noticing that changing the GPU flag between 0 and 1 changes my output file.  (all other settings are identical)

If everything else is exactly the same, what is the quality difference when using GPU versus CPU frame encoding?

OK - Thanks!

I suppose I could always use the SVP avisynth in one directory (the video player) and the other avisynth in my ffmpeg/interframe directory, right?

I'd like to use both SVP for real-time frame interpolation, but I'd also like to use InterFrame for offline conversion.

SVP uses a "SVP tuned" version of Avisynth 2.5.8 MT.
InterFrame recommends Avisynth 2.6 MT.

Can I use Avisynth 2.6 MT with SVP?

What I will lose by not using the "SVP tuned" version of 2.5.8 MT?