MAG79 wrote:

Кто-нибудь понял что имеется в виду под "фильтром анти-раздувания"?

anti-bloating filter

The new anti-bloating tries to concentrate sharpening on higher frequencies and to remove lower frequencies. I like the look that produces, but your mileage may vary. The anti-bloating filter is only active for "sharpen edges", Luma Sharpen and Adaptive Sharpen (and SSIM and SuperRes), but it's not active for "crispen edges" and "thin edges", because those don't bloat by design.

На мой взгляд для аниме отлично будет.


(122 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

Did you try MPC-HC x64 with avisynth+?
It gives me more stability with my ultrabook (i3-3217U + HD4000). Try it.

Weird to hear this about x64 avs+. It leaks for me and my brother PC like crazy.


(122 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Seems fine to me. No crashes after v72. amd 7850

Chainik wrote:

> --input-file=/dev/stdin


это не я big_smile Путь к файлу передаю как обычно.


(138 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Finally got working mpv with Kodi. Since kodi uses old as shit python 2.7 mpv needs python 3.5+vaporsynth in same folder (aka portable).

1) Kodi ds player (
2) win+r -> %APPDATA%\mpv\ -> Ok -> create file mpv.conf


3) win+r -> %appdata%\Kodi\userdata\ -> Ok -> create playercorefactory.xml (check PATH)

   <player name="MPV" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
     <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4 Dev\mpv64\mpv.exe</filename>
 <rules action="prepend">
   <rule filetypes="*" filename="*" player="MPV"/>

mpv работает и из Kodi:

1) ставим Kodi ds player ( ищем на последних страницах свежую версию. Я ставил KodiSetup-jarvis.16.1.dsplayer-final-02.27.2016.10.00.dx11.exe
2) win+r -> %APPDATA%\mpv\ -> Ok -> создаем файл mpv.conf


3) win+r -> %appdata%\Kodi\userdata\ -> Ok -> создаем playercorefactory.xml (правим путь)

   <player name="MPV" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
     <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4 Dev\mpv64\mpv.exe</filename>
 <rules action="prepend">
   <rule filetypes="*" filename="*" player="MPV"/>

4) запускаем Kodi

Таким образом можно и smplayer запустить, но он фризит на старте. Вот параметры по умолчанию:

C:/Program Files (x86)/SVP 4 Dev/mpv64/mpv.exe --no-config --no-quiet --terminal --no-msg-color --input-file=/dev/stdin --no-fs --vd-lavc-threads=3 --hwdec=dxva2-copy --sub-auto=fuzzy --vo=direct3d, --ao=wasapi --priority=abovenormal --no-input-default-bindings --input-x11-keyboard=no --no-input-cursor --cursor-autohide=no --no-keepaspect --wid=330886 --monitorpixelaspect=1 --osd-scale=1 --sub-ass --embeddedfonts --ass-line-spacing=0 --sub-scale=1 --sub-text-font=Arial --sub-text-color=#ffffff --sub-text-shadow-color=#000000 --sub-text-border-color=#000000 --sub-text-border-size=2.5 --sub-text-shadow-offset=5 --sub-codepage=utf8:ISO-8859-1 --vid=1 --aid=1 --sub-pos=100 --volume=36 --cache=2048 --osd-level=0 --screenshot-template=cap_%F_%p_%02n --screenshot-format=jpg --screenshot-directory=C:\Users\vadash\Pictures\smplayer_screenshots --audio-channels=2 --af-add=scaletempo --af-add=equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 --ytdl=no --input-unix-socket=9911 --term-playing

Что-то в этом полотне дает сбой

slayko wrote:

А... Журнал по-нашенски. Благодарствую - все получилось. А скажите, просто ради общего развития интересуюсь - если реклока х64 не бывает, чем его замеяют особо невменяемые?

поменять частоту обновления монитора до 50 гц для 25 фпс и 72 гц для 24 фпс.
Лог тут


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
biff wrote:

So what would be the recommended CPU for this? 6 cores and above?

Well it's likely that the VapourSynth version won't have higher CPU requirements, otherwise one questions the benefit of even switching from AviSynth on Windows.

Yes. For my PC its only few % higher than lav dxva+avisynth+madvr.


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Vapoursynth x64 for windows is coming. But 2160p will still require insane CPU


1080p with vaporsynth :

1080p with avisynth :

after few seeks with vaporsynth : (no leeks)

1080p without svp (dxva copy back works quite well but only for 1080 content) :

Seek works much faster too.


(13 replies, posted in Using SVP)

river wrote:
dlr5668 wrote:

1. Try avysynth mt not +. It may help with delay.
2. Change processing threads to lower value (like 7)
3. Vapoursynth may come soon. Testing it in beta version:

Is this Vapoursynth version still using ffdshow?

No its not. But it only works with mpv player.


(13 replies, posted in Using SVP)

1. Try avysynth mt not +. It may help with delay.
2. Change processing threads to lower value (like 7)
3. Vapoursynth may come soon. Testing it in beta version:

Partogi wrote:

By the way, what video player is this?

looks like PotPlayer

Uniform usually means more artifacts.

cookieboyeli wrote:

An alternative to Reclock is also needed now since the reclock devs choose to support bloatware rather than create a 64 bit build.

It seems there's up to 1ms higher render times using 64-bit, system memory usage went from around 3100mb to 3600mb, vram usage is pretty much unchanged.

Now use seek few times big_smile

Will it be possible to use dxva + vapoursynth on windows ?

TayyabKhalid wrote:
Chainik wrote:

> I have 4 threads CPU and Auto threads for it was 7.

actually it should be 9 according to the math from the sources

Does that mean mine i5-6600 non-k should be on 5 threads and not 7 or 9 for smoothest videos and movies?

More threads -> more memory required, more chances to crash, better cpu utilization. Stay with 7.

Если все так было бы просто. Сделай хотя бы аниме / фильм тесты.

А если качать с оригинального сервера ?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

l0rdraiden wrote:

Do you mean Avisynth+ or Avisynth MT, which one should I use?

On the other hand, is the beta version available for those who purchased SVP4 on indeogogo? How can I access to it?

give it time man. x64 not worth it atm.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Beta version works with x64 avisynth okay already. It had major memory leaks last time I tested it.
New beta with vaporsynth x32/64 will be realeased next week.

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
Chainik wrote:

this's already planned for some future update...

Hopefully some of those features include settings in the GUI for the values that ThomasLiddiard found regarding differences in interpolation between SVP3 and SVP4 (Link1 and Link2)

Nevertheless, are we talking about days or months for these updates?  I'm not looking for a release date or anything, I just want to know if I should bother with changing my configuration so as to provide a less-optimal stop-gap solution until such a feature is implemented.

Days wink New version will be with vapoursynth/linux support.

Or try another player: mpc be / potplayer / mpdn / kodi.


(64 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Someone posted early 317 beta claimed it works much better than final. Did you test it ?


(5 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

32 битный процесс вполне может адресовать до 4 гб памяти (в 32 битной системе это да 2 гб, можно пропатчить до 3гб). МПС уже залинкан с /LARGEADDRESSAWARE и распоряжается этими 4 гб в 64 битной системе.
MPC х86 жует любые рипы и ремуксы в 1080, все 32 битные компоненты вылизаны и отлажены. У меня за последний месяц видео зависло только 1 раз после перемотки. Смотрю win10 last insider + kodi player + 0.89 madvr.
Также в системе часто работает всякий хлам (рендерится много видео, работает бот Hearthstone, chrome с тонной вкладок) в фоне, оперативка загружена на 13-14 гб / 16.