(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Got it to work at 4k 50hz using MADVR, thank you very much.
does everything look ok from my OSD
the image looks bad because it was taken from my phone

Will SVP support 8k now? or in the future? not using rife


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)


I have recently purchased SVP 4

Will SVP 4 be getting support for 8k?

P.S - Is there any help documents on getting the RIFE interpolation working on Potplayer? as it is a choppy mess and i am using a RTX 4080

Thank You!


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

there're no updates if there's nothing to update

Wow, you are the dev for this and clearly by your answer you have no intention to improve it so i'll just use something else. what a bad attitude to have and misleading people by saying that SVP is updated regularly


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

As the topic suggests, is it dead because there hasn't been an update since January and the "lifetime License" is for SVP 4 only and does say that SVP is updated regularly. I honestly don't want to waste money on something dead. So can someone please answer this. Thank you