(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

mag79 I have questions concerning processors. Since I have been gaming I know need more
processor power. For the money which Amd or intel and is hyperthreading important with SVP.
Was thinking of I2500K and dumping AMD.


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)


1080P NO OTHER WORDS BUT WOW cool  cool  cool  cool  cool

Thanks SVP for a job well done and picture quality  amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I am liking 3.1 alot has some quirks and bugs but have worked thru them and am achieving better
results then 3.06 so for that I thank you at SVP smile
I thought I was going to need a new processor but was able to coax out Max smoothness,12 don't remember off hand default was
14. Did notice a 7% increase in gpu usuage as each card reports 40% usuage, I do have madvr maxed out settings wise.

I also had the increased memory problem at first but uninstalled everything and did the full install and the problem righted it's self
and just to be sure unchecked everything in MPHC. Noticed Lav Decoder defaulted to DXVA2 copy back and switched to Cuvid.

All in all a nice improvement and for the most part Silkey Smooth Player and artifacts are all but gone! Job well done cool


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I just installed the SLI 480's tonight and the picture is awesome in SLI with sli 32xQ CSAA and SLI 16X supersampling. I just meant that the ATI 6550 was
graphically challenged and Prefer madVr,Lav Cuvid with the GTX 480 setup.
In short SVP 3.06 is amazing.

Tried doing a benchmark with 3.3 and can only use one card for testing but madVr uses both with LAV Decoder.


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Just an observation I had to put back the ATI 6570 and the picture let's just
less than inspiring sad  I had to order a larger power supply for the SLI 480 setup
and thought I would revisit the past. In short the GTX 480 makes one heck of a
difference. Night and day would be the words I am looking for!


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Sorry corrected post.


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

36.7V and 26.7 highest unclicked some options to check on best threading for cpu and graphics card.


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Sorry mag79 same as link above from newegg. Fx4100 set to OC 4.4 and 12 theads in SVP give me these results tongue

Test summary
  Date: 2012-02-22T22:45:48
  CPU:  AMD FX-4100 Quad-Core @4419 MHz [4 threads]
  GPU:  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 [ver.295.73]
  Mode: FHD + GPU [12 threads]

Overall scores
  Synthetic CPU:                  MC1072
  Synthetic GPU:                  MG1938
  Real-life:                      N/A

Details: synthetic
  CPU: compose (single-threaded): 399
  CPU: compose (multi-threaded):  1202
  CPU: search (single-threaded):  394
  CPU: search (multi-threaded):   969
  GPU: system -> GPU transfer:    843
  GPU: GPU -> system transfer:    977
  GPU: calculations:              1382
  GPU: total score:               4501

Details: real-life /FHD
  decode video:                   7.66x (183.9 fps)
  48 fps - vectors search:        N/A
  60 fps - frame composition:     2.06x (123.6 fps)
  48 fps - [SVP] fastest:         3.27x (157.2 fps)
  48 fps - [SVP] simple 1:        2.39x (114.7 fps)
  60 fps - [SVP] good:            1.28x (76.5 fps)
  60 fps - [SVP] high:            1.01x (60.5 fps)
  60 fps - [SVP] highest:         N/A
  72 fps - [SVP] simple 2:        2.27x (163.4 fps)

Not bad for a 100.00 processor and a good video card soon to be 2 wink


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

219.00 NOW! Going sli and got the gaming bug. I am very happy with the results
with SVP. Thanks


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I would think SVP(correct me if wrong? like games will use more and more GPU than CPU
in the future. MPHC uses a ton of shaders and the results to me
are amazing so the future is bright indeed.

Just received the card and madvr .81 works well. On the wiki there should be a minimum
Amd or Nvidia gpu like Amd 6670 and above and Nvidia GT-460 but more is alway's better?.


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

After some research I decided to get a little more GPU horsepower so I can max out 1080p
video and game play and heat my home  big_smile theater room in the winter.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6814130759


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You are right about the shader issue in MPHC with 32 point float GPU spikes to 92-98%  at 16 point float 72%
which play's back 1080p with your above settings fine. The numbers makes sense now with the chart.


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thanks Mag long day at work sad I read it wrong CL instead of GL. I played around and with
MPHC 4075AVX with CL disabled GPU is 84% and CPU 55% with good 1080P playback.

Last processed file parameters:
Filename: The.Three.Musketeers.2011.1080p.MKV.x264.AC3.DTS.NL.Subs.mkv
Frame size and frame rate: 1920x816 pixels, 23.976 fps

Detected monitor parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1920x1080 pixels, 59.94 Hz

Video smoothing info
Smooth factor: 5:2
Resulting video frame rate: 59.94 fps

Current detected profile: 1920x1080@24

Profile settings of video processing
[ExMethod=MSmoothFps_Complex]    Smoothness improvement: Advanced
[ExAlgo=23]            SVP-shader: 23. Complex
[ExMulti=5:2:2m2]        Framerate change: 24->60 2m (1.5x)
[ExMiniCount=1:1]        Interpolated frames size: Full size
[ExRad=2p]            Search radius: 2 pixels
[ExSearch=4]            Search type: Hexagon
[ExPel=2]            Motion estimation accuracy: To half-pixel
[ExRecalc=0]            Recalculation of vectors: Do not recalculate
[ExBlockSize=16x16]        Blocks size: 16x16 pixels
[ExOverlap=0]            Blocks overlapping: No overlap
[ExMl=80]            Contour artifacts suppression: Normal
[ExSadml=100]            Bad areas artifacts suppression: Normal
[ExSadgamma=2]            Bad areas artifacts mask: Sharp
[ExBlend=true]            Processing of scene change: Frame blending
[ExDwnResize=0]            Reduce resolution: Do not reduce
[ExConvertFps=false]        Frame blending to screen refresh-rate:false

Settings by menu
[svp_libflowgpu=0]        GPU-acceleration (OpenCL): false
[ExTreads=0]            Number of threads: 15
[Borderlight=0]            Light at black borders: false
[ExStretch=0]            Frame stretch: Do not stretch
[ExCrop=-1]            Cropping: Do not crop
[VDelay=0]            Video delay: 0 ms
[ExDemo=0]            Demonstration mode: false
[ExTearingTest=0]        Tearing test: false
[EFrameDoubling=0]        Emergency framedoubling: false
[StopSmoothDelayOnRewind=1]    Smooth on rewind: Turn off by 1 sec

When I enable CL 99% GPU and CPU 30% so with this info I do need to upgrade my video card from the AMD 6570 to at least the 6670? From turning CL on and off there is a lot better
PQ with CL on. Is my thinking sound in a video card upgrade?

I really like what MPHC is doing and there must be some serious GPU manipulation going
on with the code.


(40 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I know with the new release of SVP that Open GL 4.2 might play a role
with future upgrades of video card to get maximun performance at 60 fps
playback. Is the 7770 GPU  enough for smooth playback with a quadcore?

From what I can tell the 6570(open GL 4.1) starts to puke out with preferred settings
on my system 80-90% GPU usage.

In short since you guy's are in the know what GPU and why?


(32 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Just wanted to report Lav .47 fixes ATI playback DXVA2 Copy Back using all LAV filters MPHC 4075 AVX tester build. No CPU or GPU spikes using Lancos 4,EVR Custom, 32 point or all max renderer settings.
  Also 15 threads in Lav Decoder and SVP. The AMD FX-4100 doesn't work well with 8
threads but has no problem with 15. 1080P or 720P have not stuttering or sync issues
with audio or video.


(32 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

Are you say about these instructions from the first post:
Advanced MPC-HC Setup Guide (by mindbomb),
Watching H.264 (and other) videos using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) (by ranpha)?

Mag79  if you have cuda then yes. I have mine set up the same way but with DXVA-2.

I have a question pertaining to SVP and threads for cpu. My FX-4100 runs 19 threads(Is that possible) at no problem
but cannot run 30 in this case is more better?


(32 replies, posted in Using SVP)

MAG79 wrote:

Thanks. After download package from you link I can't find LAV there. How to enable it?
As I can see LAV is not included to this package hmm Am I right?

http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=156191 Just follow the instructions in the first post.

Also just wanted to say thanks and look forward to the next build.   I read where Lav .46 is not as fast as .45 but will be fixed
in .47. Just thought the AVX 4041 build works great with AMD FX-4100 and should throw it out there. JanWilliams32 is on to
something with these builds and 32 point processing and all the resizer capabilities to play with in his build. Fun stuff indeed.


(32 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I use x86 AVX: http://www.mediafire.com/?ceodtrhjc20qb1d this build of MPHC,LAV,DXVA2 COPY on FX-4100,ATI 6570 1MB
and works good.  Thread is at Doom 9 MPHC tester build.