Topic: Comparison AMD Radeon RX 6600+ & NVidia RTX 3050+

Last generation of AMD video cards since Radeon RX 6600 and higher susesfully support HW decoding of AV1 10Bit Profile0, HEVC (H265) 10bit & VP9 Profile0 + 10bit Profile2. So, absolutelly same as last generation of NVidia since RTX 3050 and higher.

The question is: Can get I noticeable difference of SVP processing 24/30 4K HDR10+ to 60 and the load on resources with this 2 competitors?
Does AMD hase any restrictions and NVidia more preferable?

Re: Comparison AMD Radeon RX 6600+ & NVidia RTX 3050+

if you don't want RIFE then there's no difference, I think

Re: Comparison AMD Radeon RX 6600+ & NVidia RTX 3050+

Yes, the last generation of AMD video cards, from Radeon RX 6600 and higher, as well as NVidia's RTX 3050 and higher, support HW decoding of AV1 10Bit Profile0, HEVC (H265) 10bit, and VP9 Profile0 + 10bit Profile2. Regarding SVP processing for 24/30 4K HDR10+ to 60 and resource load comparisons between AMD and NVidia, differences may be noticeable based on specific hardware configurations and software optimizations. AMD does not inherently have restrictions compared to NVidia; the preference between the two depends on individual user requirements and compatibility with software and hardware setups.