1 (edited by AutumQueen92 13-04-2020 00:27:35)

Topic: GPU acceleration and DXVA in potplayer

I got 2 questions.
In the GPU acceleration tab, there are 2 GPUs to use but only one is bolded. Both can be selected, but I assume this means the bolded GPU is better suited for acceleration?

(The bolded one is my iGPU. It used to be the dGPU that was bolded but after a reformat it went to iGPU, which now gives me green pixelated distortions when chosen)

For the Potplayer setup, the wiki says enable hardware acceleration (DXVA) in the Built-in Video Decoder Configuration. But, the forum guide did not mention anything at all about it. Should I enable it anyway?

I set it to Prioritize D3D11 DXVA and DXVA2 Copy-Back to D3D11: Auto

Re: GPU acceleration and DXVA in potplayer

to iGPU, which now gives me green pixelated distortions when chosen

You might check your RAM overclocking settings and lower those. Or just test RAM on mistakes. Or GPU driver update needed.

But better just set it to dGPU and you notice that it became bolded wink

Re: GPU acceleration and DXVA in potplayer

> iGPU, which now gives me green pixelated distortions when chosen

increase RAM amount for the iGPU to at least 512 MB

Re: GPU acceleration and DXVA in potplayer

Chainik wrote:

> iGPU, which now gives me green pixelated distortions when chosen

increase RAM amount for the iGPU to at least 512 MB

I'll avoid that since the iGPU cannot go that high.

What about the DXVA settings part?