1 (edited by OpenSourceAnarchist 20-06-2019 05:43:43)

Topic: Memory usage of vspipe

My vapoursynth/SVP script: https://pastebin.com/MC9EFFUG

My laptop's memory is about 8GB and within 4-5 minutes of running this script (piped to ffmpeg which is fine, not even 200 MB of ram), my computer freezes (I'm on Linux). I tried setting core.max_cache_size = 5000 and this did nothing.

The video I'm using is very large... 1080p Blu-ray rip, 24 GB. Perhaps the video size is too big? Or that I'm using ffms2 to read the video?

So, 2 questions. 1) How can I stop the script from maxing out my memory, and 2) How can I pass a video into this script without using ffms2? I know it must be blatantly simple but this is a whole new world for me :)

Thank you for ANY help!

P.S. Completely random but what does rc:true actually mean? The documentation says it's for SVP Manager, but in what way?

Re: Memory usage of vspipe

Seems like there's a memory leak when svpflow lib is unable to connect to SVPManager.
Do you have SVPManager running?

Re: Memory usage of vspipe

I didn't know it needed to be open... Sounds like an easy fix!

Is SVPManager actually needed or is it something I can change in the script (setting "rc" to false for example)?

Re: Memory usage of vspipe

it's needed now but this isn't a designed behavior (at least in Linux wink) and will be fixed in the next release

you can try rc:false but I'm not sure it'll change anything

5 (edited by OpenSourceAnarchist 21-06-2019 20:19:29)

Re: Memory usage of vspipe

Thanks, I'll be migrating to NixOS this weekend and I'm not even sure if SVPManager will work correctly on it (packages are declaratively installed and entirely reside in /nix/store rather than /usr/bin). Vapoursynth, mpv, and ffmpeg are all packaged so ideally I can keep the 2 svpflow libs in my home folder and change the path in the vpy script without running SVPManager at all.

I'll experiment around.

6 (edited by OpenSourceAnarchist 22-06-2019 03:49:08)

Re: Memory usage of vspipe

Chainik, my initial feeling was correct. Like you said, keeping SVPManager open with "rc:true" allowed me to encode without any memory issues. However, not running SVPManager at all and deleting "rc:true" from my script (which I assume defaults to false) caused it to work flawlessly.

I'm really happy that I can use just the libraries and not have to have the GUI work too. I think the documentation should be updated to reflect this about "rc" for Linux users! It gave me a headache yesterday smile