1 (edited by SamE 05-09-2017 03:27:18)

Topic: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT


I can't get the inbuilt mpv working with vaporsynth.

I get the error message

"09:15:00.957 [E]: Playback [e82cdc7c]: VS - Could not initialize VapourSynth scripting."

I have added the mpv64 path to PATH and PYTHONPATH.

Is there anything else i need to do to get this working?

I tested MPC-QT and added the mpvpipe,cmdrkotori.mpc-qt.mpv in setup.

If i remove mpv-1.dll mpc-qt dosen't start and just gives an error asking for that file.

If i don't remove that file i get an error message in the log

"12:54:40.906 [W]: Playback [e82cdc7c]: Frame server (64-bit) NOT FOUND"

2 (edited by SamE 05-09-2017 03:24:54)

Re: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT

Some more testing trying to figure this out.......

When i run echo %PATH% & echo %PYTHONPATH% in cmd the path show up like they should.

If install python 3.6 installer and vapoursynth i can run vapoursynth from the python client app.
And if i install phyton embedded plus vapoursynth portable in a directory together that works as it should.

But why don't SVP's mpv vapoursynth work.....i don't get it.
Python works on my system with vapoursynth alone, but not through svp and mpv i mean they are right there in the same directory together why can't it start properly hmm sad

Re: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT

> If i remove mpv-1.dll mpc-qt dosen't start and just gives an error asking for that file.

I can't see any reason for this other than the system library search paths are incorrect.
Try the Dependency walker tool on the mpc-qt.exe file.

4 (edited by SamE 06-09-2017 19:26:57)

Re: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT

I tried dependency walker and it actually did find the mpv-1.dll from the C:\program files (x86)\svp 4 pro\mpv64 directory smile
I must have did something when i screwed around with the python and vapoursynth installation that fixed something.

So i checked mpc-qt again and i got it to start without the mpv-1.dll file now.

But.....svp dosen't kick in when i start a movie sad
And I don't see any errors in the log

here is the mpc-qt svp log

Hehe, smart of you to switch the log start to end when we copy it automatically smile

and here is the dependency walker log for mpc-qt with its own mpv-1.dll removed
EDIT removed for privacy. If you needed it still just let me know and i fix the link........

Post's attachments

mpc-qt error no error log.txt 4.2 kb, 586 downloads since 2017-09-05 

5 (edited by SamE 06-09-2017 04:38:52)

Re: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT

And i still can't get the inbuilt mpv working with vapoursynth scripts from svp. And that is really strange since mpc-gt can find it inside mpv64 but mpv itself can't find vaporsynth's script that is inside its own directory.....weird.
Or maybe it can find them but not start them for some reason.

I am guessing that "VS - Could not initialize VapourSynth scripting." error is happening in the mpc-gt case also but the log isen't printing it out or picking up that it is happening.

Here is the log from the svp mpv

Post's attachments

svp mpv error log.txt 4.23 kb, 588 downloads since 2017-09-06 

Re: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT

try to re-install VC++ 2015 64-bit runtime manually

also mpv's log may contains some useful info

7 (edited by SamE 06-09-2017 14:41:32)

Re: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT

Ok, installed VC++ 2015 64-bit runtime. EDIT Just to be clear, i did not have the x64 version installed at all before you asked me to install it. And i noticed that the svp installer don't install the 2015 versions and only the 2013 x86 version.

I had to uninstall the 2015 32-bit one (that was the 2015 one i had installed, no 64 bit) and the 2017 64-bit before it would let me.....but sorry no change in mpc-qt or svp's mpv vapoursynth functionality.
It is still the same. I tested with only the 2015 64 bit first then i reinstalled the 2017 64 bit also, but no change.

Here is a mpv error log

sad you know what since i made those changes.
The svptube 2 tube loader stopped loading sad

I use that many times a day. I hope i can get it working again.
I will try to uninstall the 2015 64bit runtime and set it back as it was before........

Post's attachments

svp mpv error log.txt 4.23 kb, 541 downloads since 2017-09-06 

8 (edited by SamE 06-09-2017 14:43:38)

Re: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT

YES! i got my svptube working again smile i would have been really sad if i lost it smile

Ok, i will try again maybe i was just stupid for installing the 2017 64 bit VC......
Maybe i will need to restart when i am fucking around with VC ++ setups.


Ok if i use VC 2015 64 bit, svptube refuses to load.
If i use the 2015 x86 version it runs normally.

Maybe that is why some svp users can't get svptube to work.

Anyway for now i have to go back to the x86 version because i really like smile and need svptube, maybe you know how to go from here.


Ok, now it seems i can install the x86 version and the x64 version together and svptube works again smile with the x64 2015 installed together with the x86 version .
I don't know what was fucking with my installation before i suspect my old 2015 x86 version was of another revision. And when i used the same revision of x64 and x86 it worked fine smile

Ok back to checking if that fixed my vapoursynth problems.......

Sorry, no such luck.
But at least i have a working svptube and a working VC++ 2015 x86 and x64 installation now, it sounded like i should need that.

Re: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT

The thing is SVP does not install VC++ 2013 at all hmm
SVPtube depends on 32-bit Python which in turn depends on VC++ 2015 32-bit.
mpv/VLC depend on Vapoursynth which depends on 64-bit Python which depends on VC++ 2015 64-bit.

Do you probably have some other Python installation(s) that cause some strange conflicts with portable versions bundled with SVP?

10 (edited by SamE 06-09-2017 19:28:44)

Re: Can't get vapoursynth working in mpv or MPC-QT

Ok, the only reason i thought svp used and installed vc++ 2013 32-bit was because the updater/installer have it as an mandatory option.
So that is why i thought that as an mandatory part it would get installed if necessary (if the system did not already have it) by svp.

Ok i removed as much of any old phyton i could from my system.
The only things left besides svp's phyton, is discalGUI's phyton and an old PowerdDVD11 installation. I kind of need those so i hope i can keep them, at least dispcalGUI. I assume those are portable pythons, i hope so anyway.
And not any of those or the several old programs i removed like XBMC and some old coinminer did show up in my path's so i don't understand why they would cause trouble.

I tested mpv and mpc-qt again. But no change.

Anyway. i am ready to test most anything but an full reinstallation of my OS, so if you want me to do anything that may fix this or get information so you can find the clue needed to get this working i am up for it.