1 (edited by TayyabKhalid 17-02-2017 21:22:39)

Topic: DO NOT update to AMD Crimson v.17.2.1

After a lot of research, I was able to solve my issue with the annoying stutter every second while playing a video. Also, yellow Reclock icon even if the the source was correct, all this can be solved by not updating to the latest AMD update. It was a lot of headaches and pain, but I finally found a solution. I can finally once again enjoy SVP again! big_smile

Keep version: 16.12.2

Re: DO NOT update to AMD Crimson v.17.2.1

ok, and what is the exact version that works for you?

3 (edited by TayyabKhalid 17-02-2017 21:23:41)

Re: DO NOT update to AMD Crimson v.17.2.1

Chainik wrote:

ok, and what is the exact version that works for you?

Its written on my original comment.

4 (edited by dlr5668 17-02-2017 23:55:23)

Re: DO NOT update to AMD Crimson v.17.2.1

17.2 works fine on my end. I use mpv + 7850