1 (edited by Elliot 17-01-2017 19:26:03)

Topic: How to set a custom interpolation target for SVP?

Hey Chanik, I have another question, sir.

How can I manually manipulate the target FPS?
Instead of 59,9FPS and hence an 2x range,  I would like to manually change  the target  to for example  80 or a 120FPS.
I have already tried by editing override.js and other scripts which carry parameters regarding the matter but without success.

Help me out, please.


Re: How to set a custom interpolation target for SVP?

http://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopic … 536#p62536

the last post

Re: How to set a custom interpolation target for SVP?


I came up with adding  fps=<>  to the mpv.conf 
This seems to cause less load than directly setting the value in SVP, however it also drops a couple more frames.

I'll be back for sure, don't get to comfortable, sir.

4 (edited by Elliot 17-01-2017 20:32:25)

Re: How to set a custom interpolation target for SVP?

Just as a side note.
Do you have any ideas how I could avoid A/V desync, if the monitor's refresh rate remains at 60HZ while SVP is pushing 90 - 100?

Already consulted wmf and haasn over at github without success.

With the latest versions of mpv, libass5, vaporusynth and vapoursynth-extra-plugins SVP sometimes reports 90FPS or a 100FPS as an interpolation target, while the image is extremely smooth (even more so than 60FPS)  and no A/V desync, despite the monitor still being at 60HZ.

On other occasions load just goes up to a 100% and everything is broken.

Can't explain it.

Re: How to set a custom interpolation target for SVP?

Elliot wrote:

the monitor's refresh rate remains at 60HZ while SVP is pushing 90 - 100

Why you use so high frame rate?
Just use "To screen" SVP option to get 60 fps on 60 Hz monitor.