1 (edited by zero97m 02-10-2016 13:46:33)

Topic: Error : unable to load library given in 'compose' [Solved]

I am constantly getting this error for every file and during playback in MPC it also shows above on screen.

Error: Error preparing smooth playback! Script error:
SVSmoothFps: unable to load library given in 'compose' [C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP\plugins\svpflow_gpu.dll]
(C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\AVS\ffdshow.avs, line 40)
(C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\AVS\ffdshow.avs, line 55)
(ffdshow_filter_avisynth_script, line 4)

I have attached log regarding this error.

Please help!

Edit :- I reinstalled my display drivers and it is now working.

Post's attachments

LastErrorLog.txt 2.96 kb, 1369 downloads since 2016-10-02 

svp error.png, 9.25 kb, 469 x 218
svp error.png 9.25 kb, 686 downloads since 2016-10-02