Topic: SVP 4 and profiles (multiple strings)

I want to create a profile which will match files containing

aaaaa or bbbbb or ccccc ....

In the Name.

I do not see a way to do so, as I can find no documentation on profiles and how to manage them, as they do not appear documented, I do not want 3 profiles as then I have to keep them in sync, but I do want control, for instance in PotPlay I simply have aaaa,bbbbb,ccccc,.... to match any one of the list.  How is this done in SVP?


2 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 13-06-2016 02:17:04)

Re: SVP 4 and profiles (multiple strings)

I don't think you can do what you describe - the only way is to in fact make separate profiles.

However, even then, the "name contains" perimeter is somewhat screwy - I was watching an h.264 livestream from twitch via livestreamer through MPC-HC and SVP, yet SVP chose a profile where I specifically stated that "full file patch contains: アニメ" (heck adding the condition "codec equals: VP9" resulted in SVP still choosing that profile)

Re: SVP 4 and profiles (multiple strings)

it can take a regular expression between '\'' signs


Re: SVP 4 and profiles (multiple strings)

Thanks, for the response, glad to have that supported, I'd suggest you document this as I can not be the only one confused.


Re: SVP 4 and profiles (multiple strings)

Chainik wrote:

it can take a regular expression between '\'' signs


Shoot, I didn't know that!  So, much like Google, you use the "|" as an "or" variable?

Re: SVP 4 and profiles (multiple strings)

it's not "us", it's how regular expressions look like wink