Topic: SVP Pro Movie x 2 1/2 not working

What do I have to set to get SVP to convert 25fps to 62,5
I want it to convert to 62,5 because I will slow down with reclock to 60fps afterwards.

in SVP3 it automatically did 62.5, in SVP4 Pro the tray icon says it converts to 50fps even when I have Movie x 2 1/2 selected.

Re: SVP Pro Movie x 2 1/2 not working

Try to use 2.5x factor.

Post's attachments

SVP4_2,5_smooth_factor.png, 32.9 kb, 616 x 608
SVP4_2,5_smooth_factor.png 32.9 kb, 544 downloads since 2016-04-29 

3 (edited by .m4jX 29-04-2016 15:50:35)

Re: SVP Pro Movie x 2 1/2 not working

.m4jX wrote:

in SVP4 Pro the tray icon says it converts to 50fps even when I have Movie x 2 1/2 selected.

I did, like I said, it still says 50fps even though I have Movie x 2 1/2 selected

Re: SVP Pro Movie x 2 1/2 not working

may be it's an interlaced video?

progressive 25 fps * 2.5 gives me 62.5 just like it should

IF it's interlaced AND the de-interlacer produces 25p then uncheck "App. settings -> Additional options -> Assume double frame rate for interlaced videos"

Re: SVP Pro Movie x 2 1/2 not working

No problem here...

Post's attachments

screenshot.png, 161.84 kb, 634 x 474
screenshot.png 161.84 kb, 533 downloads since 2016-04-29 

Re: SVP Pro Movie x 2 1/2 not working

Chainik wrote:

may be it's an interlaced video?

progressive 25 fps * 2.5 gives me 62.5 just like it should

IF it's interlaced AND the de-interlacer produces 25p then uncheck "App. settings -> Additional options -> Assume double frame rate for interlaced videos"

That was it, should have thought of that...
