1 (edited by Quantum 27-04-2016 13:54:55)

Topic: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Greetings to the devs of this wonderful program and this community.
Hardware: AOC 2770PF 144Hz, i7-920 OC to 3.6GHz, AMD r9-380
Software: latest mpc-be, lav filters, svp pro and reclock

So I have been searching through forums, this and others, busting my head trying to get all these to work together but i have some issues. First off although SVP works before Reclock I have come to the conclusion that Reclock does not force a video to run on a specific fps but instead slows or speeds video up by a percentage according to detected monitor refresh rate and the video frame rate it detects. Reclock has trouble detecting video frame rate after SVP so I have to manually select video frame rate for each video. SVP still makes the video run at its set target even if reclock is says it selected a target framerate like 23.000. So actually Reclock applies the percentage speedup or slow down after SVP.
Also the actual monitor resolution of my monitor is not 144Hz but fluctuates between 143.99333-143.99338 as displayed by madvr.

SVP is always set to interpolate to screen refresh rate.
If manual framerate for the video is not put, Reclock doesnt change anything and reports a frame rate estimation of that is constantly changing between 143.653, 143.835 and 143.953.
Is SVP changing its interpolation target framerate constantly because of the monitor's minor refresh rate changes between 143.99333-143.99338?

Example with manual framerates input to Reclock according to video.
Monitor set to 144Hz (actually fluctuates between 143.99333-143.99338 as displayed by madvr):
23.976fps video is auto slowed down by reclock to "23.000" (actually 138fps): No frame drops; but not optimal since that would match a 138 frame rate so do u get frame repeats? Madvr says 1 frame repeat every ~20 hours.
23.976fps video when i select "24.000" (actually 144fps) as target frame rate in Reclock (would match 144Hz): Theoritically this should produce no frame drops but either because the monitor changes resolution or SVP is changing its output frame or both, there are 6 framedrops every second.
25fps is auto slowed down by reclock to AUTO with PAL Speedown to "23fps" (actually 138fps). Again far from optimal. What would be the best option here??
29.970fps cannot be changed by reclock. Seems I have to change monitor refresh rate to 120Hz. Reclock then selects speedup to "30fps". No framedrops.

Monitor set to 120Hz (fluctuates between 119.97598 to 119.97601 as displayed by madvr):
23.976fps video is auto sped up by reclock to "24": No frame drops.
25fps is auto slowd down by reclock to "24fps". No framedrops.
29.970fps auto sped up by reclock to "30fps": No framedrops.

I have not tried 50fps or 60fps videos.

So searching google and this and other forums I have come across MPDN media player which uses a built-in rate tuner (Reclock equivalent) which apart from being 64-bit can detect monitor refresh rate changes, work out an average and use that to slow or speed video up after SVP. However SVP changing its target framerate is a problem.

A possible solution for 144Hz according to my understanding is new options for SVP Pro to target framerate "Movie x 6" and "Fixed 144fps" which would then be sped a tiny bit down by rate tuner to get really close to actual average monitor refresh rate. Also maybe a "Fixed 150 fps" option for 25, 29.970 and 50 fps videos which would also be sped down by rate tuner?

Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks.

P.S. On an unrelated note, black bars lightning cannot be used with MPDN because when enabled it causes a 4:3 video which normally has black bars left and right on a 16:9 screen to only have the left black bar have SVP black bar lightning and the whole video moved a bit to the right or similarly when a video has black bars at top and bottom, only the top black bar has SVP lightning and the whole video is moved a bit down. Please fix. Thanks!

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock


Is SVP changing its interpolation target framerate constantly because of the monitor's minor refresh rate changes between 143.99333-143.99338?

No. SVP use one multiplier. Refresh rate fluctuations +/-0.001 Hz are not impact on it.

6 framedrops every second

It is not normal.

whole video is moved a bit down. Please fix

It is renderer issue. To work good with black bars lightning function a Renderer must feel video resolution changes on-the-fly. Not all renderers can do it. Try to select another renderer in MPDN (sorry, I didn't try it yet, so I haven't certain solution for now).

About your 144 and 150 Hz solutions. I have 144 Hz monitor too. I use 120 Hz mode for 24 and 30 fps video and 100 Hz mode for 25 and 50 fps video. It gives me integer smoothing factor, so it have less visible artifacts.

3 (edited by Quantum 27-04-2016 15:21:10)

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Thanks for the quick reply! Could "Movie x 6", "Fixed 144fps" (or even "Fixed 150 fps") be implemented though? Is it not simple enough?

MPDN has its own renderer which is much alike madvr with almost all of the same features. Is it an MPDN problem and not an SVP one?

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock


Is it an MPDN problem and not an SVP one?

Yes. SVP can produce frame resolution change to add colored borders. But MPDN can't show it correctly.
To avoid this SVP has black list of players that can't change size. Looks like we need to add MPDN to this list. You can do t manually.
SVP tray menu - Application settings - Edit keyboard shortcuts... - At opened tab you can find black listed players.

"Movie x 6" "Fixed 144fps" (or even "Fixed 150 fps")

We will think how to do it better. Maybe just add to the list.

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Ok, thanks!
I have found that if svp is not running when the video is opened reclock is able to detect the video frame rate. Then if SVP is opened later theres no need to specify video frame rate to reclock. So I'm thinking is there an option to delay modifying framerate with SVP by something like 5 seconds? That would maybe give enough time for reclock to detect the video framerate.

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

ReClock has options to select how to detect framerate. It helped me to get correct detection without SVP delays.
SVP4 hasn't such setting. But SVP3 has: DelayOnPlayStart=0 by default. in msec.
Try it. Maybe we will add this setting to SVP4.

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

I tried all of Reclock's options. What worked for you?

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

No luck. Been trying again and again, can't get reclock to detect framerate. It does seem that adding a delayed svp start setting would be the best option.

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

MAG79 wrote:

We will think how to do it better. Maybe just add to the list.

Oooor maybe just add one button "Custom" where we could create our own values.

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Quantum wrote:

No luck. Been trying again and again, can't get reclock to detect framerate. It does seem that adding a delayed svp start setting would be the best option.

try with svp3. btw if u have pro version u can use reclock like effect in mpv.

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

I don't want to downgrade tbh. Yes I have pro and will try out mpv

12 (edited by dlr5668 27-04-2016 23:11:30)

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Quantum wrote:

I don't want to downgrade tbh. Yes I have pro and will try out mpv

no need to downgrade. just close svp4 and install svp3 for tests.

%appdata%\mpv put mpv config here

Post's attachments

mpv.conf 470 b, 602 downloads since 2016-04-27 

13 (edited by Quantum 28-04-2016 04:24:11)

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Thanks! A delayed start option would be extremely handy nonetheless!

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

will be added in the next release

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Wonderful news! Many thanks!

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

dlr5668 wrote:
Quantum wrote:

No luck. Been trying again and again, can't get reclock to detect framerate. It does seem that adding a delayed svp start setting would be the best option.

try with svp3. btw if u have pro version u can use reclock like effect in mpv.

MPV is new to me, what argument do you add for the Reclock effect?

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

to vo


18 (edited by brucethemoose 29-04-2016 21:30:39)

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Does ":interpolation:tscale=catmull_rom:tscale-clamp" set the scaling algorithm, or something else? I'm already using Jinc.

These are my current arguments:

 --input-ipc-server=mpvpipe --vo=opengl-hq:scale=ewa_lanczossharp:tscale-clamp --alang=en,eng --no-sub --sid=no --audio-channels=auto -video-sync=display-resample -video-sync-max-video-change=10

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

set Time Scaling algorithm

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

> A delayed start option would be extremely handy nonetheless!


All settings -> main.setup.start_delay  = 0 by default

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Chainik wrote:

> A delayed start option would be extremely handy nonetheless!


All settings -> main.setup.start_delay  = 0 by default

awesome !

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Awesome! Huge thanks! Delayed SVP start working as it should, Reclock now detecting correctly! Still have the issue with 144Hz and 23.976 video and would be glad to test out fixed 144dps options once you are able to implement that!

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

- All settings -> find your custom profile under "profiles"
- set "fi_target" to "144" or whatever you want
- see the changes on the "Video profiles" page

Re: 144Hz Monitor, SVP and Reclock

Wow huge thanks again!