Topic: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

Anyone have a list of the best way of using this? I had SVP 3 with MPC-HT. But now have a TitanX and win 10 and + paid SVP their good money for SVP 4 Pro.

Would appreciate if anyone had a guide or the best way I could use it to take advantage of my new 4K tv and GPU.

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

MAYBE my settings can be useful

svp 4

Do frame rate conversion
To screen

Rendering options
Uniform (max fluidity)
12. Standard

Motion vectors options
Half pixel
12 px. Average 2
By two with global refinement

Miscellaneous options
Repeat frame

I like fill black bars (outer lightning)


Manage 3d settings

App-controled (better configure individually)
single display performance mode
high quality

(PhysX settings Processor Geforce titan x)

on MPC-hC x64 use svp x64... auto threads for now

mad-vr (change performance options for quality)
Use dx 11 on general settings if you like (I do not use since it disables my osd from MSI afterburner)

internal filters
lav - video settings
nvidia cuvid (select all resolutions)
Enable adaptive HW deinterlaciong 50p/60p (video)

of course it all will only use kind of 10% your gpu... most of your cpu.. etc.

3 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 09-03-2016 02:50:51)

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

I must disagree with those settings, though I would say that I'm quite insensitive to artifacting.

I personally use the following settings, but they are very aggressive on interpolation with no focus on minimizing artifacts (the only exception is that "Complicated" has really bad artifacts for content with moving thin lines at lower framerates, especially at lower resolutions)

Post's attachments

settings.png, 5.28 kb, 485 x 247
settings.png 5.28 kb, 799 downloads since 2016-03-08 

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

Roberto Rossi my SVP settings is almost like yours, except Artifacts masking i have Weakest , Decrease Grid Step: Disabled  and Search Radius: Average. My question is about your nvidia control panel, there are arguments for the selection of these parameters, or just your personal preference, I have no certainty that these parameters directly influence the programs mentioned, maybe you or someone else can explain a little bit more.

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

Drakko01 wrote:

Roberto Rossi my SVP settings is almost like yours, except Artifacts masking i have Weakest , Decrease Grid Step: Disabled  and Search Radius: Average. basically the default except for "Frames interpolation mode @ Uniform", "Artifact masking @ Weakest", and "Wide search @ Strongest".

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

Yeap you a have a point Nintendo Maniac 64, but these are the settings that bring me the best balance on quality and artifacts, i forgot to mention that i set manually my threads, taking your advice , my goal (and that of everyone else , I hope) is to achieve the best quality viewing experience, sure that depending on the viewer perspective. but we all got here by a similar understanding of how that is. I don't got the ultimate hardware or the latest tv , nonetheless, most of the people that see a movie on my house, are amazed of the quality. and for that, any input to help me to enhance that experience are welcome.Said that, and going back to my original question, these values in the nvidia control panel, actually have an added value. how you think about that.

7 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 09-03-2016 09:43:51)

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

One thing that I was reminded in another thread - an easy way to improve smoothness while also reducing artifacts is to run your monitor at a refresh rate that is an exact multiple of the original video framerate!


24fps @ 48Hz, 72Hz, 96Hz, 120Hz, 144Hz
25fps @ 50Hz, 75Hz, 100Hz, 125Hz, 150Hz
30fps @ 60Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz, 150Hz
48fps @ 48Hz, 96Hz, 144Hz
50fps @ 50Hz, 100Hz, 150Hz
60fps @ 60Hz, 120Hz

Just note that interpolating to 5x is considerably more intensive performance-wise than anything less (3x and 4x are quite similar, 2x is the easiest to do)

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

Drakko01 wrote:

Yeap you a have a point Nintendo Maniac 64, but these are the settings that bring me the best balance on quality and artifacts, i forgot to mention that i set manually my threads, taking your advice , my goal (and that of everyone else , I hope) is to achieve the best quality viewing experience, sure that depending on the viewer perspective. but we all got here by a similar understanding of how that is. I don't got the ultimate hardware or the latest tv , nonetheless, most of the people that see a movie on my house, are amazed of the quality. and for that, any input to help me to enhance that experience are welcome.Said that, and going back to my original question, these values in the nvidia control panel, actually have an added value. how you think about that.

Drakko01, my point is this:

>Bombadilio has a titanX, one of the best graphics cards...
>There is no sense on having a titanX with low video settings (except for benchmarking)...
>The graphics card is responsible for movies (use like 20%), screen (use like 1%), and games (can use 100%)...
>>>>>>So:There is no sense on having a titanX with low video settings if the demand is low... maybe on a game like GTA V a titanX can use like high instead of ultra settings to ensure maximum performance.

Of course I believe there is difference on nvidia control panel settings, including 2D stuff, like movies with svp... but I do not know further...

Drakko01... if you may insist on learning, after acquiring knowledge about this subject, I would like to know what you'd learned, reading on this forum.


9 (edited by Drakko01 11-03-2016 19:37:09)

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

Nintendo Maniac 64 thanks for reply , i dont have a monitor , I use a tv and the the refresh rate I able to use are 24hz,50hz,60hz. for obvious reason i stick with 60hz because of the content i play is mkv 1080p@24fps. I change my motion vector grid to 8px for some movies like you suggest but I still use standard over Complicated

Roberto Rossi: Thanks for reply, yes I aware that the graphics card is responsable as you say,but I was talking  about specific of your recomendation 3d settings for play movies , now I understand that your intention was general use.

All the knowledge I compiled, will be shared.

10 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 12-03-2016 07:03:52)

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

Drakko01 wrote:

i dont have a monitor , I use a tv

You can still use custom resolutions with a TV; my own 39L1350U Toshiba HDTV even accepts weird refresh rates like 63Hz and 79Hz.

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

Nintendo Maniac wrote :
You can still use custom resolutions with a TV; my own 39L1350U Toshiba HDTV even accepts weird refresh rates like 63Hz and 79Hz

My tv only supports 23hz, 24hz, 50hz, 60hz , or perhaps i dont do it right . I try to change via nvidia control panel create custom refresh, but does not work. The tv is a LG 47" lv3700.

Re: SVP 4 Pro Windows 10 x64 Bit Optimal settings (coming from SVP3)

Well it won't work on every TV...