Topic: Everytime I enable GPU acceleration, video freezes

Hello everyone.

I've been using SVP 3 on windows 7, windows 8.1, and windows 10, and I was unable on every OS to enable GPU acceleration since it made MPC HC crash everytime, but it didn't matter since my CPU could do fine on FULLHD monitor.

Then, I recently bought a UHD monitor and ever since, I had to lower my settings in order to play fullscreen video because the video was stuttering, I suppose it loaded the CPU too much. 

And I am facing another problem, even with the lowered settings, my CPU is able to render, but the load is still very important and it causes my CPU fans to go batshit (and I'm using watercooling...) and make that loud noise, which isn't the best for movies...

So, I'd like to be able to enable GPU acceleration. I'm using a GTX 770 w/ 2GB DDR5, and I am planning to buy a GTX 970 4GB. All drivers are up to date and SVP is too.

Can anyone tell me what to do ?

Thank you !

Re: Everytime I enable GPU acceleration, video freezes

GTX 770 is good enough to use GPU-acceleration in SVP.

For win10 to avoid player crashes or freezes you need to choose DXVA2 Copy-back HW acceleration in LAV decoder. More info: Windows 10 - video player hangs and/or crashes

What CPU are you using?

Try to select more light renderer. I recommend to use EVR Custom with D3D Fullscreen option enabled.

Post's attachments

EVR_with_D3D.png, 33.62 kb, 660 x 500
EVR_with_D3D.png 33.62 kb, 474 downloads since 2016-02-28 

Re: Everytime I enable GPU acceleration, video freezes

Oh yeah thank you, DXVA2 copy back did it ! GPU acceleration is enabled, no more freezing, performance is way better and since I was about to report something else that was solved too, I'm going to write it here in case someone finds this thread useful : I had some green and pink square-shaped artifacts that appeared whenever I enabled image doubling with NNEDI3 method, those are gone too.

I am using an AMD FX-8320 CPU which is overclocked @ 4500Mhz.

Thank you again for your very fast help !

Re: Everytime I enable GPU acceleration, video freezes


So your CPU have 8 threads. If you fill lack of performance (SVP index less than 1.0) with low CPU load you can encrease processing threds number.
SVP tray menu - Application settings - Additional options - Processing threads.

I think value 17 threads and more will be good for your CPU and UHD monitor. smile
Try it.

Re: Everytime I enable GPU acceleration, video freezes

Thank you I already had that set up smile