1 (edited by hannescx 07-02-2016 09:43:46)

Topic: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

Windows gamma calibration didn't work. Sure it's not SVP fault but help would be appriciated. Problem appears only in some movies.

Post's attachments

Untitled.jpg 76.74 kb, 220 downloads since 2016-02-07 

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

Do you use MadVR? If yes, how about enable reduce banding artifact?

Post's attachments

madvr_reducebanding.png, 13.03 kb, 760 x 455
madvr_reducebanding.png 13.03 kb, 700 downloads since 2016-02-07 

3 (edited by Jeff R 1 07-02-2016 23:38:32)

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

In many cases it's in the source, and when it is, I find it can be reduced, but never really gotten rid of.
I have a GTX980 as well, but I can't see that as being the cause of it.

Disneynature's Monkey Kingdom.
At the end of the scene where the "troop" has finished raiding the kids the birthday party.
They're full of cake and junk food and are going to sleep after stuffing them selves.
If you keep watching, the night time sky falls and there is some (what I would call) serious banding.

If I set my resolution at 1080p in the NVIDIA control panel and choose chroma subsampling 4:4:4
at 12 bit, I still get it.
At those settings there shouldn't be any.
Doesn't matter what I choose in MadVR...

It gets even worse when I choose a resolution of 2160p as the chroma subsampling drops to 4:2:0
at 12 bit.
And again MadVR can do pretty nothing to correct this.

Now at 2160p, I was told that the best that can happen is 8bit (Sony 300ES Projector) even though I can choose 12 bit in the NVIDIA control panel.
So there must be some sort of EDIT anomaly going here _ so it's really hard to say

At any rate I am convinced that Disney used some pretty piss poor cameras here.

I just looked at your screen shot, that's not that bad, it's far worse in Monkey Kingdom.
As you said, it only happens in some movies _ so I'm going to say it's in the source and there isn't much that can be done about it.

What was the movie that your screen shot is from ?
I'll check and see _ chances are pretty good that I have it.

4 (edited by hannescx 08-02-2016 15:34:32)

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

Thanks for your replays everyone. Movie was Vanishing On 7th Street 2010 at 00:14:12 and there was one more movie that a can't quite remember..oh... Last days on Mars, thats what it was.

Actually a have noticed something like chromatic aberration in some other movies such as Oblivion ( beginning), probaly familiar term  from pc games maybe, but...intersesting thing is that if this effect was disabled from game then color banding was reduced to pretty low level...Movies and games are different but maybe...something can be done by modifying the drivers.
Some reason i came across few situations when people said that moving to Nvidia graphics caused problems with color.

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

Pretty sure I have that movie on Blu-ray _ we'll check and report back.

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

At 2160p I have 4:2:0 8 bit and no matter the settings in MadVR, I see banding in that scene, but not quite as bad in your screen shot.
It's pretty much gone if I reduce the frame rate or resolution to 1080p _ this allows me to use 4:4:4  12 bit _ it's almost there, but if I hadn't come across this thread and watched that scene, I don't think it would have bothered me.

This is with SVP disabled.
Go into the NVIDIA control panel and set your colour space to 4:4:4 (or highest setting) and your bit rate to the max.
Try it with SVP and SVP disabled _ honestly though I can't see how SVP would cause banding issues or chromatic aberration, it's designed to interpolate frames, not touch colour space or bit rate.

In all cases what ever I did I don't have any chromatic aberration and I don't have Oblivion any more to test with, but I don't remember it being a problem when I did watch it.

An interesting point is that when I used Cyberlinks Power DVD14, the banding was worse again.

At any rate, I'm going to say the problems are in the source material more then anything and has nothing to do with SVP or your NVIDIA card.

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

Just an FYI, SVP only accepts YV12 as the input, which is an 8bit 4:2:0 color space.

In LAVfilters, you might want to try unchecking every color space except YV12 and making sure that dithering is set to "Random".

Also in LAVfilters, you may also want to try fiddling with the color range (labeled "RGB output levels").

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

Thanks for that post NM64, that helped with a banding problem unrelated to the OP's issue.
I simply unchecked everything, even in MAdVR and I now have less banding.
I could never get it to work before.

9 (edited by hannescx 11-02-2016 23:37:40)

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

Oh hell...getting new tv anyway, lets see then smile Samsung seems to be good choice but that's a different topic perhaps.

10 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 12-02-2016 00:33:26)

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

hannescx wrote:

Samsung seems to be good choice

But LG's the only one making TV-sized OLED panels...

11 (edited by hannescx 14-02-2016 13:22:56)

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

OLED is kind a expencive and....compare images http://i.rtings.com/images/reviews/ef95 … -large.jpg (OLED) and cheapest LED http://i.rtings.com/images/reviews/uf77 … -large.jpg
Check on the left side, near the first window, there is something that reminds of chromatic aberration with OLED.

So i'm not sure its worth it and good LED TV black tones are nearly perfect and if we talk about gaming-even 90 ms input lag is not noticable if you don't play CS or something. At least i think my current tv  ( Samsung J5502 )has 40 or 90 ms input lag but new one should be much better....just in case.
I would have gone with LG but when i  was looking at the black uniformity issue....that changed my mind http://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/lg/uf7700?uxtv=f581

12 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 12-02-2016 19:01:44)

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

I just want to say, this is totally a discussion for AVSforum.

Also, I just want to mention that this year's OLED TVs aren't actually available just yet (the E6 model should be out any day now).

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

Avs forum is bit....how do you say it politely...well there is no polite way to put it  at the moment smile

Re: Color banding with all players noticeable in dark scenes (980 GTX)

hannescx wrote:

Avs forum is bit....

Even the HTPC section?