Topic: chroma=false available?

I always used scripts with chroma=false. The CPU saving is a must for everyone with "old?" CPUs wink

this feature is ready in 3.0.1? coming in 3.0.2 release?

I continue using avisynth scripts cause I can optimize the CPU load changing some values that are defaults in SVP (like chroma)

Re: chroma=false available?

No, chroma=false is not used in SVP 3.0.1.
And we do not planned to use it in 3.0.2.
You can insert this parameter to SVP AVS-script manually.
With CPU savings you gets disproportion in all SAD-related parameters values.
Therefore the values of these parameters needs to be reviewed.

We have another plans of CPU savings in 3.0.2 without reviewing SAD-parameters wink

3 (edited by travolter 30-04-2011 10:33:10)

Re: chroma=false available?

MAG79 wrote:

No, chroma=false is not used in SVP 3.0.1.
And we do not planned to use it in 3.0.2.
You can insert this parameter to SVP AVS-script manually.

Ok no problem Ill add it manually. I discovered the file  AVS\MSmoothFps.avs

Re: chroma=false available?

Ok. Released version 3.0.2 has optimized vector search algorithm which gives about 70% to comparing with "chroma=false" CPU saving effect. But without any changes of SAD-related parameters.

You can measure it. wink

To add "chroma=false" You need to add this parameter value to file AVS\MSmoothFps.avs to function MAnalyse in two places and to function MRecalculate in two places.
It needs to be changed once. SVP uses this file to create final script.

Or you can change final AVS-script on-the-fly. To do this click AVS-script button in Profile settings window when play with SVP then change text of script, save it and rewind to any place in player. AVS-script will automatically applied.

Good luck.

Post's attachments

ProfileWindow.png, 25.9 kb, 390 x 251
ProfileWindow.png 25.9 kb, 561 downloads since 2011-04-30 

Re: chroma=false available?

editing the MSmoothFps.avs is the way for me smile

thanks for your support and fast replies. You are a nice team wink